Page 6 - aruba-today-20210113
P. 6

               Wednesday 13 January 2021

            Divers recover crashed Indonesian plane’s data recorder

            By  NINIEK  KARMINI  and                                                                                            been badly hit by the pan-
            ANDI JATMIKO                                                                                                        demic,  with  travel  restric-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    tions  and  sharp  declines
            JAKARTA,  Indonesia  (AP)                                                                                           in  passengers.  According
            —  Indonesian  navy  divers                                                                                         to  Transportation  Ministry
            searching  the  ocean  floor                                                                                        data, the jet didn’t fly from
            on    Tuesday    recovered                                                                                          March 23 to Dec. 19.
            the  flight  data  recorder                                                                                         The  U.S.  Federal  Aviation
            from a Sriwijaya Air jet that                                                                                       Administration  sent  an  air-
            crashed into the Java Sea                                                                                           worthiness  directive  requir-
            with 62 people on board.                                                                                            ing  operators  of  various
            The  device  is  expected                                                                                           Boeing 737 aircraft models,
            to  help  investigators  de-                                                                                        including  the  737-500,  to
            termine  what  caused  the                                                                                          carry  out  engine  checks
            Boeing 737-500 to nosedive                                                                                          before  they  can  be  flown
            into  the  ocean  in  heavy                                                                                         again  after  being  out  of
            rain  shortly  after  taking  off                                                                                   service,  Director  General
            from Jakarta on Saturday.                                                                                           of  Air  Transportation  Novie
            The  26-year-old  jet  had                                                                                          Riyanto said in a statement.
            been  out  of  service  for  al-                                                                                    He  said  the  plane  was  in-
            most nine months because                                                                                            spected on Dec. 2, includ-
            of  flight  cutbacks  caused                                                                                        ing checks for engine cor-
            by  the  coronavirus  pan-                                                                                          rosion,  and  was  declared
            demic,  officials  said.  It  re-  Members of the National Transportation Safety Committee carry a box containing the flight data   airworthy  by  the  Transpor-
            sumed  commercial  flights   recorder from the Sriwijaya Air flight SJ-182 retrieved from the Java Sea where the passenger jet   tation Ministry on Dec. 14.
            last month.                  crashed at the Tanjung Priok Port, Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2021.                             The  plane  made  an  initial
            TV  stations  showed  divers                                                                       Associated Press  flight  without  passengers
            on  an  inflatable  raft  with  the search.               is  also  a  flight  attendant  tion Safety Committee, So-  on  Dec.  19  and  resumed
            a  large  white  container  More  than  3,600  rescue  for Sriwijaya Air, shared her  erjanto  Tjahjono,  ruled  out  commercial flights on Dec.
            containing  the  flight  data  personnel,  13  helicopters,  grief in a series of posts on  a  possible  midair  breakup  22,  according  to  ministry
            recorder  heading  to  a  Ja-  54 large ships and 20 small  social media.              after  seeing  the  condition  data.
            karta port.                  boats  are  searching  the  “My  husband  is  a  loving,  of the wreckage found by  The  disaster  has  reignited
            Military chief Air Chief Mar-  area  just  north  of  Jakarta  devout  and  super  kind  searchers.                 concerns  about  safety  in
            shal Hadi Tjahjanto said the  where  Flight  182  crashed  man,”  she  wrote  on  Ins-  He  said  the  jet  was  intact  the aviation industry, which
            plane’s  other  “black  box,”  and have found parts of the  tagram.  “Heaven  is  your  until  it  struck  the  water,  grew  quickly  after  the
            the cockpit voice recorder,  plane and human remains  place, dear ... be peaceful  concentrating  the  debris  economy was opened fol-
            was likely to be found soon  in the water at a depth of  there.”                       field, rather than spreading  lowing  the  fall  of  dictator
            because  its  beacon  was  23 meters (75 feet).           Anguished family members  it out over a large area as  Suharto  in  the  late  1990s.
            being emitted in the same  So  far,  the  searchers  have  have been providing sam-    would be seen with a mid-    The  United  States  banned
            area.                        sent 74 body bags contain-   ples for DNA tests, and the  air event.                   Indonesian  carriers  from
            The devices were buried in  ing  human  remains  to  po-  National Police disaster vic-  Tjahjono  said  the  plane  operating  in  the  country
            seabed mud under tons of  lice  identification  experts  tim  identification  unit  said  continued to send altitude  in 2007, lifting the action in
            sharp objects in the plane’s  who on Monday said they  it has identified three more  data until it descended to  2016,  citing  improvements
            wreckage,     navy    Chief  had identified their first vic-  victims,  including  the  co-  250 feet (75 meters) above  in compliance with interna-
            Adm.  Yudo  Margono  said.  tim, 29-year-old flight atten-  pilot.                     the water’s surface.         tional  aviation  standards.
            He  said  at  least  160  divers  dant Okky Bisma.        The  chairman  of  Indone-   As in many countries, Indo-  The European Union lifted a
            were deployed Tuesday in  His  wife,  Aldha  Refa,  who  sia’s  National  Transporta-  nesia’s aviation industry has  similar ban in 2018.q

            Turkey says its ready to repair frayed ties with Europe

                                                                      By SUZAN FRASER              steps  which  he  said  were  a  list  of  sanctions  against
                                                                      Associated Press             escalating tensions.         Turkey  over  its  exploration
                                                                      ANKARA,  Turkey  (AP)  —  Erdogan’s  address  comes  of  gas  reserves  in  waters
                                                                      Turkish  President  Recep  as  Turkey,  a  candidate  to  claimed  by  EU  members
                                                                      Tayyip  Erdogan  said  Tues-  join the EU, has been strik-  Greece  and  Cyprus,  but
                                                                      day  his  country  is  ready  ing  a  more  conciliatory  has postponed the punitive
                                                                      to  put  its  frayed  relation-  tone  toward  its  Western  measures until March.
                                                                      ship  with  the  European  allies,  following  deep  rifts  “We as a nation plan our fu-
                                                                      Union “back on track” and  last year that brought Turk-   ture together with Europe.”
                                                                      called  on  the  27-nation  ish and Greek naval forces  Erdogan  told  the  ambas-
                                                                      bloc  to  display  the  same  shadowing  each  other  in  sadors.  “Regardless  of  all
                                                                      determination.  In  an  ad-  the eastern Mediterranean  the  double  standards  and
                                                                      dress to EU nations’ ambas-  over   conflicting   energy  injustice  we  have  faced
                                                                      sadors  in  Ankara,  Erdogan  prospecting  claims.  Last  in  this  process,  we  never
                                                                      also  expressed  hope  that  year, the leaders of France  gave  up  on  our  final  goal
                                                                      a recent decision by Turkey  and  Turkey  engaged  in  a  of full membership.”
                                                                      and Greece to restart talks  series of terse exchange of  Erdogan  said:  “We  are
            Turkey’s  President  Recep  Tayyip  Erdogan  speaks  to  reporters
            following a Cabinet meeting, in Ankara, Turkey, Monday, Jan.   aimed  at  resolving  their  words  due  to  divergences  ready  to  put  our  relations
            11, 2021.                                                 disputes will “herald a new  over  the  conflicts  in  Syria  back on track and we ex-
                                                     Associated Press  era,” but at the same time  and Libya, among other is-   pect  the  EU  to  show  the
                                                                      called on Greece to avoid  sues. The EU has drawn up  same determination.”q
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