Page 17 - KPA 23 JULY 2015
P. 17
will be taken
illegal taxis
FOR some months already DTP in to those being transported but also to illegal transporters.” The Minister consequently even lose their car and
collaboration with the Police Force the ones doing this. They do not have commented. be arrested. Aruba has laws against
have been very active in combating the the required insurances and are going illegal transportation and there are
growing illegal taxi problem. against the public transport laws.” Mr. Oduber continued saying: “The enough taxi’s to transport those in need
This led to the decision of meeting with police has recently acted very strongly of transportation. Everyone without a
lawyers to deliberate on the already DTP Personnel does not have the against illegal drivers, which I have to permit should prepare for unpleasant
existent laws. In a meeting with the authority to perform the tasks of thanks agent Vorst for; he is the Playa consequences.”
police force, Public Ministry and Aruba an Investigation Officer but can act detective and is cooperating very
Airport Authority they deliberated on against all vehicles involved with public well with Chief Adolfo Richardson’s In the upcoming weeks measures will
how to combat all kind of illegal public transport especially those suspected of Force. Chief Richardson has made his be taken. The case where a car was
transportation currently taking place. going against the public transport laws. department available to deal with this taken away and the driver arrested is
matter. Because it is out of control and just the beginning of the efforts to stop
The airport area is the area with the DTP’s task has now been extended so cannot be tolerated any longer.” this horrible phenomenon.
most illegal transportation cases. they are now allowed to check cars with
Minister Oduber said: “I have made an A-license plate that are suspected of Minister Oduber concluded his speech DTP and the Police Force have the
it very clear to everybody present at illegal transportation. by saying: “We are going to take support of the Public Ministry to start
this meeting that this phenomenon is “The goal is for the police to reinforce strong measures against those illegally arresting these drivers and seize their
unacceptable. It is not only dangerous this and to take strong measures against transporting others. They could cars if this is necessary.
Customs Management goal is to provide more
income for the Government and to protect and
maintain the safety in Aruba
According to Ricky Croes
IN an interview with Mr. Ricky Croes the Director of the income through import duties and excise duties. Customs has a container scanner but it’s still missing some
Customs Office he mentioned that Customs is going to start There are periods when the customs office is very busy parts. When it’s back in service the container scanning
working with a more modern system focused on providing because the economy is going very well. For example during job can be facilitated and improved. The container will
more income to the Government, protecting and maintaing the Carnival period more alcoholic beverages are imported go through the scanner and the customs official checking
the safety in Aruba. than usual because there is a lot of demand on this product. it is linked to the Asycuda system so he will be able to
immediately notice if there’s something wrong.
“Every year we provide about 300 to 350 million to the To improve the control and make sure that the income
Government thanks to import duties, excise duties and increases a new digital electronic system called Asycuda, There is currently 210 people working for the Customs
other services.” Mr. Ricky Croes said. which makes it easier for businessnes to declare their Office but this isn’t enough seeing the resent developments
The main task of the Customs Office is to make sure products plus it will make the control more administrative at the Airport and Harbor according to Mr. Ricky Croes.
that nothing illegal enters Aruba. So we need to have a instead of physical.
management style that makes sure that Aruba is drug Another improvement plan that Customs is working on
free, contaminated meet, product smuggeling and prevent “We are currently training our personnel to facilitate is the possibility of Customs Officials to start carrying
undeclared large amounts of money from entering Aruba. the administrative part of the job. There are numerous weapons. According to Mr. Ricky Croes many countries
trainings taking place to prepare our officials to improve have their customs officials carry weapons it’s about time
Besides all of this Customs needs to make sure that all the service. This will not only increase their salaries but will Aruba start doing this too. However for this to even be a
businessmen give a correct statement with out commiting also increase the governments income.” Mr. Ricky Croes possibility all customs official need to be trained and need
fraude and to make sure the government receive their metioned. to take a psych evaluation.
ARUBA TRAVELLER - Thursday, July 23 2015 7LOCAL