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LOCALFriday 9 January 2015
Aruba Takes Pride in Our EarthCheck Certified Resorts!
EAGLE BEACH - MVC Eagle mental practices to inde- here to internationally rec- Practice. With this achieve- has joined industry leaders
Beach has been recog- pendent auditors and ad- ognized standard of Best ment MVC Eagle Beach from more than 65 coun-
nized by EarthCheck once tries by being awarded
more and received their EarthCheck Silver Certified
Silver certification. status.
This maintains their place EarthCheck is widely re-
as a leader in the unique garded as the world’s most
worldwide group of sus- scientifically rigorous envi-
tainable tourism operators ronmental management
that are certified to the program, designed spe-
internationally recognized cifically for the travel and
EarthCheck Company tourism industry.
Standard. It looks at key environ-
Achieving this shows that mental indicators such as
this cozy and beautiful ho- energy and water con-
tel is highly committed to sumption, total waste pro-
the environment and to duction, and community
sustainability, and with sim- commitment to determine
ply 19 rooms the property an operator’s standard of
does as much as possible performance. More infor-
to preserve the environ- mation regarding Earth-
ment. check can be found on
To get recognized and or
received the EarthCheck visit the website www.
Silver certification is a chal-
lenge for the resort each or their facebook page
year. MVC Eagle Beach
had to report their environ- MvcEagleBeach.q
LOCALFriday 9 January 2015
Aruba Takes Pride in Our EarthCheck Certified Resorts!
EAGLE BEACH - MVC Eagle mental practices to inde- here to internationally rec- Practice. With this achieve- has joined industry leaders
Beach has been recog- pendent auditors and ad- ognized standard of Best ment MVC Eagle Beach from more than 65 coun-
nized by EarthCheck once tries by being awarded
more and received their EarthCheck Silver Certified
Silver certification. status.
This maintains their place EarthCheck is widely re-
as a leader in the unique garded as the world’s most
worldwide group of sus- scientifically rigorous envi-
tainable tourism operators ronmental management
that are certified to the program, designed spe-
internationally recognized cifically for the travel and
EarthCheck Company tourism industry.
Standard. It looks at key environ-
Achieving this shows that mental indicators such as
this cozy and beautiful ho- energy and water con-
tel is highly committed to sumption, total waste pro-
the environment and to duction, and community
sustainability, and with sim- commitment to determine
ply 19 rooms the property an operator’s standard of
does as much as possible performance. More infor-
to preserve the environ- mation regarding Earth-
ment. check can be found on
To get recognized and or
received the EarthCheck visit the website www.
Silver certification is a chal-
lenge for the resort each or their facebook page
year. MVC Eagle Beach
had to report their environ- MvcEagleBeach.q