Page 13 - ATODAY
P. 13

                                                                                                                    Thursday 10 March 2016

Following a Contemporary Make Over:
The Sunset Grille Continues to serve the Best Food on the Planet, Prepared Just Right

PALM BEACH - The award-       globe. The stylish wine box-  backdrop of perfect sun-       The restaurant’s selection   lectable homemade sauc-
winning Sunset Grille at the  es created by the wineries    sets. Chef Coste reports       of seafood includes Alas-
Hilton Aruba Caribbean        to store and protect their    that his American Steak-       kan Salmon, and the pop-
Resort & Casino enjoyed a     precious cargo all carry      house menu at the Sunset       ular Chilean Sea Bass. Not-
contemporary makeover,        unique logos and careful      Grille complements the         withstanding, the chef’s
which coincided with the      notations where the wine      stylish interior. “We buy the  traditional Baked Stuffed
arrival of its new Executive  was produced. Many of         best food on the planet,”      Shrimp, is the most popular
Chef, the recently recruit-   these logos are master-       he states,” and prepare        dish on the menu, rivaled
ed Gerard Coste.              pieces of traditional de-     it just right, including pre-  only by the twin Lobster
                              sign, endorsed by royalty     mium seafood and superb        Tails with drawn butter.
  Aruba’s community of        and cherished as historical   steaks, in full view of the    The restaurant’s charcoal
foodies, loves and ap-        documents.                    dining room in our exhibi-     grill offers 100% certified
preciates the French-born     Dinner experience at the      tion kitchen.”                 American Black Angus
culinary wizard who made      Sunset Grille is now great-   Among starters, the chef       beef with a variety of de-
Aruba his home, and the                                     features many steakhouse
                                                            classics such as Shrimp
                                                            Cocktail, using the larg-                                   es. From Cowboy Steak to
                                                            est shrimp available on
                                                            the market, Lobster Bisque                                  Rib Eye and Filet Mignon,
                                                            and Spinach salad, all
                                                            served with a special con-                                  the Sunset Grille earned its
                                                            temporary twist. Some of
                                                            the chef’s signature dishes                                 reputation by serving some
                                                            such as Pumpkin Ravioli
                                                            and Martini Chopped Sal-                                    of the best steaks on Aru-
                                                            ad are proudly listed, re-
                                                            ceiving warm compliments                                    ba. And for those in search
                                                            from diners, nightly.
                                                                                                                        of the ultimate taste-bud

                                                                                                                        experience, the Veal Ten-

                                                                                                                        derloin a La Oscar, said

                                                                                                                        to have been created for

                                                                                                                        Swedish Royalty in the late

                                                                                                                        180s, is a veritable feast,

                                                                                                                        and an unforgettable


                                                                                                                        Chef Coste pays equal at-

                                                                                                                        tention to side dishes and

                                                                                                                        desserts, even the bread

                                                                                                                        basket is exceptional, and

                                                                                                                        the service at the Sunset

                                                                                                                        Grille is truly Aruban, wel-

                                                                                                                        coming, personable, at-

                                                                                                                        tentive and congenial.

                                                                                                                        The Sunset Grille delivers

                                                                                                                        quality food and service,

                                                                                                                        with seating indoor, in the

                                                                                                                        air-conditioned  dining

                                                                                                                        room, and seating outdoor

                                                                                                                        on the open air terrace.

                                                                                                                        Open seven days a week,

                                                                                                                        from 6pm to 11pm.q

kitchen of the Hilton Aruba   ly enhanced by the new
Caribbean Resort & Casino     color scheme and the ele-
the place where practices     gant furnishings, capturing
his creativity and good       the imagination of visiting
taste.                        and local wine and food
The new décor at the Sun-     lovers.
set Grille is themed around   The tasteful makeover also
fine wine and focuses on      embraces the layout and
genuine reclaimed wood-       seating at Mira Solo Mar-
en wine boxes of both         tini Bar, maximizing guests’
rare and popular selec-       tree top view of Palm
tions from wine-produc-       Beach, overlooking the re-
ing countries around the      sort’s waterfalls, against a
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