Page 16 - KPA 23 JULY 2015
P. 16

Dutch Police Corps


with Aruban Police Corps

THE Aruban Police Force hosted            The Dutch Police Commissioner              Information Task and a project for the     develop so it is nice for them to see how
the High Commissioner Mr. Gerard          mentioned that assistance from other       Public Services Officer. Aruban Top        their knowledge is being applied.
Bouman, the top leader of the National    Dutch Kingdom countries like Aruba         Commissioner Mr. Adolfo Richardson
Police Force of Holland.                  is needed to combat crime in Sint          prepared a special program for his         Mr. Gerard Bouman is the first
Mr. Bouman is the first person appointed  Maarten. He suggested this be done by      colleagues from Holland. The program       chief of the National Police Force in
by former Minister of Security and        more cooperation between the criminal      included many presentations from the       the Netherlands . He was previously
Justice Mr. Ivo Willem Opstelten to be    investigation teams from Aruba and         arrest team and Sea Police Force.          one of the quartermasters of the
the Holland’s First Head Commissioner     Sint Maarten.                                                                         national police.
after the Government put all Dutch                                                   Top Commissioner Richardson was
Regional Police Force together in one     Martine Vis elaborated on her task of      very happy with Bouman’s reaction          Bouman started his police career at
organization, a National Police Force.    working on cooperation between the         because Bouman is known as someone         age 17 as an agent with the municipal
                                          Aruban police Force and organizing         who isn’t easily impressed, yet he had     police of Rotterdam . In the evenings
Gerard Bouman was accompanied             courses to help the Aruban Police Force    so many positive things to say about the   he studied law and in 1978 he moved
by Martine Vis the Substitute Chief       develop more. She regularly comes to       Aruban Police Force.                       to the Public Prosecution . In 1998 he
of Police for Rotterdam. Martine Vis      Aruba because of this. Vis highlighted     This was a very important visit, because   was chief prosecutor in Middelburg and
comes to Aruba often to help with         that the cooperation is improving more     the relationship between Holland and       from 2000 he was in The Hague . In
Police Force training and to handle       and more every day. Because of this        Aruba has a very tight relationship so it  2003, Bouman returned to the police
numerous collaborations between           collaboration between the Dutch Force      is good for the Dutch Top Commissioner     force. He succeeded Jan Wiarda as
Aruba and Holland. Mr. Bouman             and the Aruban Force is really beneficial  to see for himself how this region is      chief of police Haaglanden.
expressed how impressed he was with       to both of them, the Dutch Force learns    developing.
the professionalism of the Aruban         a lot from successful experiences in                                                  Bouman became head of the General
arrest team after being introduced to     Aruba and the Aruban Force learn a lot     Mr. Adolfo Richardson explained that       Intelligence and Security Service
the Aruban Police Force.                  from the experience of the Dutch Force.    most of the event was dedicated to         (AIVD) in December 2007. In early
After a demonstration given by the                                                   communication, sharing information         2011 he was asked to return again to the
arrest team he mentioned that their       The current collaboration projects         and deliberation on a few issues.          police force. On January 3, 2013 he was
level of work is similar to the Dutch     are between the Neighborhood Police        Holland invests a lot of time and          publicly sworn by Minister of Security
standards.                                Departments, Gathering and Sending         knowledge in helping the Aruban Force      and Justice Mr. Opstelten.

2 LOCAL                                                                                                                         Thursday, July 23 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER
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