Page 21 - ATA 29 FEB 2016
P. 21
Monday 29 February 2016
Costa Linda Guests and Associates Celebrate Island Tradition!
-Costa Linda Beach Re-
sort’s 2016 Carnival Queen
Election and Party the big-
gest and best to date!
EAGLE BEACH - Costa Lin-
da Beach Resort celebrat-
ed its 2016 Carnival Queen
election, which has al-
ready become a huge tra-
dition every year beloved
by guests and associates.
This year Mrs. Nancy Blum
from New York, owner
of multiple weeks was
elected the CLBR Carnival
Queen, coronation by Mrs.
Patricia Bitterberg, CLBR
Carnival Queen 2015. The
Associate Queen election
was won by Sharisa Tromp,
Housekeeping Secretary,
coronation by Mr. Luigi
Heredia, Resort Manager.
The winner of Carnival
Princess was Sara Zuege,
8 years old, coronation by
Donna Sullivan, CLBR Car-
nival Queen 2004, and the
winner of Youth Princess
was Natalie Nahas, age
13, coronation by Mrs. Lin-
da Woods, CLBR Carnival
Queen 2006.
Continued on Page 16