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A4   U.S. NEWS
               Wednesday 13 January 2021

            Kansas House Dems move to oust member over issues with women

            By  JOHN  HANNA  and                                                                                                members.” It says only that,
            HEATHER HOLLINGSWORTH                                                                                               “Each  house  shall  provide
            Associated Press                                                                                                    for the expulsion or censure
            TOPEKA,  Kan.  (AP)  —  Kan-                                                                                        of members in appropriate
            sas  legislators  on  Tuesday                                                                                       cases.”
            began the process to oust                                                                                           But  the  House  is  likely  to
            a newly elected lawmaker                                                                                            have  broad  latitude.  Rich-
            over  multiple  issues  that                                                                                        ard  Levy,  a  constitutional
            include  the  20-year-old’s                                                                                         law  scholar  and  University
            rhetoric  on  Twitter  and  al-                                                                                     of  Kansas  law  professor,
            legations that he harassed                                                                                          said  courts  generally  treat
            and  threatened  girls  and                                                                                         expulsions as political ques-
            women.                                                                                                              tions  because  legislatures
            A formal compliant filed in                                                                                         have  the  authority  to  de-
            the  House  by  Democratic                                                                                          cide  who  sits  in  them  and
            members about State Rep.                                                                                            standards for ousting mem-
            Aaron Coleman will kick off                                                                                         bers  aren’t  spelled  out  in
            a  bipartisan  investigation,                                                                                       detail.
            culminating  in  a  recom-                                                                                          When  someone  sued  in
            mendation  and  vote  on                                                                                            court  in  1878  to  remove  a
            his future in the Legislature.                                                                                      House member accused of
            A  two-thirds  majority  most                                                                                       being  “in  a  state  of  intoxi-
            vote  in  favor  of  ousting                                                                                        cation produced by strong
            Coleman,  of  Kansas  City,   This  Dec.  8,  2020  file  photo  shows  Kansas  state  Rep.  Aaron  Coleman,  D-Kansas  City  at  the   drink  voluntarily  taken,”
            Kansas,  who  was  sworn  in   Statehouse in Topeka, Kan.                                                           the Kansas Supreme Court
            on Monday.                                                                                         Associated Press  dismissed  the  case,  saying
            The  20-year-old  Coleman  reason  to  expel  Coleman  Democrats.                      he  speaks  with  Coleman  only  the  House  could  de-
            could be the first state law-  is  a  now-deleted  tweet  in  Coleman,  who  was  elect-  before  making  any  com-  cide the issue. In the same
            maker  in  Kansas  ousted  which Coleman suggested  ed  as  a  Democrat,  said  ments, his office said.             year,  the  court  refused  to
            from office if the ouster suc-  Gov. Laura Kelly would face  Tuesday  that  he’s  is  no  Coleman  has  questioned  decide  whether  another
            ceeds. The Kansas State Li-  an “extremely bloody” pri-   longer  affiliated  with  the  whether  the  House  has  House  member  was  im-
            brary could find no record  mary in 2022 for not being  party,  which  he  said  has  the power to expel him for  properly  seated,  saying
            of  any  legislator  being  ex-  progressive enough.      “disenfranchised”  his  con-  events  that  occurred  be-  it  was  “powerless  in  the
            pelled,  although  at  least  “People will realize one day  stituents.  “I’m  focusing  on  fore he took office.    premises.”
            a  handful  have  been  re-  when I call a hit out on you  governing,”  Coleman  told  “It’s  kind  of  crazy.  I  have  Last year, the Idaho House
            moved in other states.       it’s real,” he wrote. He later  The  Associated  Press,  not-  not  violated  my  oath  of  expelled a member for the
            “He  is  a  danger  to  wom-  said  he  meant  to  use  the  ing that he’s already push-  office.  I  just  took  my  oath  first time in that state’s his-
            en,”  said  Minority  Leader  phrase “political hit.”     ing  for  an  increase  in  the  yesterday,” he said. “There  tory after he was convicted
            Tom Sawyer in a statement.  Sawyer  refused  to  give  state’s minimum wage and  has been no grounds for re-        of  conspiring  to  defraud
            “His removal is necessary to  Coleman  committee  as-     will propose a plan for uni-  moval.”                     the U.S. government.
            ensure the safety and well-  signments  or  provide  him  versal  state  health  cover-  The  Kansas  Constitution  Lawmakers  in  Louisiana,
            being  of  legislators  and  with  office  space  in  the  age.  House  Speaker  Ron  makes  each  chamber  the  Nebraska  and  Oklahoma
            Capitol staff.”              Statehouse. He signed onto  Ryckman  Jr.,  an  Olathe  judge  of  its  elections  and  also  resigned  in  2017  be-
            The complaint says another  the complaint with 12 other  Republican,  will  wait  until  “qualifications  of  its  own  fore being expelled. q
            Sage grouse review done, but scant time for Trump’s changes

                                                                      industry  into  action  before  they  stand  behind  their  have seen their range that
                                                                      President-elect  Joe  Biden  plans.                       stretches  across  portions
                                                                      takes  office.  The  ground-  But the ruling that blocked  of  11  states  diminished  by
                                                                      dwelling,    chicken-sized  the changes is still in place.  oil  and  gas  drilling,  wild-
                                                                      greater  sage  grouse  has  And with just eight days left  fires,  grazing  and  other
                                                                      been  at  the  center  of  a  before  Biden’s  inaugura-  pressures.  The  Obama  ad-
                                                                      long-running  dispute  over  tion,  environmentalists  said  ministration,  with  Biden  as
                                                                      how much of the American  the  Trump  administration’s  vice  president,  adopted
                                                                      West’s  expansive  public  latest move won’t change  restrictions  in  2015  meant
                                                                      lands should be developed.  anything,  barring  a  last-  to protect the best grouse
                                                                      A  federal  judge  blocked  minute  reversal  by  the  habitat  and  keep  the  bird
                                                                      the Trump administration in  court.                       off the threatened and en-
                                                                      2019  from its plans to relax  “It’s  a  nothing  burger.  It’s  dangered species list.
                                                                      rules on mining, drilling and  a  parting  shot  on  the  way  Trump  moved  to  change
                                                                      grazing  across  millions  of  out  the  door,”  said  Greta  those plans in 2017, but the
             In  this  April  20,  2013  file  photo,  male  greater  sage  grouse   acres  of  land  because  of  Anderson   with   Western  Obama rules were reinstat-
             perform mating rituals for a female grouse, not pictured, on a
             lake outside Walden, Colo.                               potential harm to the sage  Watershed  Project,  one  ed under a 2019 injunction
                                                     Associated Press  grouse.                     of  the  group’s  involved  in  from  U.S.  District  Judge  B.
                                                                      After  releasing  an  environ-  the  legal  case.  “We  don’t  Lynn Winmill in Boise, Idaho.
            By MATTHEW BROWN             plans  to  ease  protections  mental  study  in  Novem-   expect  the  Biden  adminis-  Bureau  of  Land  Manage-
            Associated Press             for a struggling bird species  ber  aimed at justifying the  tration to defend these ter-  ment officials did not reply
            BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — The  in  seven  states  in  the  U.S.  changes,  Bureau  of  Land  rible plans.”             to emailed questions about
            Trump  administration  has  West, but there’s little time  Management  officials  said  Sage  grouse  once  num-    whether  they  will  ask  Win-
            completed  a  review  of  to put the relaxed rules for  in  a  notice    Monday    that  bered  in  the  millions  but  mill to lift the injunction.q
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