P. 23

                                                                                           TECHNOLOGY Tuesday 15 augusT 2017

            The TV-streaming paradox: Why you may miss the cable bundle

            By TALI ARBEL                                                                                                       But  the  cost  of  multiple
             AP Technology Writer                                                                                               streaming  services  adds
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  The  fu-                                                                                        up, too.
            ture  of  TV  may  well  be  a                                                                                      A $30 TV antenna gets you
            mishmash     of   streaming                                                                                         local channels — CBS, NBC,
            services  that  could  rival                                                                                        ABC,  Fox,  PBS,  Univision  —
            the  cost  of  a  $100  cable                                                                                       for  free,  though  you  have
            bundle — but that are way                                                                                           to  watch  whatever’s  on
            more difficult to use.                                                                                              at  the  moment  unless  you
            Disney’s  plan  for  two  new                                                                                       have a DVR. If you want to
            streaming  services  (and                                                                                           see the edgy shows every-
            possibly  more)  is  just  the                                                                                      one talks about, then Netf-
            latest  sign  that  everyone                                                                                        lix is, for most, $10 a month;
            is jumping into the stream-                                                                                         Amazon is $8.25 a month if
            ing  business.  It  intends  to                                                                                     you sign up for a year. Hulu
            launch    a   kids-oriented                                                                                         starts at $8. HBO Now, $15.
            movie  and  TV  streaming                                                                                           Tickled by ads for a specific
            service in 2019 that will pull                                                                                      network  show?  “The  Sin-
            Disney and Pixar films from                                                                                         ner,” an eerie-looking new
            Netflix,  as  well  as  an  ESPN                                                                                    Jessica Biel vehicle on USA,
            sidekick  service  (minus  pro                                                                                      costs  $20  on  Amazon  for
            football and basketball) ex-                                                                                        the season. All that togeth-
            pected early next year. The                                                                                         er is already more than $60
            company is even exploring    This Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016, file photo shows Xiaomi’s Mi Box, left, the Roku Premiere, center,   a month. It’s even worse if
            the  possibility  of  separate   and the Amazon Fire TV streaming TV devices in New York.                           you’re  a  sports  fan.  MLB.
            streaming  services  for  its                                                                      Associated Press  TV is $113 for the year, and
            Star  Wars  and  Marvel  su-  “Ultimately  for  consumers,  of  a  new  Disney-only  ser-  modern-day channel surfer  you  won’t  get  hometeam
            perhero films.               it means that experience is  vice  isn’t  reassuring.  “Hav-  has it much harder. “There’s  games .
            All  of  that  will  simply  add  dreadful,”  says  Paolo  Pes-  ing a third thing in the mix  going to be a proliferation  Disney  hasn’t  settled  on
            to  a  cacophony  of  exist-  catore,  a  vice  president  seems like a lot to juggle,”  of  niche  content,”  says  prices  yet,  saying  only  it
            ing  Netflix-style  video  ser-  with  research  firm  CCS  In-  he says.              Colin  Petrie-Norris,  CEO  of  wants  an  affordable  ser-
            vices  that  let  you  watch  sight.                      To  find  stuff  to  watch,  Xumo,  a  streaming-chan-    vice that’s broadly appeal-
            what  you  want,  when  you  PROBLEM  ONE:  FINDING  Berkowitz’s  family  uses  a  nel  provider  for  smart  TVs.  ing.  Its  DisneyLife  stream-
            want.  More  are  probably  STUFF TO WATCH                Roku box attached to their  “The way for it to be man-    ing  video  app  in  the  U.K.
            on  their  way,  as  entertain-  New  Yorker  David  Berkow-  TV, which suggests stream-  aged, findable for a user —  launched  at  10  pounds  a
            ment companies see prof-     itz  still  pays  for  cable,  ing  channels  the  fam-   that has not emerged yet.”   month  in  November  2015
            its in controlling not only the  streams  from  Netflix  and  ily  may  like  and  lets  them  PROBLEM TWO: PAYING THE  and now costs half that —
            creation  of  their  films  and  Amazon,  and  sometimes  search  for  the  shows  and  PRICE                       about $6.50.
            shows,  but  also  their  distri-  buys individual movies from  movies he wants to watch.  People  quit  cable  be-  Of course, Disney might still
            bution.                      Amazon; his three-year-old  There  are  also  websites  to  cause  they  can’t  justify  a  bundle Marvel movies and
            The  downside?  Potentially  daughter already watches  guide  streamers,  like  just-  $100-and-always-climbing  the Star Wars franchise into
            bigger bills, and more work  “Finding  Dory”  and  “Find-                  monthly  payment,  espe-     its  service,  which  would
            for people who just want to  ing  Nemo”  on  two  sepa-   That’s fine if you know what  cially  with  so  much  good  help  it  appeal  to  a  wider
            find  something  to  watch.  rate services. The prospect  you’re  looking  for.  But  the  stuff  on  cheaper  services.  demographic. q
            Google, GoDaddy boot neo-Nazi site that mocked rally victim

            By PATRICK MAIRS and MI-     Google said Monday that it  Arizona-based  company’s  “childless”  and  said  “most  tweeted  its  decision,  the
            CHAEL KUNZELMAN              was canceling the domain  terms of service.               people  are  glad  she  is  site posted an article claim-
            Associated Press             name  registration  of  The  GoDaddy spokesman Dan  dead,  as  she  is  the  defini-   ing it had been taken over
            A leading neo-Nazi website  Daily  Stormer  for  violating  Race  said  the  move  was  tion of uselessness.”       by hackers associated with
            continued  to  be  acces-    its terms of service. The reg-  prompted by a post on the  “Given  their  latest  article  “Anonymous”  and  would
            sible  Monday  despite  ef-  istration  had  moved  there  site  about  Heather  Heyer,  comes  on  the  immediate  be  shut  down,  and  it  was
            forts by website registration  after  GoDaddy  tweeted  who  was  killed  Saturday  heels  of  a  violent  act,  we  briefly  down  Monday  be-
            companies  Google  and  late  Sunday  night  that  it  when a car plowed into a  believe  this  type  of  article  fore  becoming  accessible
            GoDaddy to oust it after it  had given The Daily Storm-   group  of  demonstrators  in  could incite additional vio-  again.
            mocked  the  woman  killed  er 24 hours to move its do-   Charlottesville.  The  post,  lence,  which  violates  our  One of The Daily Stormer’s
            in  a  deadly  attack  at  a  main  to  another  provider,  written by The Daily Storm-  terms of service,” Race said  contributors  said  the  post
            white nationalist rally in Vir-  also  because  the  site  had  er’s  publisher  Andrew  An-  in an emailed statement.  about the site being taken
            ginia.                       violated  the  Scottsdale,  glin,  called  her  “fat”  and  Shortly   after   GoDaddy  over was just a prank.q
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