P. 32

              Saturday 4 November 2017
              After truck attack, NYC circles the wagons around marathon

            By TOM HAYS and COLLEEN                                                                                             Islamic  State  group  sup-
            LONG                                                                                                                porter  “appears  to  have
            Associated Press                                                                                                    followed, almost exactly to
            NEW YORK (AP) — In a city                                                                                           a T, the instructions ISIS has
            shaken by its deadliest ter-                                                                                        put  out  in  its  social  media
            rorist  attack  since  9/11,                                                                                        channels,” said the NYPD’s
            police  are  promising  an                                                                                          top  counterterrorism  offi-
            unprecedented      security                                                                                         cial, John Miller.
            effort to try to secure a soft                                                                                      An  online  Islamic  State
            target  spanning  five  bor-                                                                                        group  magazine  posted
            oughs  and  26.2  miles:  the                                                                                       last  year  extolled  using
            New York City Marathon.                                                                                             trucks  to  kill  innocent  vic-
            City  officials  have  sought                                                                                       tims,  saying,  “Vehicles  are
            to calm the nerves of more                                                                                          like knives, as they are ex-
            than  50,000  runners  and                                                                                          tremely easy to acquire.” It
            huge  crowds  of  onlookers                                                                                         also advised “surveying the
            expected  to  line  the  mar-                                                                                       route  for  obstacles,  such
            athon  route  by  insisting  it                                                                                     as  posts,  signs,  barriers,
            will  go  off  Sunday  without                                                                                      humps,  bus  stops,  dump-
            a  hitch  only  days  after  a                                                                                      sters,  etc.  which  is  impor-
            truck  attack  killed  eight                                                                                        tant for sidewalk-mounted
            people  in  lower  Manhat-                                                                                          attacks.”
            tan.                         A New York City police office stands near the finish line of the New York City Marathon, in New   Investigators  say  there’s
            The  security  detail  will  in-  York’s Central Park, Friday, Nov. 3, 2017.                       Associated Press   evidence   the   suspect,
            clude  hundreds  of  ex-                                                                                            29-year-old Sayfullo Saipov,
            tra  uniformed  patrol  and   lenge,  even  for  a  police   and a thin plastic tape.  Office    of   Emergency     did  reconnaissance  be-
            plainclothes officers, roving   department with 35,000 of-  The  crowd  is  so  big,  run-  Management  and  oth-   fore driving a Home Depot
            teams  of  counterterrorism   ficers.                     ners start in waves, mean-   er  agencies  will  provide   rental truck through an un-
            commandos  armed  with       The race starts in a relative-  ing  some  people  will  still   added security. Cuomo, a   obstructed entry to a bike
            heavy  weapons,  bomb-       ly secure location. Runners   be standing on the starting   Democrat,  said  the  state   path  in  lower  Manhattan
            sniffing  dogs  and  rooftop   gather  at  Staten  Island’s   line  while  competitors  in   police will double the num-  and mowing down cyclists
            snipers poised to shoot if a   Fort  Wadsworth,  a  former   the wheelchair division are   ber  of  troopers  posted  at   and  pedestrians.  A  police
            threat emerges.              military  installation  now   crossing the finish.        high-profile  locations,  in-  officer shot and wounded
            The  Police  Department  is   partially  occupied  by  the   “It  will  be  an  extraordi-  cluding  Kennedy  and  La-  Saipov  before  he  was  ar-
            also  turning  to  a  tactic  it   U.S. Coast Guard.      nary event, as it always is,”   Guardia airports.         rested  and  charged  with
            has used to protect Trump    From  there,  though,  the   Mayor Bill de Blasio said this   The  attack  Tuesday,  on  a   supporting  terrorism  and
            Tower  and  the  Macy’s      race  heads  through  resi-  week  at  a  news  confer-   bicycle  path  miles  from   other federal counts.
            Thanksgiving  Day  Parade:   dential     neighborhoods    ence.  “It  will  be  well  pro-  the  marathon  route,  was   The shift away from sophis-
            16-ton  sanitation  trucks   with  hundreds  of  spots    tected, as it always is.”    a  grim  reminder  of  how   ticated large-scale attacks
            filled with sand. The trucks,   where  an  attacker  could   Police said they’ll use more   the  Islamic  State  group  is   like  the  one  on  the  World
            along  with  “blocker  cars,”                                                                                       Trade  Center’s  twin  tow-
            will be positioned at key in-                                                                                       ers  on  Sept.  11,  2001,  to
            tersections  to  try  and  pre-                                                                                     smaller ones on soft targets
            vent  anyone  from  driving                                                                                         has  forced  law  enforce-
            onto the course.                                                                                                    ment to become more ad-
            Marathoners  from  around                                                                                           ept at how to prevent and
            the world who have been                                                                                             respond  to  terrorism,  said
            streaming  into  the  city  in                                                                                      Karen Greenberg, director
            anticipation  of  the  race                                                                                         of  Fordham  Law  School’s
            expressed  mixed  feelings                                                                                          Center  on  National  Secu-
            about  running  so  soon  af-                                                                                       rity.
            ter the carnage.                                                                                                    “I   don’t   think   people
            “I  can  be  really  scared  of                                                                                     should be worried,” Green-
            it when I am at home and                                                                                            berg  said.  “The  police
            in  front  of  the  TV,”  Anne-                                                                                     know what they are doing.
            merel de Jongh, 28, of The                                                                                          Look at how few successful
            Hague,  Netherlands,  said                                                                                          attacks there have been.”
            Thursday as she picked up                                                                                           Safety  adjustments  made
            her race number at a Man-                                                                                           by  organizers  of  the  New
            hattan convention center.                                                                                           York City Marathon follow-
            “But  when  I  am  running  I                                                                                       ing  the  bombing  of  the
            feel maybe a little bit invin-                                                                                      Boston  Marathon  in  2013
            cible, like nothing can hap-                                                                                        — like banning backpacks
            pen to me. I can run away    A group of runners from Argentina pose for photos with their country’s flag, near the finish of the   and  costumes  —  remain
            from it.”                    New York City Marathon, in New York’s Central Park, Friday, Nov. 3, 2017.    Associated Press  in place, said Chris Weiller,
            The  New  York  Police  De-                                                                                         spokesman  for  New  York
            partment said it has no in-  steer  a  vehicle  onto  the   of the blocker vehicles for   using  its  propaganda  to   Road   Runners.   Despite
            formation  pointing  to  any   thickly   packed   course.   the marathon than they’ve   encourage     radicalized   widespread  news  reports
            credible threat against the   Streets  leading  to  the   ever  used  for  any  other   “lone  wolves”  to  cause   and  images  of  the  trail  of
            race.                        course  are  closed,  but    event.                       harm with unsophisticated    bodies left by the truck at-
            There   is   no   question,   on many of them, in most    Gov. Andrew Cuomo said       means in easily accessible   tack, the cancellation rate
            though,  that  the  course   years,  the  only  barrier  is  a   the  state  police,  the  Na-  settings.           has  remained  about  the
            provides  a  security  chal-  blue,  wooden  sawhorse     tional  Guard,  the  state   The  attack  by  an  alleged   same, he said.q
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