Page 21 - ATA
P. 21
Tuesday 23 February 2016
Venezuela takes on Zika amid shortages, information blackout
FABIOLA SANCHEZ dent physicians allied with lain-Barre, which is about The country’s private, op- week. That is a lot to ask,
Associated Press the opposition — the Ven- 5 percent in developed position-leaning pharma- however, of the many Ven-
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) ezuelan Society of Public countries. Nancy Pino, a ceutical association says ezuelans who keep tubs
— This is what the Zika out- Health — says that’s likely 68-year-old retired school Venezuela only has 20 per- in their homes full of water
break looks like in Venezu- a dramatic underestimate. administrator, died last cent of the medications it to deal with chronic short-
ela, a country whose medi- It says a polling of local month of Guillain-Barre that requires, a result of curren- ages.
cal system has teetered for health officials found a rise developed after she fell ill cy and price controls. Meanwhile, state media
months on the brink of col- in acute fevers that could over Christmas with symp- The government blames have been broadcasting
lapse: correspond to 400,000 Zika toms of Zika. the shortages on “econom- images of health officials
There’s a lack of bug cases, and the outbreak
spray to prevent mosquito will likely reach its peak A man holds his sick daughter as they wait to see a doctor at a medical center near Petare
bites, scant contracep- around the end of March. neighborhood in Caracas, Venezuela. Preventing the Zika virus’ spread in the absence of a public
tives to avert pregnancies, Neighboring Colombia, campaign in a Venezuela where the health care system is near collapse means the people most
little medicine to treat Zika- by contrast, has reported at risk, the poor, don’t even know about the epidemic. Chronic shortages have left the country
linked maladies. There has more than 30,000 cases. without insect repellent or contraceptives, leaving women unable to guard against pregnancy,
been no effective public It’s been a year since the not to mention sexual transmission of the virus.
health campaign to inform government published up-
the public about the dis- to-date epidemiological (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)
ease — and nobody really data and reaching the
knows how many infections Health Ministry for informa- Doctors said the woman ic war” waged by its right- on mosquito fumigation
there have been. tion is frustrating. from the lowland state of wing opponents. and immunoglobulin distri-
“It’s just terrible what we The main line for its “Zika Anzoategui needed intra- Earlier this month, Health bution missions.
are living,” said Carla Na- situation room” was out of venous immunoglobulin Minister Luisana Melo in- What they haven’t been
tera, a 50-year-old local order when a reporter tried therapy, and sent her three vited sick Venezuelans to doing with any regularity is
government worker who to call it recently, and the children on a frantic two- email requests for medi- offering the public advice
contracted Zika and spent person answering another week search for the medi- cine to a state-run Gmail on how to behave.
three days searching phar- number for the room hung cine after they rushed her account. Last week, Presi- Venezuelan officials say
macies for an ointment to up twice. To compensate to Caracas. dent Nicolas Maduro said the country has not yet
calm the angry rash that for the lack of official fig- As the family begged for the country had received seen any cases of birth de-
broke out on her face and ures, doctors have been immunoglobulin at state a special shipment of drugs fects associated with Zika,
body. turning to informal surveys, agencies, on local televi- that will be sufficient to as have been reported in
William Barrientos, a doctor social media and even sion channels and even at combat Zika, but did not Brazil.
and opposition lawmaker, Google analytics to try to the presidential palace, specify what the shipment Other countries have ad-
says the socialist govern- get a handle on the scope their mother lost the abil- included. vised women to postpone
ment is not equipped to of the outbreak. ity to walk, speak, open The Health Ministry is ad- pregnancy until the Zika
confront a health crisis in The virus has been linked her eyes and, finally, to vising the public to use epidemic has slowed. But in
a country where food and to a spike in Guillain-Barre, breathe. bug spray, an item all but Venezuela, condoms and
medicine shortages are a rare disorder in which the “They shut the doors on us. impossible to come by in birth control pills are in ex-
acute, the economy is a immune system attacks There’s just not medicine Venezuela these days, tremely short supply, mak-
shambles and a political the nervous system, caus- here,” daughter Nehara and to clean out their tubs ing it complicated for wom-
crisis deepens by the day. ing temporary paralysis Ramos said. of standing water once a en to avoid pregnancy.q
“There is no education that can be fatal. Health
and information campaign officials say the country
among the population has seen 255 cases of the
here,” and no tracking of Guillain-Barre syndrome
the mosquitoes that carry since the Zika outbreak
the virus, he said. began — a much higher
The scale of what Venezu- incidence than reported in
ela is going through is un- other countries grappling
clear. Officials alerted the with the virus.
World Health Organization “Normally, we’d expect
to the first case of Zika here 30 or 40 cases of Guillain-
in November but did not Barre a month,” said former
release statistics or reach health minister José Félix
out to the public until two Oletta. “What this shows
months later. is that the minister has the
The Health Ministry is now total number of Zika cases
reporting more than 5,000 wrong. It’s much higher.”
suspected Zika cases and Venezuela’s medical short-
three related deaths. ages could easily boost
But a network of indepen- the mortality rate for Guil-