Page 7 - ATA FLIP 12 AUG 2017
P. 7

                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 12 auguSt 2017

                     Amuse Just Has the Best Sunset View on Aruba

            ORANJESTAD  -  Since  one  out  of  the  water.  One  of                                                            taurant is also a great ven-
            year Amuse Sunset Restau-    the  most  romantic  restau-                                                           ue for big party’s like wed-
            rant has been housed in the  rants  on  Aruba.  The  menu                                                           dings, birthdays, corporate
            former  Marandi  restaurant,  is evolved with creative ad-                                                          events and much more. For
            on a pier on the water. It’s  ditions  including  a  unique                                                         smaller groups we have an
            so worth the drive!          vegetarian  menu  with  de-                                                            amazing  alfresco  balcony
                                         licious  choices  like  deep-                                                          to  have  partys  up  to  20
            After  viewing  a  beauti-   fried polenta with sautéed                                                             people.
            ful  sunset  you  can  watch  mixed vegetables in a light                                                           The  Amuse  staff  will  be
            the  fishes  pass  by  while  spicy tomato sauce, truffle                                                           there to welcome you and
            you dine. Amuse is the res-  linguini and mushroom puff                                                             make  sure  that  your  night
            taurant  to  get  the  freshest  pastry.  But  of  course  they                                                     will be a memorable one.
            caught  fish  in  the  island,  still  serve  the  old-time  fa-                                                    For reservations please call:
            sold  to  us  by  local  fisher-  vorites  that  brought  peo-                                                      +(297)  586-9949  or  email:
            man,  think  of  mahi-mahi,  ple to the restaurant in the  ing  3  and  5  course  chef’s  shank  with  saffron  risotto  reservation@amusearuba.
            red  snapper,  jam  pauw  first  place,  like  their  melt-  surprise  menus  paired  with  or  a  special  fish  dish?  The  com Kitchen is open from 5
            etc.  When  the  sun  goes  in-your-mouth  short  ribs,  fine wines. You never know  preparation  is  a  feast  for  pm till 10.30pm. Free park-
            down and the lights turn on  superb  steak  and  their  fa-  what  the  chef  might  cre-  the  eye  as  well  as  for  the  ing available.
            the  fish  will  come  jumping  mous Carte blanche offer-  ate for you. It might be pork  palate.  Amuse  sunset  res-  Address: Bucutiweg 50q
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