Page 11 - ATODAY
P. 11

                                                                                                                   Thursday 10 March 2016

CDC chief Frieden               Santos: Colombia may miss peace deal deadline 
 visits Puerto Rico,
warns of Zika crisis            BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) —         Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos talks in Quito, Ecuador. Santos acknowledged on
                                Colombian President Juan        Wednesday, March 9, 2016, that his government may not be ready to sign a peace deal with
DANICA COTO                     Manuel Santos acknowl-          rebels to end the country’s decades-long civil war by March 23.
Associated Press                edged Wednesday that
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)      his government may miss                                                                                                               (AP Photo/Dolores Ochoa)
— The director of the U.S.      a fast-approaching dead-
Centers for Disease Control     line to sign a peace deal       talks.                         verify a future cease-fire.        ment and the rebels on a
and Prevention warned on        with rebels and end the         Because of the progress,       The announcement was               sub-commission dealing
Tuesday that the Zika cri-      main part of the country’s      U.N. Secretary-General Ban     made Wednesday.                    with issues on ending Latin
sis gripping Puerto Rico is     decades-long conflict.          Ki-moon appointed veter-       Arnault has been lead-             America’s longest-running
likely to accelerate without    “I’m not going to sign a        an U.N. envoy Jean Arnault     ing U.N. preparations for          guerrilla conflict.
quick action and said his       bad agreement to meet a         of France to head the new      deployment of the mis-             Arnault previously led U.N.
agency is helping the U.S.      date,” he Santos said at a      U.N.                           sion and has been work-            missions in Georgia, Af-
territory find insecticides     public event.                   political mission in Colom-    ing closely with negotiat-         ghanistan, Burundi and
best-suited to the fight        It was his first public state-  bia that will monitor and      ing teams for the govern-          Guatemala.
mosquito-borne disease.         ment acknowledging that
Visiting the U.S. territory to  the two sides may miss the
help boost the fight against    March 23 deadline they
the virus, Dr. Tom Frieden      agreed to last year.
urged local officials to cre-   Santos says if the govern-
ate a robust and long-term      ment and the Revolution-
mosquito surveillance and       ary Armed Forces of Co-
control program.                lombia have not come up
“Zika is likely to spread       with an acceptable deal,
very quickly, so time is of     they will simply set a new
essence,” he said, not-         deadline.
ing that the virus is differ-   The two sides have come
ent from the dengue and         to agreements on many
chikungunya epidemics           key issues in recent months
that have gripped Puerto        during talks in Havana, but
Rico. “It can bring many        still have to hammer out
problems to families, to the    a plan for disarming the
community, to the island        guerrillas. A smaller rebel
for many years to come.”        group has not joined the
Frieden said the island
needs new insecticides          Puerto Rico:
that are efficient in killing
the Aedes aegypti mos-            Ruling raises doubts over same-sex marriages
quito that carries Zika and
other diseases, and he          DANICA COTO                     to stop enforcement of the     Garcia authorized gay              spokeswoman for Senate
noted that CDC officials        Associated Press                island’s ban on same-sex       marriage through an exec-          President Eduardo Bhatia
are helping test nine dif-      SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico           marriage. Lambda Legal         utive order shortly after the      did not return a message
ferent insecticides for that    (AP) — An unexpected rul-       attorney Omar Gonzalez         U.S. Supreme Court issued          seeking comment.
purpose.                        ing from a federal judge in     said Wednesday the group       its decision in June 2015.
Researchers are trying to       Puerto Rico is raising doubts   is seeking to have the ruling  However,                             Bhatia had earlier con-
determine if Zika may be        and creating confusion          vacated as soon as pos-        legislators did not amend          demned the ruling.
linked to a variety of seri-    about the future of same-       sible.                         Puerto Rico’s civil code to        “It is unbelievable that the
ous outcomes for develop-       sex couples seeking to get      “We believe this order is      allow for same-sex mar-            federal court itself ignores
ing babies, including mi-       married on the island.          erroneous,” Gonzalez said      riages, and activists on           that rights guaranteed by
crocephaly, which causes        Judge Juan Perez-Gimenez        in a phone interview. “It’s    Wednesday called on                the U.S. Constitution apply
babies to have unusu-           ruled that a U.S. Supreme       something that we cannot       them to do so.                     in Puerto Rico,” he said.
ally small heads and brain      Court decision that allows      let stand.”                    “It was a shame that same-         Gonzalez said the ruling
damage. Those threats           gay couples to marry any-       Gov. Alejandro Garcia          sex marriage was imposed           does not invalidate the
can affect a woman at           where in the United States      Padilla said he would not      by the U.S. Supreme Court          dozens of same-sex mar-
any stage of pregnancy,         does not apply on the is-       observe Tuesday’s ruling       and not authorized by              riages that have taken
officials have said.            land because it is a U.S. ter-  by the U.S. District Court     Puerto Rico’s legislature,”        place on the island.
Puerto Rico has 157 con-        ritory and not a state. The     in Puerto Rico but rather      said rights activist Pedro Ju-     The U.S. territory recently
firmed Zika cases, but          ruling also rejects a motion    follow rulings that higher     lio Serrano.                       extended other rights to
many other people are           filed by Lambda Legal and       courts have previously is-     It is unclear if legislators will  same-sex couples, in De-
believed to be infected. q      Puerto Rico’s government        sued on the matter.            take up that petition. A           cember ruling that they
                                                                                                                                  can adopt children.
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