Page 10 - DESPA FLIP 2 APRIL,2016
P. 10

                                                                                                                                    Saturday 2 April 2016

Leaders warn of harrowing risk of nuclear-armed terrorists 

    Continued from Front        Front row, from left, Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Jordan’s King Al Sharif Abdullah                              penalties for nuclear smug-
                                Bin Al Hussein, President Barack Obama, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Chinese President Xi                                    gling. Those tweaks were
But he said it wasn’t for lack  Jinping, join other world leaders in waving as they pose for a group photo during the Nuclear                                    approved in 2005 but have
of the terrorists trying: Al-   Security Summit, Friday, April 1, 2016, in Washington.                                                                           sat dormant awaiting ratifi-
Qaida has sought nuclear                                                                                                                                         cation from a critical mass
materials, IS has deployed                                                                                                              (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)  of nations, reached only in
chemical weapons, and                                                                                                                                            the past few days.
extremists linked to the Brus-  and more isolation.            metric tons two decades       same at another.                                                    Still, frustration over the
sels and Paris attacks were     Aiming to show concrete        ago to 586 metric tons as of  On the global front, a                                              slow pace of reducing nu-
found to have spied on a        action, leaders came to        2013. And the U.S. and Ja-    strengthened nuclear se-                                            clear stockpiles shadowed
top Belgian nuclear official.   the nuclear summit with        pan announced they’d fin-     curity agreement was fi-                                            the summit.
The two-day summit held         commitments in hand.           ished removing hundreds       nally poised to take force,                                         The absence of key play-
other, more positive signs of   Latin America and the Ca-      of kilograms of weapons-      extending safeguards for                                            ers, especially Russia, fur-
the world coming together       ribbean are now free of        grade material from a         nuclear materials being                                             ther underscored the lack
to confront the broader nu-     highly enriched uranium,       Japanese research reac-       used, stored and transport-                                         of unanimity confronting
clear threat.                   the White House said, prais-   tor, and pledged to do the    ed while requiring criminal                                         global efforts to deter nu-
The U.N. Security Council       ing Argentina by name for                                                                                                        clear attacks.
members who brokered            converting its remaining                                                                                                         After six years of prod-
a sweeping nuclear deal         stockpile into a less dan-                                                                                                       ding by Obama and oth-
with Iran last year held up     gerous form. Fissile mate-                                                                                                       ers before him, the global
that agreement as a mod-        rials like highly enriched                                                                                                       stockpile of fissile material
el for preventing nuclear       uranium and separated                                                                                                            remains in the thousands of
proliferation, as they gath-    plutonium are necessary                                                                                                          metric tons. What’s more,
ered on the summit’s side-      ingredients to make nucle-                                                                                                       security officials warn that
lines to review the deal’s      ar bombs.                                                                                                                        the ingredients for a “dirty
implementation.                 The United States, in newly                                                                                                      bomb,” such as cesium
Obama also spent part of        declassified statistics, said                                                                                                    and cobalt, are alarmingly
the summit huddling with        its own national inventory                                                                                                       insecure in many parts of
the leaders of South Korea      of highly enriched urani-                                                                                                        the globe.
and Japan about deterring       um has dropped from 741                                                                                                          Ahead of the summit, few-
nuclear-tinged provoca-                                                                                                                                          er than half of the countries
tions from North Korea, in a                                                                                                                                     participating had agreed
powerful show of diplomat-                                                                                                                                       to secure their sources of
ic unity with two U.S. treaty                                                                                                                                    radioactive substances,
allies. Similarly, Obama’s                                                                                                                                       which are widely present
sit-down with Chinese                                                                                                                                            in hospital, industrial and
President Xi Jinping offered                                                                                                                                     academic settings. q
the two strategic rivals a
chance to illustrate mutual
concern about the North, a
traditional Chinese ally.
Undeterred, North Korea
only hours later fired a
short-range missile into the
sea and tried to jam GPS
navigation signals in South
Korea — precisely the kind
of act that South Korean
President Park Geun-hye
had warned would trigger
even tougher sanctions

State health officials urged to
get ready now for Zika in US 

MIKE STOBBE                     boom.
AP Medical Writer               When West Nile virus, trans-
ATLANTA (AP) — The  U.S.        mitted by a different mos-
government urged health         quito, moved through
officials around the coun-      the  U.S. about 15 years
try Friday to get ready now     ago, health officials were
in case there are outbreaks     caught flat-footed, Dr.
of the mosquito-borne Zika      Georges Benjamin, execu-
virus this summer.              tive director of the Ameri-
A Zika epidemic has been        can Public Health Asso-
sweeping through Latin          ciation, told a Zika summit
America and the Carib-          at the Centers for Disease
bean, and officials think it’s  Control and Prevention.
likely some small clusters of   The Zika virus causes only
Zika will occur in the  U.S.    a mild and brief illness, at
when mosquito numbers           worst, in most people. q
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