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                                                                                                                                                                        Tuesday 23 February 2016

At Riu Palace Antillas:

 Orchid Casino is the IN Spot for Gaming and Entertainment!

PALM BEACH - The Orchid       times the odds.               ness racers from the United
Casino located in Riu Pal-    Experience Live Poker in      States and important tracks
ace Antillas (formerly the    Orchid Casino’s beautiful     worldwide. Sports betting
Westin Resort) welcomes       Poker Room where Texas        is available for all major
you to the “IN” spot for      Hold’Em and Omahu are         sports including soccer. Or-
gaming and live nightly en-   played nightly until the wee  chid Casino provides view-
tertainment.                  hours. Orchid Casino’s Pok-   ers with super wide screen
The Orchid Casino offers      er Room is open 24 hours.     TV’s.
the highest limits in Aruba.  No Limit Texas Hold’Em        All the newest slots are
Blackjack, Baccarat, Ulti-    tournaments are every         awaiting you and the Play-
mate Texas Hold-Em, Rou-      Wednesday and Thursday        ers Club offers redemptions
lette and Craps with 3-4-5    night starting at 8:00pm.     on many premium gifts in-
                              For the Race and Sports       cluding Apple Products,
                              Book fans, Orchid Casino      fine jewelry, timepieces
                              offers live simulcasts of     and dining at Aruba’s top
                              Thoroughbred and Har-         restaurants. Sign up and
                                                            become a VIP Player and
                                                            receive $50.00 FREE slot
                                                            To top your evening off
                                                            enjoy one of our crafted
                                                            cocktails in the Red Piano
                                                            Lounge which overlooks
                                                            the excitement of the ca-
                                                            sino. A perfect place to sit
                                                            back and celebrate your
                                                            winnings while in the com-
                                                            pany of our nightly musi-
                                                            Slots open 9:00am
                                                            Table Games open at
                                                            Sports & Race Book open
                                                            at 11:00am
                                                            Make Orchid Casino your
                                                            choice for a complete
                                                            gaming experience. Cred-
                                                            it available to qualified
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