Page 22 - ATA 29 FEB 2016
P. 22
LOCALMonday 29 February 2016
Philip William Bradley Honored as Goodwill Ambassadors of Aruba!
MALMOK - Recently the Ms. Darline de Cuba rep- Ms. Darline de Cuba Aruba Beach Villas (for- al following of guests, most
Aruba Tourism Authority resenting the Aruba Tour- and the group of friends merly known as Windsurf of whom have been com-
honored Mr. Philip William ism Authority, Visitors care thanked Philip and his fam- Village) in 1997. Phil also ing here for over 10 years,
Bradley as Goodwill Am- Liaison bestowed the cer- ily for choosing Aruba as bought a home nearby and consider their trips
bassador of Aruba as a tificate of Goodwill Ambas- their vacation destination so considers himself one more like a family reunion
token of appreciation for sador to the honoree on and as their home away of the very few American to their “home away from
visiting the island for more behalf of the Government from home for so many owners of businesses on home”. Last week a group
than 20 consecutive years. of Aruba. years. the island that actually live of them presented him with
Phil Bradley first came to here and consider Aruba a book of photographs de-
Aruba to windsurf in 1988. their home. Now when Phil picting 18 years of Aruba
The first year he visited he travels “home” to Indiana Beach Villas memories. We
made a one week trip, to visit, he is anxious to re- often see guests of Aruba
the 2nd year a two week turn to the home that he honored and given Am-
trip, the 3rd year he came loves...Aruba! bassador designations, so
three times, and eventu- Over the years, Phil Brad- according to one of the
ally he loved the island so ley, owner of Aruba Beach guests, Phil Bradley is their
much that he purchased Villas has developed a loy- Aruba Ambassador.q