Page 23 - ATA 31 MAART 2016
P. 23


LOCALThursday 31 March 2016

   Loyal Guests Honored at the Casa del Mar Resort

EAGLE BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tourism Au-         who visit Aruba for 10-to-19 consecutive years.  laxation and being on Aruba and staying at the
thority had the great pleasure of honoring a         The honorees were Mrs. Sandra Duriga and Mrs.    Casa del Mar Resort is like being home for them.
very loyal pair of guests as Distinguished Visitors  Lori Duriga Benson. Sandra and Lori are regu-    The certificate was presented by Mr. Ricardo
at Casa del Mar Resort. The symbolic honorary        lar guests at the Casa del Mar Resort and they   Croes representing the Aruba Tourism Authority
title is presented in the name of the Minister of    love Aruba very much because of the friendly     together with General Manager Bob Curtis and
Tourism as a token of appreciation to guests         people, the climate, beaches, restaurants, re-   associates from the Casa del Mar Resort.q
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