Page 2 - ATA 10 SEPT 2015
P. 2
Thursday 10 September
Loyal Visitors Honored at the Marriott Ocean Club
PALM BEACH - Recently the Club and they love Aruba
Aruba Tourism Authority very much because of the
had the great pleasure of friendly people, the cli-
honoring a group of loyal mate, the beaches – espe-
and friendly visitors of Aru- cially snorkeling at Malmok
ba at the Marriott Ocean beach, the restaurants,
Club as Distinguished Visi- shopping and the multi-lin-
tors. gual experience.
The symbolic honorary title The guests say that being
is presented in the name on Aruba is like being in
of the Minister of Tourism as paradise,
a token of appreciation to the employees at the Mar-
guests who visit Aruba for riott Ocean Club are like
10-to-19 consecutive years. family to them, and the
The honorees were Mr. Mar- Resort is their home away
tin and Mrs. Debby Cham- from home.
off of Raleigh, north Caro- The certificates were pre-
lina, Mr. William and Mrs. sented by Mr. Ernest Giel
Mary Thomas of Owasso representing the Aruba
Oklahoma, and Mr. Wayne Tourism Authority together
and Mrs. Diane Kent of with family members of the
Ridgeland, Mississippi. The honorees and Manage-
honorees are loyal mem- ment and staff members of
bers of the Marriott Ocean the Marriott Ocean Club.q