Page 5 - ATODAY
P. 5
Thursday 10 March 2016
Seattle blast levels buildings, causes no serious injuries
MANUEL VALDES The initial emergency calls
revealed the initial chaos.
Associated Press “Mayday, mayday, may-
day,” a fire dispatcher
SEATTLE (AP) — Shop own- screamed immediately
after the explosion, calling
ers on Wednesday inspect- for a full response. “I have
firefighters missing.”
ed walls that were ripped Eight firefighters and a
battalion chief were later
to shreds by an early morn- treated at Harborview
Medical Center. Several
ing natural gas explosion in were hurt by falling debris.
None were admitted.
Seattle and marveled that “We didn’t have anybody
with burns, nothing life-
the blast had caused no threatening, nothing ma-
jor,” hospital spokeswom-
serious injuries. an Susan Gregg said.
Kenny Stuart, president
Crews were responding to of the Seattle firefight-
ers union, said it was “ex-
reports of a gas leak when tremely fortunate” that no
first responders were seri-
the explosion occurred ously injured or killed.
Residents and shop owners
about 1:40 a.m. along a in the Greenwood neigh-
borhood spent the morn-
main thoroughfare in a ing surveying damage
and cleaning up rubble
neighborhood north of and glass that littered the
streets. Workers from one
downtown. cafe damaged in the blast
poured coffee for firefight-
“The most important thing ers.
Among the businesses
is that no one died and
this happened at two in
the morning and not two in
the afternoon,” said Chris
Maykut, owner of Chaco
Canyon Organic Café. “If Firefighters stand near the smoldering rubble left from an early morning explosion Wednesday,
it had happened at two March 9, 2016, in Seattle. The explosion heavily damaged buildings and injured multiple
in the afternoon, things firefighters. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson)
would be really bad right damaged or destroyed everything they can to termine what caused the
were Neptune Coffee, Mr. support these businesses explosion, and the util-
now.” Gyro and the bike shop as they begin the long and ity will be working with the
G&O Family Cyclery. challenging task to recov- Seattle Fire Department in
The blast sent nine fire- er and repair from this in- the investigation.
An apartment building and cident,” Seattle Mayor Ed Pipeline safety investiga-
fighters to a hospital. All another nearby residential Murray said in a statement. tors from the Washington
structure were evacuated. Puget Sound Energy Utilities and Transportation
were treated and re- “I know neighbors will do spokeswoman Akiko Oda Commission were also at
said it will take time to de- the scene.
leased. There were no re-
ports of other injuries or
missing people. Still, dogs
searched the rubble.
The cause of the explosion
that damaged 36 business-
es was under investigation. Suspect in 5 Missouri, Kansas killings captured
Video surveillance from the
Olive and Grape Mediter-
ranean Restaurant showed JIM SUHR patrol Sgt. James Hedrick place a detainer on Serra- der and other charges in
Associated Press told The Kansas City Star. no-Vitorino. the Missouri killing.
a bright flash at 1:43 a.m. KANSAS CITY, Missouri (AP) Serrano-Vitorino, who has Authorities allege that Ser- He was being held Wednes-
— A Mexican national sus- been living in Kansas City, rano-Vitorino gunned down day in a Montgomery
and then the room shook pected of killing his neigh- Kansas, was caught shortly his neighbor, 41-year-old County, Missouri, jail on $2
bor and three other men at after someone called the Michael Capps, and three million bond linked to the
as debris fell from the ceil- his neighbor’s Kansas home authorities to report that other men at Capps’ home Kansas charges. Neither
before killing another man he had fled from an armed late Monday before flee- the county sheriff nor coun-
ing. A large garage door in Missouri was arrested man who had approached ing, leading to a manhunt. ty prosecutor immediately
early Wednesday, authori- him, the patrol said. Authorities allege that Ser- responded to calls seeking
covering the restaurant’s ties said. rano-Vitorino then killed comment.
Serrano-Vitorino is in the 49-year-old Randy Nord-
front windows protected it Pablo Antonio Serrano- country illegally, U.S. Immi- man on Tuesday morning Authorities haven’t dis-
Vitorino was captured gration and Customs En- at Nordman’s rural home. cussed a motive for any of
from extensive damage. without resisting following forcement said in a state- the killings.
a manhunt. He had a rifle ment. He was deported Serrano-Vitorino has been Reinsch has said that inves-
“The Olive and Grape was with him, said Lt. Paul Re- from the U.S. in April 2004 charged with four counts tigators weren’t aware of
insch of the Missouri State and illegally re-entered the of first-degree murder in any connection between
lucky,” owner Paola Kos- Highway Patrol. country on an unknown the Kansas killings and one Serrano-Vitorino and Nord-
“He looked exhausted,” date. ICE said it would count of first-degree mur- man.
sack said in an email.
Bike shop owner Davey Oil
said he arrived soon after
the fire trucks.
“There were tons of flames
leaping over what was al-
ready the rubble of Nep-
tune coffee, which as
you can see now totaled,
gone,” he said.