P. 29

PEOPLE/ARTS                        Saturday 4 November 2017
            Margaret Atwood’s ‘Alias Grace’

            adapted as Netflix series

            By ALICIA RANCILIO           start  to  question  his  mo-  that we all feel.”
             Associated Press            tives,” Gadon said in a re-  To prepare for the role, Ga-
            NEW YORK (AP) — Another  cent interview. “Is he falling  don  spent  time  at  Black
            Margaret  Atwood  novel  for  Grace?  Does  he  want  Creek  Pioneer  Village,  a
            is  getting  the  Hollywood  to  save  her?  Has  he  be-  working  village  in  Ontario,
            treatment, this time on Net-  come obsessed with her or  Canada,  that  transports
            flix.                        is she manipulating him?”    visitors  back  to  the  late
            In  “Alias  Grace,”  a  six-  Gadon  said  the  compel-   1700s to mid-1800s.
            episode  Netflix  miniseries  ling part of the story is the  “I  learned  how  to  milk  a
            starring  Sarah  Gadon,  an  gray area of it all. She and  cow,  churn  butter,  start  a
            Irish  immigrant  working  as  director  Mary  Harron  ana-  fire and ... use a Victorian-
            a  maid  in  Canada  in  the  lyzed  different  scenarios  era kitchen,” she said.
            1840s  is  accused  of  mur-  that  would  make  Grace  Gadon also learned to sew      In  this  Aug.  16, 2017  photo, actress  Sarah  Gadon  poses  for  a
            dering her boss and his mis-  guilty  or  not.  Gadon  says  because  Grace  sews  a   portrait to promote her series, “Alias Grace” in New York.
            tress.  Her  case  is  covered  they have their own beliefs  quilt by hand as she is be-                                        Associated Press
            with  breathless  scrutiny,  about what happened but  ing interviewed by her doc-
            making the young woman  don’t  want  to  influence  tor. Gadon says she would
            infamous.                    anyone  watching  the  se-   need  a  refresher  on  sew-
            Based  on  Atwood’s  his-    ries.                        ing, but “could churn some
            torical novel, Gadon plays  “The  series  and  the  book  butter. It’s pretty easy.
            Grace,  who  recounts  her  are  all  about  the  ambigu-  It’s a lot of work but I could
            life story to a young psychi-  ity  and  it’s  all  about  the  definitely  churn  some  but-
            atrist trying to help jog her  journey,” Gadon said. “Did  ter.”
            memory.                      Grace do it? Did she not do  Another  Atwood  novel,
            “While  he’s  having  these  it? Do you want her to have  “The  Handmaid’s  Tale,”  is
            interviews   with   Grace  done it? It kind of plays with  an Emmy-winning series on
            throughout  the  show,  you  all  those  human  emotions  Hulu.q
            Miguel ‘angered’ by immigrant

            treatment at detention centers

            By JONATHAN LANDRUM Jr.
             Associated Press
            ATLANTA  (AP)  —  After
            hearing    numerous    sto-
            ries  of  immigrants  being
            deprived  of  meals  and
            relegated  to  harsh  living
            conditions inside some de-
            tention  centers  across  the
            country,  Grammy-winning
            singer  Miguel  said  he  felt
            That’s  why  he  decided  to
            headline  a  free  #School-
            sNotPrisons   concert    in
            California  to  bring  more   In this Feb. 15, 2016 file photo, Miguel performs at the 58th an-
            awareness to the issue last   nual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles.
            month. More than 1,000 at-                                            Associated Press
            tendees were at the show,    or there are maggots in the  thized with them, especial-
            held  across  the  street    food. The treatment is cra-  ly  since  his  grandmother
            from  the  Adelanto  Deten-  zy,”  he  added.Detention  came to the U.S. from Mexi-
            tion  Center,  the  largest  in   centers are institutions that  co to find work in the 1960s.
            the  state.“You  think  a  de-  usually hold people, partic-  She  eventually  moved  her
            tention  center  is  a  place   ularly  immigrants,  for  short  family to America.“It made
            where  people  are  being    periods  of  time  while  they  me  even  more  angry  for
            fed  and  taken  care  of,   await  trial  or  a  sentence.  them,” said Miguel, who is
            but these people are only    But the R&B singer said he’s  half  black  and  Mexican.
            getting  one  meal  a  day,   heard firsthand stories from  “It’s  another  example  of
            which is often like a sand-  people  who  have  been  how  innocent  people  are
            wich,”  Miguel,  who  was    held  for  nearly  a  decade.  being  taken  advantage
            raised in Los Angeles, said   Miguel believes those types  of.  It’s  unjust  on  a  human
            in  a  recent  interview  with   of  institutions  should  be  level. As someone from this
            The Associated Press.“They   shutdown.  He  said  though  country  who  understands
            sleep on the floor. The chil-  some  of  the  inmates  are  that  this  is  a  place  that’s
            dren  that  are  being  held   criminals,  the  majority  of  supposed   to   represent
            there  are  sleeping  under   them are looking to better  freedom  and  equality,  we
            one  blanket.  ...The  food   their lives and seek oppor-  see a complete contrast of
            they are serving isn’t edible   tunities in the U.S.      how these people are be-
            because  it’s  been  spoiled   The  singer  said  he  empa-  ing treated.” q
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