Page 23 - CMB
P. 23
Thursday 24 May 2018
Net foreign assets increased
Summary of the Monthly Bulletin of January 2018
ORANJESTAD — Monetary non-credit related balance Inflation which was largely counter- nontax revenue of Afl. 4.6
developments sheet items. In contrast, The consumer price index balanced by a reduction in million.
In January 2018, money domestic credit increased (CPI) for January 2018 not- the Latin American market
supply expanded by Afl. by Afl. 3.6 million. The con- ed a 1.1 percent increase of 3,290 visitors (-18.1 per- The rise in tax revenue was
43.6 million to Afl. 4,283.5 traction in the non-credit year-over-year (YOY). The cent). mainly related to increases
million, compared to De- related balance sheet main contributor to this rise in import duties (+Afl. 2.8
cember 2017, resulting items was mostly related was the component “Trans- The increase in the North million), income tax (+Afl.
from growth in net foreign to decreases in allocated port”. Other components American market was 2.3 million), turnover tax
assets of Afl. 63.3 million, provisions for loan losses, also noting increases were largely due to a rise in ar- (B.B.O.) (+Afl. 1.9 million),
which was partly mitigated accounts receivable and “Food and Non-Alcoholic rivals from the United States land tax (+Afl. 1.0 million)
by a drop in domestic as- prepayments and other Beverages”, “Housing”, (+4,097 visitors or +7.4 per- and transfer tax (+Afl. 1.0
sets of Afl. 19.7 million. liabilities, an increase in “Recreational and Cul- cent). The decline in the million). These increases
shareholders’ equity and ture”, and “Restaurants Latin American market were partly offset by de-
The Afl. 63.3 million increase clearing transactions. Do- and Hotels”. Conversely, was mainly because of a creases in profit tax (-Afl.
in the net foreign assets of mestic credit rose due to an the components “Cloth- contraction in arrivals from 1.4 million) and foreign
the banking sector result- Afl. 10.0 million surge in the ing and Footwear” and Venezuela (-4,333 visitors or exchange tax (-Afl. 1.0
ed from net purchases of net claims of the banking “Household Operation” -48.9 percent). million).q
foreign exchange of Afl. sector on the public sec- registered a decrease. Ex-
254.0 million from the pub- tor, which was counterbal- cluding the effect of food The number of cruise visi- For further information or
lic mainly associated with anced by a decline in the and energy, the core CPI tors increased by 18,564 a more detailed analysis,
foreign exchange reve- claims on the private sector rose by 0.7 percent (YOY). passengers or 20.7 percent visit the website (
nue from tourism activities, of Afl. 6.4 million. The drop The 12-month average in- to 108,298 in January 2018, or contact the
transportation services and in the claims of the banking flation rate was -0.4 per- compared to January 2017. Statistics Department of
direct investments. These sector on the private sector cent in January 2018, com- The number of ship calls ex- the Centrale Bank van Aru-
were partly offset by net was attributed to decreas- pared to -0.5 percent in panded from 44 in January ba, tel. +297-525-2100, e-
sales of foreign exchange es in consumer credit (-Afl. December 2017. 2017 to 53 in January 2018. mail statistics.department@
of Afl. 190.7 million to the 7.2 million) and loans to en-
public, mainly related to terprises (-Afl. 1.9 million), Tourism Government
goods, other services, net and a rise in housing mort- The number of stay over vis- Total government revenue
transfers to foreign ac- gages (+Afl. 2.6 million). The itors amounted to 757,183 amounted to Afl. 100.4 mil-
counts, current transfers net claims of the banking in January 2018, which is lion in January 2018, Afl. 3.2
and income. sector on the public sector 2,202 more visitors (+2.5 per- million more than the same
increased mainly because cent) than in January 2017. month of the previous year.
The drop in the domestic of a decrease in the de- This growth was mainly due This outcome resulted from
component of the money posits of the government of to the expansion in the a rise of Afl. 7.8 million in
supply resulted from an Afl. 9.9 million. North American market of tax, which was partially
Afl. 23.3 million decrease in 5,104 visitors (+8.3 percent), mitigated by a reduction in