Page 5 - ATA FLIP 12 AUG 2017
P. 5
LOCAL Saturday 12 auguSt 2017
Traditions of Boat Building in the Caribbean
ORANJESTAD - Vanishing than anywhere in the West
Sails is a documentary that Indies. Today there is no
shows one of the last boat more trading by sail, and
builders in the Lesser An- these skills have vanished
tilles. Alwyn Enoe tells the elsewhere in the region.
stories of trading by sail Enoe practiced a trade
and smuggling contraband passed down the genera-
along with some of the last tions from Scottish settlers
Caribbean Sea characters that arrived in Carriacou
who weave through the in the 18th century. Ap-
film like the currents of the proaching his 70s and with
Grenadines. no more orders coming in,
The screening of the docu- he decides to build one
mentary Vanishing Sail will last sailing sloop with the
happen next Thursday, Au- hope his sons will continue
gust 17 at the University of the trade.
Aruba at 7pm. This event is With the family’s hope
organized in cooperation and resources now in the
with Aruba Regatta Foun- wooden vessel, Enoe tries
dation. to complete her in time to
race in the Antigua Classic
There is a small group of Regatta. The documentary
islands in the Lesser Antil- is available for screening
les where the traditions of at Film Festivals, Boatbuild-
boat building were once ing Academies, Maritime
crucial to the survival of lo- Heritage Institutions, Yacht
cal communities skimming Clubs, Coastal Communi-
a living from the sea. Hun- ties, Special Events and
dreds of sailing vessels were Fundraisers Worldwide.q
once launched here, more