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WORLD NEWSThursday 10 March 2016

Kim Jong Un poses beside possible nuclear warhead mock up 

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) —       South Korea’s Defense              A South Korean army soldier walks by a TV screen showing North Korean leader Kim Jong Un with
North Korea has caused a        Ministry said Wednesday it         superimposed letters that read: “North Korea’s nuclear warhead” during a news program at Seoul
new stir with photos on the     was analyzing the objects          Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, Wednesday, March 9, 2016.
front page of its ruling party  shown in the North Korean
newspaper Wednesday             photos.                                                                                                                                (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)
that show the country’s         Pyongyang has previously
leader Kim Jong Un stand-       said it has nuclear war-           its first H-bomb in the Jan.    listic missiles.                 If the North succeeds in
ing beside a purported          heads small enough to put          6 nuclear test, which was       Its development of small-        developing a credible war-
mock-up of a miniaturized       on long-range missiles, but        followed last month by the      er nuclear weapons and           head and missile, it would
nuclear warhead during a        experts have questioned            launch of a rocket that         long-range missiles that         most deeply impact the
meeting with his top nucle-     such claims.                       put a satellite into orbit but  could be used to deliver         United States, South Ko-
ar scientists.                  This was the first time the        which is seen as a violation    them to targets overseas         rea and Japan, but Rus-
                                North has publicly por-            of U.N. resolutions because     has long been a matter of        sia and  China, which are
The Rodong Sinmun news-         trayed what its designs            it contains dual-use tech-      concern and could poten-         friendlier to the North, have
paper for the Workers’ Par-     look like, though it remains       nology that could also be       tially shake up the security     strongly denounced its nu-
ty said Kim met his nuclear     unclear whether the North          applied to long-range bal-      balance in Asia.                 clear program.
scientists for a briefing on    has a functioning warhead
the status of their work and    of that size or if it is simply
declared he was greatly         trying to develop one.
pleased that warheads           North Korea warned Mon-
had been standardized           day of pre-emptive nucle-
and miniaturized for use on     ar strikes after the United
ballistic missiles.             States and South Korea be-
The party newspaper pho-        gan holding their biggest-
tos showed Kim and the          ever war games, which will
scientists standing by what     go on until the end of April.
outside analysts say ap-        Tensions have been high
pears to be the model war-      after North Korea’s recent
head — a small, silverish       nuclear test and rocket
globe presented on a low        launch, which prompted
table in a hangar with a        the United Nations to adopt
ballistic missile or a model    tough new sanctions.
ballistic missile in the back-
ground.                         The North claims it tested

Philippines to lease Japanese planes to patrol disputed sea 

MANILA, Philippines (AP) —      equipment and technol-             construction of islands in      our air force before was         Philippines will also acquire
President Benigno Aquino III    ogy to the Philippines, To-        the disputed Spratly archi-     ‘all air and no force?’” he      a dozen military aircraft
said Wednesday his coun-        kyo’s first such pact with         pelago.                         asked.                           this year and in 2017 from
try will lease five aircraft    any Southeast Asian coun-          Aquino spoke at a cer-          Aquino cited how two FA-         other countries, including
from Japan to help the Phil-    try.                               emony where the new             50 fighter jets escorted his     two more of a dozen FA-50
ippine navy patrol Manila’s     Aquino said without elabo-         Philippine Air Force chief,     commercial plane as it en-       fighter jets and two C-130
territory in the disputed       rating that the TC-90 train-       Lt. Gen. Edgar Fallorina,       tered Philippine airspace as     cargo planes, he said.
South China Sea.                ing planes from Japan              assumed his post. Aquino,       he flew back home from a         Aquino said the govern-
The Asian allies, which have    would be used to help pa-          whose six-year term ends        recent U.S. trip. The FA-50s     ment has spent more than
separate territorial conflicts  trol the Philippine territory in   in June, outlined the prog-     from South Korea were the        58 billion pesos ($1.2 bil-
with Beijing, have been         the South China Sea. Tokyo         ress in efforts to modernize    country’s first fighter jets in  lion) from 2010, when his
deepening their security        and Manila have expressed          his country’s underfunded       a decade since it retired its    term started, to Febru-
ties. They signed an agree-     alarm over China’s aggres-         military, one of Asia’s most    F5 jets in 2005.                 ary this year to modernize
ment last month to allow        sive assertion of its territorial  ill-equipped.                   In addition to leasing the       the country’s ill-equipped
Japan to supply defense         claims, including its massive      “Were they not saying that      TC-90 training planes, the       armed forces.
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