Page 9 - ATODAY
P. 9

                                                                                                                      Thursday 10 March 2016

Iraqi officials: US captured top IS chemical arms engineer 

QASSIM ZAHRA                     Military Industrialization Au-    Iraqi Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi, center, arrives at a military a base outside Tikrit, 80 miles
SUSAN GEORGE                     thority where he special-         north of Baghdad, Iraq, Wednesday, March 9, 2016. US special forces captured the head of the
Associated Press                 ized in chemical and bio-         Islamic State group’s unit trying to develop chemical weapons in a raid last month in northern
BAGHDAD (AP) — U.S. spe-         logical weapons. They said        Iraq, Iraqi and US officials told The Associated Press.
cial forces captured the         al-Afari, who is about 50
head of the Islamic State        years old, heads the Islamic                                                                                                                (AP Photo/Hadi Mizban)
group’s unit trying to de-       State group’s recently es-
velop chemical weapons           tablished branch for the re-      pected chemical threat.        Baghdad told the AP.            on condition of anonymity
in a raid last month in north-   search and development            The U.S.-led coalition be-     Airstrikes are targeting lab-   because they were not au-
ern Iraq, Iraqi and U.S. of-     of chemical weapons.              gan targeting IS’ chemi-       oratories and equipment,        thorized to talk to the me-
ficials told The Associated      He was captured in a raid         cal weapons infrastructure     and further special forces      dia.
Press, the first known major     near the northern Iraqi town      with airstrikes and special    raids targeting chemi-          IS has been making a de-
success of Washington’s          of Tal Afar, the officials said.  operations raids over the      cal weapons experts are         termined effort to develop
more aggressive policy of        They would not give further       past two months, the Iraqi     planned, the intelligence       chemical weapons, Iraqi
pursuing IS militants on the     details. In Washington, U.S.      intelligence officials and a   officials said. They and the    and American officials
ground.                          officials confirmed al-Afari’s    Western security official in   Western official also spoke     have said.
The Obama administration         identity.
launched the new strategy        The officials, who both have
in December, deploying a         first-hand knowledge of
commando force to Iraq           the individual and of the IS
that it said would be dedi-      chemical program, spoke
cated to capturing and kill-     on condition of anonymity
ing IS leaders in clandestine    as they are not authorized
operations, as well as gen-      to talk to the media. No
erating intelligence leading     confirmation was available
to more raids.                   from U.S. officials.
U.S. officials said last week    A U.S. official said Wednes-
that the expeditionary           day that one or more fol-
team had captured an Is-         low-up airstrikes were con-
lamic State leader but had       ducted against suspected
refused to identify him, say-    IS chemical facilities in
ing only that he had been        northern Iraq in recent days.
held for two or three weeks      The official, who spoke on
and was being questioned.        condition of anonymity to
Two Iraqi intelligence of-       discuss intelligence-related
ficials identified the man       operations, was unfamiliar
as Sleiman Daoud al-Afari,       with details of the airstrikes
who worked for Saddam            but indicated that they did
Hussein’s now-dissolved          not fully eliminate IS’s sus-

Iran fires 2 missiles marked with ‘Israel must be wiped out’ 

JON GAMBRELL                     in recent days, aimed at          “A nuclear-armed Iran is       violate the accord. The         likely would have covered
Associated Press                 demonstrating that Iran will      an absolutely unaccept-        landmark deal, which led        some of the missile fired
DUBAI, United Arab Emir-         push ahead with its bal-          able threat to Israel, to      to Iran dramatically scaling    this week. To deal with the
ates (AP) — Iran test-           listic program after scal-        the region and the United      back its nuclear program,       restrictions in the nuclear
launched two ballistic mis-      ing backing its nuclear           States. And I want to reiter-  does not include provisions     agreement, the councill
siles Wednesday embla-           program under the deal            ate which I know people        against missile launches.       adopted a resolution last
zoned with the phrase “Is-       reached last year with the        still doubt here. If in fact   Also, when the nuclear ac-      July which among other
rael must be wiped out” in       U.S. and other world pow-         they break the deal, we will   cord came into effect on        measures “calls on” Iran
Hebrew, Iranian media re-        ers.                              act,” he said.                 Jan. 16, the Security Coun-     not to carry out such tests.
ported, in a show of power       Israel, long an opponent of       Biden’s comments came          cil lifted most U.N. sanctions  At the United Nations, there
by the Shiite nation as U.S.     Iran, offered no comment          after meeting Israeli Prime    against Tehran including a      is likely to be a debate
Vice President Joe Biden’s       on the test, though Biden is-     Minister Benjamin Netanya-     ban it had imposed in 2010      about whether Iran is still re-
visited Jerusalem.               sued a strong warning over        hu, who strongly opposed       on Iran testing missiles ca-    quired to abide by the bal-
The new missile firings were     any possible violation of         the nuclear deal.              pable of carrying nuclear       listic missile test ban under
the latest in a series of tests  the nuclear deal.                 The tests, however, don’t      warheads — a ban that           council resolutions.
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