P. 24

Saturday 4 November 2017 TECHNOLOGY

            Sales of iPhone X begin: Can Apple live up to the hype?

            By  MICHAEL  LIEDTKE  and  available  for  same-day  "The Super Bowl for Apple is
            TALI ARBEL                   sales Friday.                the iPhone X," GBH analyst
             AP Technology Writers       Shares  rose  2.8  percent  to  Daniel Ives said. "That is the
            SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —  $172.89  in  midday  trading  potential game changer."
            Apple's  iPhone  X  went  on  Friday.                     But  it  also  brings  a  poten-
            sale  Friday,  as  the  com-  Apple  had  said  Thursday  tial  stumbling  block.  While
            pany  scrambles  to  meet  that  iPhone  sales  rose  3  conspiracy  theorists  might
            demand  for  a  marquee  percent,  to  46.7  million,  in  suspect  that  Apple  is  arti-
            device  that  sports  a  lush  the  July-September  quar-  ficially  reducing  supply  to
            screen,  facial-recognition  ter,  a  period  that  saw  the  generate buzz, analysts say
            skills and a $1,000 price tag  iPhone 8  and 8  Plus  come  the  real  reason  is  that  Ap-
            .                            out in the final weeks. Sales  ple's suppliers so far haven't
            Most analysts have predict-  could  have  been  higher  been  able  to  manufac-
            ed Apple won't be able to  if  many  customers  hadn't  ture  the  iPhone  X  quickly
            catch up with demand un-     been waiting for the iPhone  enough.                      The new Apple iPhone X sits on display as consumers line up to
            til early next year.         X.                           Making  the  iPhone  X  is   buy the phone at the new Apple Michigan Avenue store along
            But the company is optimis-  As  with  recent  quarters,  proving to be a challenge    the Chicago River Friday, Nov. 3, 2017, in Chicago.
            tic.  "As  we  approach  the  one of the main sources of  because  it  boasts  a  color-                                        Associated Press
            holiday season, we expect  Apple's  growth  is  coming  popping      OLED    screen,  and  impatient  consumers  iPhones  in  the  fiscal  year
            it to be our biggest quarter  from its services, which are  which isn't as readily avail-  turn instead to phones from  ending  in  September  2018
            ever,"  CEO  Tim  Cook  told  anchored by an app store  able  as  standard  LCD  dis-  Google or Samsung.           — the most in the product's
            Wall  Street  analysts  Thurs-  that feeds the iPhone and  plays in other iPhone mod-  "What Apple needs to do is  history. The previous record
            day.  He  added  that  the  other devices.                els.  The  new  iPhone  also  manage consumer expec-      was set in 2015 when Apple
            company  is  increasing  its  Revenue  in  that  division  requires more sophisticated  tations  so  they  don't  get  shipped 231 million iPhones,
            iPhone  X  production  ca-   surged  34  percent  to  $8.5  components  to  power  the  frustrated having to wait for  thanks to larger models in-
            pacity every week.           billion  during  the  July-Sep-  facial-recognition  technol-  so  long  for  a  new  phone,"  troduced  just  before  the
            Apple  is  now  giving  deliv-  tember  period.  All  told,  ogy  for  unlocking  the  de-  Ives said.              fiscal year began. By com-
            ery  times  of  three  to  four  Apple  earned  $10.7  billion  vice.                  Analysts believe Apple can  parison,   Apple   shipped
            weeks,  down  from  five  to  on revenue of $52.6 billion,  Even  with  the  iPhone  X's  pull off the juggling act.  nearly  217  million  iPhones
            six  weeks,  for  those  order-  compared with a $9 billion  delayed  release,  Apple  is  Forrester's  Julie  Ask  said  in  its  just-completed  fiscal
            ing  online.  Lines  formed  profit  on  revenue  of  $46.9  still struggling to catch up.  would-be   buyers   aren't  2017.
            outside stores in New York,  billion a year earlier.      Apple  is  counting  on  the  likely  to  switch  to  Android  If Apple falters, investors are
            Chicago,  Hong  Kong,  Mi-   Nonetheless,  the  just-end-  iPhone  X  to  drive  even  just because they can't get  likely to dump its stock after
            lan,  Italy,  and  Dubai,  Unit-  ed quarter largely became  higher-than-usual sales dur-  an iPhone X right away. At  driving the shares up by 45
            ed  Arab  Emirates,  among  an  afterthought  once  Ap-   ing the first nine months of  most, Ask said, it will delay  percent this year on the ex-
            others, as customers came  ple decided to release the  next year — a scenario that  when Apple gets revenue.        pectation that the iPhone X
            to pick up orders or to grab  iPhone X six weeks after the  might  not  play  out  if  pro-  They  are  expecting  the  will be the company's big-
            one of the limited numbers  iPhone 8.                     duction  problems  persist  company to sell 242 million  gest hit yet.q

