Page 8 - BDA AUA 14 January 2015
P. 8
A8 KvK lo keda vigila e situacion
economico di Aruba
ECONOMIA/FINANCIADiaranson 14 Januari 2015
Economia ta dunando
Is looking for energetic and enthusiastic persons for the following positions:
Operations & Administrative Assistant (Aruba) señalnan contradictorio y no cla
This job coordinates the planning and implementation of renovation, maintenance, and
repair of office, lab facilities, and equipment in the departments. This position also supports
& assists the General Manager.
Purchasing/Coordinator (Aruba)
This position fills and entails the purpose of ensuring that staff utilizes appropriate
procedures and safe practices; preparing, receiving and evaluating quotations and
recommending and/or awaiting bids for the purchase of equipment, parts and supplies; and
ensuring optimal utilization of personnel and other resources.
HVAC/Chiller Technician (Aruba & Curacao)
This position is that of ensuring that staff utilizes appropriate procedures and safe practices; ORANJESTAD – Segun cu a yega ocupa e posicion
Refrigeration and air conditioning technology, system evacuation, refrigerants, and system presidente nobo di Ca- importante aki. El a bisa cu a
charging, automatic electronic monitoring, and programmable controls, commercial mara di Comercio Aruba dicidi di postula su mes na e
refrigeration and troubleshooting. (KvK) sra. Daphne Agius posicion aki, ya cu e ta wak’e
Cesareo-Lejuez, e aña aki como un reto.
Electrical Technician (Aruba & Curacao) mescos cu tur aña ta bay ta Pero e ta kere tambe cu
uno yen di reto. despues di 1 aña y conside-
This position entails amongst others, of ensuring that staff utilizes appropriate procedures E ta agrega cu mescos cu rando su background den e
and safe practices; Provide technical assistance and resolution when electrical problems are añanan anterior, KvK lo keda ramo di informacion, inter-
encountered before, during, and after installation completion of any project or remodeling. vigila e situacion economico net, etc... y considerando e
di Aruba, y lo enfoca mas ai- reto cu KvK tin e aña aki riba
Mechanical Technician (Aruba & Curacao) nda pa crea oportunidad pa e tereno di automatisacion, el
mehoracion di esaki. “Como a tuma e reto aki pa yuda al-
Mechanical engineers work with different kinds of machines that produce, transmit, or use Camara di Comercio nos tin cansa e obhetivo aki.
power. They are concerned with mechanisms and methods that convert natural energy e obligacion di promove co- Igualmente el a reitera cu
sources into practical uses. mercio y industria na Aruba,” nan meta ta pa sigui purba
el a bisa. promove y yuda negoshi-
Receptionist with computer skills and ` Presidente di KvK a señala cu nan chikito pa establece nan
experience; (Aruba)* pa 2015 nan a introduci vari- mes. “Esey lo keda e enfoke
os programa pa companianan di Camara di Comercio; pero
This person needs to be fluent in Papiamento, English Spanish (Dutch is a plus). chikito y mediano. Tambe nos enfoke lo ta mas tanto
nan lo enfoca mas riba e riba empresanan chikito,” el
Executive assistant; (Aruba) * proceso di facilita e empre- a bisa.
sarionan cu informacion y
· Needs to have excellent communication skills and speak and write English, Spanish hermentnan cu nan mester Señalnan mixto
and Papiamento, Dutch is a top plus. pa por crece. Di otro banda, Secretario/di-
Un di nan tin di haber cu e rector ehecutivo di KvK, Leo
Preferences will go to Aruba Nationals/legal permit holders or Dutch nationals di tres edicion di Business Maduro, a informa cu den un
Plaza – Step Forward! cu lo evaluacion publica luna pasa
For most of these positions one must have the following; tuma luga ariba diasabra 17 di a wordo señala cu nos eco-
januari venidero na Camara nomia ta dunando señalnan
Strong analytical and organizational skills; High Degree of Integrity, Confidentiality and di Comercio, cuminsando mixto. E ta referi nan cierto
for di 9’or di mainta. Entrada indicado manera BBO cu a
Responsibility; Team worker and Excellent Communication skills; Computer knowledge: MS ta gratis. aumenta, pero di otro banda
Excel, MS Words and Auto Cad (Tech div) ; Ability to travel both for training and certification nos por mira cu impuesto
Automatisacion di importacion den e prome
as well as giving service to clients; willingness to following instructions; Clean judicial Igualmente el a laga sa cu dos tercera parti di e aña a cay
KvK ta den un proceso avan- considerablemente.
records are a must. sa di automatisacion cu lo “Nan ta señalnan contradic-
duna e empresarionan acceso torio cu no ta dunabo un se-
We are also looking for Helpers in the following fields; mas facil pa documentonan ñal hopi cla,” asina sr. Mad-
di registro di e instancia aki. uro a bisa. Tambe el a referi
Painting Department, HVAC Department and Electro-mechanical Department. “Pues esaki lo ta un aña cu na e declaracion di Minister
These positions are for energetic persons who want to start in these fields and want to hopi cambio y actividad cer- di Labor relaciona cu e des-
progress and learn. These positions are open for ARUBA as well as for CURACAO. ca nos,” asina sra. Cesareo- empleo a aumenta un poco
For Curacao, these persons have to be able to travel and learn the required tasks abroad for Lejuez a bisa. El a añadi cu na Aruba.
2-3 weeks as a start. Local Nationals/residents and permit holder preferred. KvK ta trahando duro pa Loke sr. Maduro di KvK ta
Applicants must show willingness to following instructions and have clean judicial records. yuda pa establece negoshinan haya cu esaki no ta un indica-
Note: specifications for above openings are published on our web site chikito riba nos isla. dor faborabel. Sinembargo si
and can also be requested by email. nan ta mira e cifra di registra-
Reto personal cion di KvK di 2014, e tabata
Please send your applications to: Durante 80 aña di existencia un tiki menos solamente cu
Helpers/Jr. Tech's can also apply in person at our offices in Aruba; Mahuma 54 di KvK, sra. Cesareo-Lejuez aña 2013 cu tabata consider-
a bira e di tres hende muhe ablemente mas halto cu aña