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PEOPLE/ARTS                       Saturday 7 OctOber 2017

              In book, Ivana Trump relives divorce from future president

            By JONATHAN LEMIRE           riage  to  Trump  and  her                                                             Trump’s   courtship.   She
             Associated Press            prominent  role  at  the                                                               writes  that,  at  their  first
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  A  new   Trump  Organization.  But                                                              meeting,  Trump  secured
            book from Donald Trump’s     then she unburdens herself                                                             her and friends a table at a
            first  wife  pulls  back  the   about  the  heartache  that                                                         hot Manhattan restaurant,
            curtain  on  a  tumultuous   Trump’s  affair  with  Maples                                                          paid the check and chauf-
            period  of  the  president’s   caused  her  and  the  cou-                                                          feured her back to her ho-
            life,  including  the  messy   ple’s  three  children,  Don-                                                        tel in a giant Cadillac.
            divorce that was splashed    ald  Jr.,  Ivanka  and  Eric.                                                          “My  instincts  told  me  that
            across New York’s tabloids   Donald Jr. didn’t speak to                                                             Donald was smart and fun-
            for weeks.                   his  father  for  a  year  after                                                       ny — an all-America good
            Ivana  Trump,  who  was      the split.                                                                             guy,” Ivana Trump writes.
            married  to  the  real  es-  “I can only shake my head                                                              Her  children  also  contrib-
            tate  magnate  from  1977    at how it insane it was,” Iva-                                                         ute passages to the book,
            to  1992,  writes  in  “Raising   na Trump writes. “I couldn’t                                                      and  Ivana  Trump  muses
            Trump”  that  she  knew  her   turn on the television with-                                                         that  her  former  husband
            marriage  was  over  soon    out hearing my name.”         In this May 9, 2016 file photo, Ivana Trump, ex-wife of President   may not be the only Trump
            after  a  day  in  December   But  she  and  the  president   Donald Trump, attends the Fashion Institute of Technology An-  to  call  the  White  House
            1989.                        have returned to far warm-   nual Gala benefit in New York.                            home. q
            “This  young  blonde  wom-   er  terms.  She  writes  that                                         Associated Press
            an  approached  me  out      they  speak  about  once  a   American Film Institute to fete
            of  the  blue  and  said  ‘I’m   week and that she encour-
            Marla and I love your hus-   ages  him  to  keep  using
            band.  Do  you?’”  writes    Twitter.                     Clooney for life achievement
            Ivana  Trump.  “I  said  ‘Get   She said in a CBS News in-
            lost. I love my husband.’ It   terview  this  week  that  she   NEW YORK (AP) — George                              AFI board of trustees chair-
            was unladylike but I was in   was  offered  the  post  of   Clooney  will  be  the  46th                            man  Howard  Stringer calls
            shock.”                      ambassador to the Czech      recipient  of  the  AFI  Life
            Trump’s  public  affair  with   Republic, her native coun-  Achievement Award.                                      Clooney  “America’s  lead-
            Marla  Maples  spawned       try, but turned it down be-  The American Film Institute                               ing  man.”  Stringer  in  a
            the infamous “Best Sex I’ve   cause  she  already  has  “a   announced Thursday it will                             statement  hails  Clooney
            Ever  Had”  headline  in  the   perfect life.”                                                                      as  “a  modern-day  screen
            New York Post in 1990. Af-   The  White  House  did  not   honor the actor-director at                              icon  who  combines  the
            ter  divorcing  his  first  wife,   immediately  respond  to   a gala tribute in Los Ange-                          glamour  of  a  time  gone
            Trump  married  Maples  in   a  request  for  comment     les in June.                                              by  with  a  ferocious  pas-
            1993.                        about the ambassadorship     The  56-year-old  Clooney     In this Sept. 10, 2017 file pho-  sion  for  ensuring  art’s  im-
                                                                                                   to, George Clooney attends a
            “Raising  Trump”  is  set  to   post.                     may be on the young side     press  conference  for  “Subur-  pact  echoes  beyond  the
            be  released  next  week.    Much of the book is spent    for  lifetime  achievement   bicon” at the Toronto Interna-  screen.”Clooney’s  next  di-
            The  Associated  Press  pur-  recounting  Ivana  Trump’s   awards,  but  this  isn’t  his   tional Film Festival in Toronto.  rectorial effort is the 1950s
            chased an early copy.        childhood  in  Europe,  her   first. The Hollywood Foreign                             home     invasion   drama
            In  the  book,  Ivana  writes   burgeoning    modeling    Press  Association  in  2015   achievement  award,  the   “Suburbicon,” which opens
            glowingly  about  her  mar-  career  in  New  York  and   handed  him  its  lifetime   Cecil B. DeMille Award.      later this month.q
             Bunny Sigler, who helped create 1970s Philly Sound, dies

            PHILADELPHIA  (AP)  —  Wal-  known for such hits as “Let
            ter “Bunny” Sigler, a singer,  the Good Times Roll & (Feel
            songwriter  and  producer  So Good).”
            who  helped  create  “The  In  a  2008  interview  with
            Sound  of  Philadelphia”  in  National   Public   Radio,
            the 1970s, has died.         Gamble  said  he,  Huff  and
            His longtime attorney, Lloyd  Sigler also performed back-
            Zane  Remick,  said  Sigler  ground vocals on some of
            died  of  a  heart  attack  Fri-  their  songs,  including  the
            day  at  his  home  outside  chart-topping “If You Don’t
            Philadelphia.                Know Me by Now,” record-
            He was 76.                   ed by Harold Melvin & the
            Sigler  worked  with  Kenny  Blue Notes.
            Gamble  and  Leon  Huff  in  His  career  spanned  de-
            developing  a  genre  that  cades and saw collabora-
            blended soul, funk and big  tions with acts as varied as
            band  styles,  and  cement-  Patti LaBelle and Jay-Z.
            ed the city in the country’s  Sigler  “spent  his  life  using
            musical  landscape  with  its  his talents to bring love and
            lush  horn  ensembles  and  joy  to  others  and  for  that
            smooth vocals.               we are all grateful!” LaBelle
            Gamble  said  Sigler  was  tweeted.
            one  of  the  most  talented  Remick  said  he  worked
            songwriters  and  producers  right  up  to  the  end,  post-  In this Oct. 8, 2009, file photo, musician Walter “Bunny” Sigler performs during the seventh inning
                                                                      of Game 2 of the National League division baseball series between the Colorado Rockies and
            he  ever  worked  with,  and  ing songs and music videos   Philadelphia Phillies at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia.
            “more importantly, he was  on his YouTube channel as                                                                            Associated Press
            like family to us.”          recently as August even as   pitalized  for  long  stretches  He  is  survived  by  his  wife,  Funeral   arrangements
            As  a  performer,  Sigler  was  health issues kept him hos-  of time.                  Martha, and two children.    were pending.q
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