Page 15 - ARUBA BANK 10 MAART 2016
P. 15
Thursday 10 March 2016
Banks now giving access to credit scores for free Kiosk on main road ! | USD
1000.00 | Tel. 748-6969 | Quick
Code: 018129 |
KEN SWEET contain much of the infor- that only half of Ameri- million Americans now O ce space for Rent | Space
AP Business Writer mation that goes into de- cans have accessed their have access to their FICO than can be used as o ce,
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — It termining your score, but score in the past year and score through a credit card storage or small business
might be the most impor- not the actual number. far more don’t know what or their bank. installed air condition can be
tant piece of financial A borrower’s FICO score is their score is. There are a number of dif- taken over. for mor info Call;
information about you — used in 90 percent of lend- Fair Isaac Corp. created ferent types of credit scores 5822345 ask for Roxine or
and it’s finally easier for you ing decisions, but until re- the FICO score in the late that FICO calculates, but Annette | A . 700.00 | Tel.
to actually get a look at it. the most common is a 600-0147 / 737-9999 | Quick
Big banks and credit card This photo shows logos for MasterCard and Visa credit cards at number between 300 and Code: 017423 |
companies are increasing- the entrance of a New York coffee shop. Big banks and credit 850 points. The higher the Long-term rentals
ly offering customers free card companies are increasingly offering customers free ac- score, the more creditwor- Extra Large Apt. 2 Bed / 2 Bath
access to their FICO score. cess to their FICO scores, which are used by lenders to deter- thy that borrower is. The Near Downtown Oranjestad,
This score, named after mine how risky you are when they are deciding whether to issue average U.S. credit score is Pa | | A . 2000.00 | Quick Code:
the software and analyt- you a new credit card, mortgage or auto loan. about 695, FICO says. FICO 05254 |
ics company that devel- uses a formula — it does Brand new Apartment for rent
oped it, is used by lenders cently a person had to pay 1980s. Jim Wehmann, ex- not share the exact calcu- in the hotels area close to
to determine how risky you for it — if it was available at ecutive vice president of lations — that factors a bor- restaurants and beaches,
are when they are decid- all. Worse, borrowers look- scores for FICO, said the rower’s payment history, 2deb, 2bath, pool, full
ing whether to issue a new ing for their credit score company recently devel- how much debt the person furnitured. | USD 80.00 | Quick
credit card, mortgage or would sometimes be pro- oped what it calls its “Open has, if they have ever filed Code: 017896 |
auto loan. vided what’s known as an Access” program partly be- for bankruptcy and other Cozy villa in Noord with pool
Banks have been able to “educational score” which cause banks were already financial behavior. and great view! | | USD 3500.00
make scores available to guesses a person’s FICO paying for borrowers’ FICO Free FICO scores have be- | Quick Code: 016720 |
customers for four years, a score but is not the score scores and there was little come a selling feature for 2 bedroom Apartments in
result of a FICO initiative, used to determine a per- to no cost for banks to pass banks. When Chase add- noord | A . 1800.00 | Quick
but they have been slow son’s ability to borrow. along the score. ed free FICO score access Code: 017641 |
to do so. Discover Financial Knowing your credit score “There was lots of confu- to its Slate card in March For sale
was the first major credit can help you negotiate sion out there about what 2015, applications and us- For sale: Brand New Condo 1
card issuer to give its cus- for better rates and shop a FICO score is, and those age rose, said Pam Codis- Bedroom- 1 bath Furniture
tomers access to their FICO for better loan deals. Also, educational scores were poti, president of consumer included Location Palm Beach
scores in 2013. But banks if you know your score is not helping. We felt the branded cards at Chase. Aruba | USD 351000.00 | Quick
like JPMorgan Chase and weak, you can work to im- banks were the natural Codispoti said the bank Code: 018173 |
Citigroup among others prove it and possibly save conduit to get consum- is considering adding the Tanki leendert 167-q, a Two
have adopted the pro- hundreds of dollars on a ers FICO scores, because FICO score feature to its Story House and 4 apartments,
gram in the past year. future loan, or thousands of that’s where the credit pro- other cards. build on a 568m2, Lease Land,
“This is a piece of informa- dollars on a mortgage. cess begins,” Wehmann Getting your credit score built up 304m2. Good Invest-
tion that grades you and Because of the lack of said. through your bank won’t ment | A . 550000.00 | Quick
judges your ability to bor- availability, FICO estimates Wehmann estimates 100 impact your credit score, Code: 04919 |
row, and because it is so FICO says, since the bor- Apartment Complex | This
crucial, you should be en- rower is not actively looking apartment complex is built on
titled to have it,” said Chi to get new credit. Some 1444m2 property land on a
Chi Wu, an attorney at the credit card companies, prime location in down town !
National Consumer Law like Chase and Discover, This property o ers 8 apart-
Center. also provide tips on how ments, each with one
It’s the latest move by the a customer can improve bedrooms bathroom, living,
banks to give credit infor- their credit score, like mak- kitchen and a porch ! This is a
mation to consumers since ing sure you don’t max out great investment. | USD
Congress required that the credit cards or miss pay- 300000.00 | Quick Code:
three credit bureaus offer ments. 018130 |
credit reports to individuals
once a year. Credit reports
Valeant Pharma adds hedge fund exec to board
Associated Press cal executive Dr. Fred Es- and former CEO of Phar- liminary fourth-quarter re- Villa Colandrea | | USD
(AP) - Embattled drug helman and former Uni- maceutical Product De- sults and update its fore- 385000.00 | Quick Code:
company Valeant Phar- versity of North Carolina velopment Inc. and has cast for 2016 on March 15. 016997 | Palma Real 75 | | USD
maceuticals has added president Thomas W. Ross. worked in the pharmaceu- The company had said last 355000.00 | Quick Code:
three directors to its board, Dr. Anders Lonner also is tical industry for 35 years, month it was delaying that 016998 |
including an executive leaving, so these moves will Valeant said. announcement due to Palma Real 74 | | USD
from activist investor Bill bump the board’s size to 14 Valeant Pharmaceuticals Pearson’s return to work. 329000.00 | Quick Code:
Ackman’s hedge fund Per- members, 12 of whom are International Inc. is facing The company also has 016994 |
shing Square Capital Man- independent. a Securities and Exchange said it would delay filing Brand New Constructed House
agement. Pershing Square holds a 6.3 Commission investigation its 2015 annual report with for Sale | In a quiet Neighbor-
Its shares rose more than 2 percent stake in Valeant, and, separately, scrutiny regulators while it sorts out hood; 114 m2 build-up house
percent in morning trading as one of its biggest share- from Congress over its drug its former relationship with on 478 m2 property land.
Wednesday. holders, according to Fact- pricing. CEO Michael Pear- the mail-order pharmacy 3-Bedrroom, 2-Bathroom,
The Canadian drugmaker Set. son also recently returned Philidor, which has raised Living room, Kitchen, pool and
said that Pershing Vice Fraidin is an attorney spe- to work after missing two questions about the accu- completely fenced. | A .
Chairman Stephen Frai- cializing in mergers and ac- months due to some health racy of Valeant’s financial 440000.00 | Quick Code:
din has joined the board, quisitions. problems. reporting. 017791 |
along with pharmaceuti- Eshelman is the founder Valeant will discuss its pre-