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U.S. NEWSThursday 10 March 2016

American Living:

    Tampon tax: Does being female in the US carry unfair costs? 

COLLEEN LONG                    This photo shows attorney Zoe Salzman, left, and plaintiff Natalie            Barack Obama has ques-           “Women’s outcry over this
JENNIFER PELTZ                  Brasington, who have brought a class action lawsuit to end New                tioned why the items are         issue isn’t just about the tax
Associated Press                York sales tax on feminine hygiene products, in New York. The                 taxed.                           on tampons. It’s a reflec-
NEW YORK (AP) — Margo           lawsuit filed on Thursday, March 3, 2016 argues that it is uncon-             “I tend to talk about my pe-     tion of the routine unfair-
Seibert and Natalie Bras-       stitutional for the state to levy sales tax on tampons and sanitary           riod quite a bit, to anyone      ness that seeps into our
ington don’t think women        napkins while offering medical product exemptions to many                     who will listen,” said Seib-     everyday lives,” said Sonia
should have to pay a “peri-     other items used by both genders, like lip balm, foot powder                  ert, a 31-year-old actress       Ossorio, president of the
od tax,” and like a growing     and dandruff shampoo.                                                         and founder of an online         National Organization for
number of other women,                                                                                        campaign that promotes           Women in New York. “At
they are publicly question-                                                       (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)  a “shame-free” period.           the end of the day, the
ing whether being female                                                                                      Brasington, a 31-year-old        tampon tax movement
in the U.S. carries unfair      nois lawmakers were hold-     cussed the issue Monday.                        photographer, said the tax       is one small way to chal-
costs.                          ing a hearing on the lat-     Cosmopolitan magazine                           affects women dispropor-         lenge the broader sexism
The pair are among five         est proposal Wednesday.       launched an online peti-                        tionately and is a genuine       that still persists. Because
New York City women who         Connecticut legislators dis-  tion, and even President                        burden for poorer women.         that’s the real taboo here.”
filed a lawsuit last week                                                                                     “Being a woman is so ex-         While women’s advocates
arguing that it was uncon-                                                                                    pensive,” she said.              have long lamented that
stitutional for the state to                                                                                  Jennifer Weiss-Wolf, a           many women’s products
levy sales tax on tampons                                                                                     vice president at the NYU        cost more, their provid-
and sanitary napkins while                                                                                    School of Law’s Brennan          ers say there can be le-
offering medical prod-                                                                                        Center for Justice, said she     gitimate reasons — a more
uct exemptions to many                                                                                        began writing articles and       decorative product or
other items used by both                                                                                      op-eds on “menstrual eq-         more complicated haircut,
genders, like lip balm, foot                                                                                  uity” when she discovered        for instance. And some
powder and dandruff                                                                                           food pantries were des-          have noted that women
shampoo.                                                                                                      perate for sanitary napkins      sometimes pay less: for life
The case, they say, is about                                                                                  and tampons because              and auto insurance, for ex-
more than the few cents in                                                                                    poor women can’t afford          ample.
tax levied on each pack.                                                                                      them.                            Nationwide, 40 states tax
Sick of the social taboo,                                                                                     The tax campaign reflects        feminine hygiene products,
and frustrated by a lack of                                                                                   a broader debate over            deeming them non-neces-
access for some to a sta-                                                                                     “gender pricing,” or charg-      sities or even “luxury items,”
ple, these women and oth-                                                                                     ing women and men differ-        while making exceptions
ers are talking very publicly                                                                                 ent rates for similar prod-      for products as similar as
about menstruation and                                                                                        ucts and services, from          adult incontinence pads.
gaining political traction                                                                                    haircuts to razors to T-shirts.  Currently, five U.S. states ex-
that would have been im-                                                                                      New York City’s consumer         empt tampons and other
possible a generation ago.                                                                                    protection agency studied        feminine hygiene products
A national push to abol-                                                                                      the cost of 800 common           from their sales tax, which
ish sales tax on tampons is                                                                                   household items last year        varies around the country
gathering steam, led by so-                                                                                   and found that products          from about 2.9 percent to
cial media campaigns like                                                                                     marketed to women cost,          as high as 7.5 percent. An-
#periodswithoutshame. At                                                                                      on average, 7 percent            other five states have no
least seven states are now                                                                                    more than similar products       sales tax.
considering legislation. Illi-                                                                                for men.                         New York taxes tampons
                                                                                                                                               and sanitary napkins as
Obama commends Vermont for paid sick leave                                                                                                     tools “to control a normal
                                                                                                                                               bodily function and to
MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) —          day. Supporters say about     a child or family member.                       Vermont joins California,        maintain personal cleanli-
President Barack Obama is       60,000 Vermont workers do     Employers with more than                        Connecticut, Massachu-           ness.”
commending Vermont and          not have paid sick time.      five employees must pro-                        setts and Oregon as states       The 4 percent state sales
Gov. Peter Shumlin for guar-    The law requires employers    vide the benefit next year                      mandating paid sick leave.       tax on the products costs
anteeing paid sick leave for    to provide a minimum of       while those with five or few-                   More than 20 cities and the      New York women millions
working Vermonters. Shum-       three paid days off a year    er have until 2018.                             District of Columbia also        of dollars a year; estimates
lin, a Democrat, signed         for employees to use when     The mandatory amount in-                        have mandatory paid sick         range from about $7 mil-
the bill into law Wednes-       they are sick or to care for  creases to five days in 2019.                   leave.                           lion to twice that, a minute
                                                                                                                                               fraction of the state’s $142
                                                                                                                                               billion budget.
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