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               Saturday 7 OctOber 2017
              Is NRA move to regulate ‘bump stocks’ real or a ruse?

            By LISA MARIE PANE                                                                                                  dollars  into  political  cam-
             Associated Press                                                                                                   paigns  and  successfully
            ATLANTA (AP) — When the                                                                                             blocks   legislation   that
            National  Rifle  Association                                                                                        would  either  ban  certain
            urged  the  government                                                                                              firearms  or  make  them
            to  revisit  whether  “bump                                                                                         more difficult to purchase.
            stocks”  should  be  restrict-                                                                                      The  NRA  has  only  gained
            ed,  it  immediately  raised                                                                                        influence   following   the
            eyebrows.  Why  would  the                                                                                          election  of  Trump,  who
            nation’s leading gun-rights                                                                                         became the first president
            organization,  not  known                                                                                           since  Ronald  Reagan  to
            for  compromise,  be  will-                                                                                         address the group’s annu-
            ing  to  bend  even  just  a                                                                                        al meeting.
            bit when it wields perhaps                                                                                          After   some   particularly
            more influence than ever?                                                                                           deadly mass shootings, the
            Some  gun-industry  experts                                                                                         NRA  has  worked  to  find
            say the NRA’s move is little                                                                                        some  common  ground
            more  than  a  ruse  to  stall   Clark Aposhian, chairman of the Utah Shooting Sports Council, demonstrates how a little-known   with  gun-control  advo-
            any  momentum  for  wider    device called a “bump stock” works when attached to a semi-automatic rifle at the Gun Vault   cates.
            gun  control  until  outrage   store and shooting range Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2017, in South Jordan, Utah              Following the 2007 Virginia
            over the Las Vegas attack                                                                          Associated Press   Tech  shooting  in  which  a
            subsides. It also carries little   wounded hundreds more.  telling  Fox  News’  Tucker  the  agency  to  evaluate  a   mentally  ill  student  shot
            risk. For one, it’s rare for the   On  Thursday,  the  NRA  is-  Carlson: “What we’ve said  firearm or accessory to de-  and  killed  32  people  and
            Bureau of Alcohol, Tobac-    sued  a  statement  that  is ATF needs to do their job.  termine if its sale is restrict-  wounded  17,  the  NRA
            co, Firearms and Explosives   urged  the  ATF  to  review  ATF  needs  to  look  and  if  ed by either federal law. It   worked  with  gun-control
            to  reverse  course  without   whether the devices com-   there’s  technology  that’s  is extremely rare for the ATF   advocates  to  fund  a  bill
            a  change  in  the  law.  For   ply  with  federal  law  and  come  to  the  market  that  to  reconsider  its  previous   designed  to  improve  re-
            another,  “bump  stocks”     said it “believes that devic-  allow for a semi-automatic  guidance  unless  federal   cord keeping so that peo-
            are  not  big  moneymakers   es designed to allow semi-   rifle  to  function  as  a  fully  law changes — so rare that   ple  with  mental  illnesses
            for  the  gun  industry.  And   automatic rifles to function  automatic  rifle,  they  need  experts could think of only   were  unable  to  purchase
            by  seeking  an  administra-  like  fully  automatic  rifles  to be regulated differently.  one time when it has hap-  a firearm.
            tive change, rather than a   should be subject to addi-   We didn’t talk about ban-    pened, and even then they    In  the  days  following  the
            new law, the NRA allows its   tional regulations.”        ning anything.”              weren’t sure their memories   Las Vegas attack, unusual
            supporters  in  Congress  to   The  statement  pointedly  Notably,    the    nation’s  were correct.                alliances began to emerge
            avoid going on the record    noted  that  it  was  under  other  leading  gun  lobby-  The  agency,  describing  its   between  top  Democratic
            with a vote.                 President Barack Obama’s  ing  groups,  including  Gun  process  in  general  on  Fri-  and  Republican  members
            “They’re  dismissed  as  silly   administration that the de-  Owners  of  America,  reit-  day,  indicated  that  Con-  of  Congress  urging  that
            gadgets  that  really  inhibit   vices were authorized to be  erated  their  opposition  to  gress will be responsible for   bump stocks be banned. If
            the accuracy of a firearm.   sold and again urged Con-    restricting  or  banning  the  decisions  about  regulating   the devices were restricted
            If these bump stocks were    gress  to  enact  one  of  the  devices.                  or banning the devices.      by an administrative ruling,
            super popular among gun      gun lobby’s top priorities: a  The few companies that sell  It  was  not  immediately   it  would  spare  NRA  sup-
            owners,  we’d  see  a  very   national  “concealed-carry  bump stocks are known to  clear  whether  President       porters  in  Congress  from
            different  position  from  the   reciprocity” law that would  include  in  their  packaging  Donald  Trump  or  Attorney   having to go on the record
            NRA,”  said  Adam  Winkler,   require  all  states  to  rec-  a  letter  from  the  ATF  from  General  Jeff  Sessions,  who   with a vote.
            a professor at the University   ognize  other  states’  con-  2010,  when  the  agency  oversees  the  ATF,  could   John Feinblatt, president of
            of  California,  Los  Angeles,   cealed carry permits.    concluded that they were  order  it  to  re-evaluate  its   Everytown  for  Gun  Safety,
            School of Law and author     In  a  matter  of  hours,  NRA  not restricted by either the  judgment about devices.  cast the NRA’s move as a
            of  “Gunfight:  The  Battle   chief lobbyist Chris Cox put  Gun Control Act or the Na-  The  NRA  is  viewed  as  the   “wink and a nod.”
            over the Right to Bear Arms   to  rest  any  sense  that  the  tional Firearms Act.    most  powerful  and  most    “They’re  not  making  a
            in America.”                 group  was  actively  seek-  The ATF provides guidance  inflexible  group  in  the  gun   concession.  What  they’ve
            The  NRA  “can  throw  a     ing a ban of bump stocks,  when a manufacturer asks  lobby.  It  pours  millions  of   really  done  is  punted  this
            sacrificial  lamb  of  ‘bump                                                                                        to the very federal agency
            stocks’ because they know                                                                                           that said bump stocks were
            that gun owners don’t use                                                                                           legal,”  Feinblatt  said.  “This
            them  or  like  them,”  he                                                                                          was just a wink and nod.”q
            The  devices,  originally  in-
            tended  to  help  people
            with disabilities, fit over the
            stock  and  pistol  grip  of  a
            semi-automatic  rifle  and
            allow  the  weapon  to  fire
            continuously,  some  400  to
            800 rounds in a single min-
            ute, mimicking a fully auto-
            matic firearm. Bump stocks
            were  found  among  the
            weapons used by Stephen
            Paddock as he rained bul-
            lets  from  a  Las  Vegas  ca-
            sino  high-rise  last  Sunday.   In this Oct. 4, 2017, photo, a device called a “bump stock” is attached to a semi-automatic rifle
            The gunfire killed 58 people   at the Gun Vault store and shooting range in South Jordan, Utah.
            at  a  concert  below  and                                                                         Associated Press
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