Page 3 - ATA 10 SEPT 2015
P. 3


LOCALThursday 10 September

Juhasz Family Honored by the Aruba Tourism Authority

EAGLE BEACH - Recently          Ambassadors of Goodwill.       Louis and Mrs. Kathy Juhasz   climate, the beaches and      ed by Mr. Ernest Giel repre-
the Aruba Tourism Authority     The symbolic honorary title    from Beacon, New York.        restaurants.                  senting the Aruba Tourism
had the great pleasure of       is presented in the name       Louis and Kathy are loyal     Aruba and the Casa Del        Authority together with Ms.
honoring a very nice cou-       of the Minister of Tourism as  members of the Casa Del       Mar is like a second home     Lindsey Koolman and Mr.
ple whom are loyal and          a token of appreciation to     Mar Beach Resort, and         for them, where they feel     Bob Curtis GM at the Casa
friendly visitors of Aruba, at  guests who visit Aruba for     they love Aruba very much,    welcome like family every     Del Mar Beach Resort.q
the Casa Del Mar Beach          20-to-34 consecutive years.    because of the great ex-      year when they return.
Resort Beach Resort, as         The honorees were Mr.          tremely friendly people, the  The certificate was present-
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