                                                                      U. of Michigan expert puts

                                                                      bird-like robot through its paces

                                                                      teries  and  is  able  to  walk  Cassie  and  the  potential  For now, Grizzle and some
                                                                      unassisted  on  rough  and  she represents, certain real-  of  his  students  are  putting
                                                                      uneven terrain.              world applications are still a  Cassie  through  her  paces
                                                                      Cassie,  which  stands  a  bit  bit out of reach.         on  and  around Michigan's
                                                                      over  3.25  feet  (1  meter)  Search-and-rescue  "is  a  Ann Arbor campus.
                                                                      at  full  leg  extension,  was  hard  problem  and  serves  During  a  recent  a  stroll  on
                                                                      built  by  Albany,  Oregon-  as a template for 'unsolved  a   pedestrian   walkway,
                                                                      based Agility Robotics and  problems      in   robotics,'  Cassie ambled on a grassy,
                                                                      purchased  by  Michigan  which is one of the reasons  sloped  surface,  then  took
                                                                      researchers  using  grant  you see it pop up so much  a  serious  tumble  and  did
             In this Monday, Oct. 23, 2017 image made from video, a new   money  from  the  National  when  robotics  companies  a  face-plant  on  the  con-
             robot, named "Cassie," walks on the campus of the University   Science  Foundation  and  talk  about  applications,"  crete.
             of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Mich.                          Toyota  Research  Institute.  said  Agility  Robotics  CEO  "Well, I think that's the end"
                                                     Associated Press  Although  other  institutions  Damion Shelton, who add-  of  the  test,  Grizzle  said,  as
                                                                      have acquired similar mod-   ed that it is "difficult to even  Cassie lay in a heap on the
             By MIKE HOUSEHOLDER         derived  from  the  casso-   els,  Michigan's  team  is  ex-  speculate"  when  a  robot  ground, slightly nicked and
              Associated Press           wary  (KASS'-uh-WAIR'-ee),  cited  to  use  its  version  to  could  be  used  for  such  a  scratched but no worse for
             ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) —  a flightless bird similar to an  put Michigan Robotics' cut-  purpose.                    wear.
             A  rare  bird  has  landed  at  ostrich — stands upright on  ting-edge programming to  Other  applications  will  be  The  programs  Grizzle  and
             the  University  of  Michigan:  legs  with  backward-fac-  the  test,  said  Jessy  Grizzle,  launched  sooner,  accord-  his students tested "are ver-
             a two-legged robot named  ing  knees.  The  biped  that  director  of  Michigan  Ro-  ing  to  Shelton,  who  said  a  sion 1.0," he said.
             "Cassie"  that  researchers  weighs  about  66  pounds  botics.                       robot  capable  of  walking  "They are simple algorithms
             hope could be the forerun-  (29.94  kilograms)  may  not  "This  stuff  makes  our  old  around  the  perimeter  of  to  make  sure  that  we  un-
             ner of a machine that one  have  feathers  or  a  head,  math look like child's play,"  an  industrial  site  taking  3D  derstand the robot. We will
             day will aid search-and-res-  but  she  is  attached  to  a  Grizzle said.            scans is no more than two  now  focus  on  implement-
             cue efforts.                short  torso  that  holds  mo-  Although  there  is  consid-  years  away  from  becom-  ing  our  super-cool  latest
             Cassie  —  whose  name  is  tors,  computers  and  bat-  erable  excitement  about  ing reality.                   stuff," Grizzle said.q
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