P. 19
SPORTS Tuesday 15 augusT 2017
NL Capsules
Stanton ties franchise
mark with 42nd HR
in Marlins’ win
Stanton homered for the GIANTS 2, 11 INNINGS, SEC-
fourth straight game, hitting OND GAME
his 42nd of the year to tie WASHINGTON (AP) — How-
the Marlins’ season record, ie Kendrick hit a game-
and Miami completed its ending grand slam in the
first series sweep of Colo- 11th inning, and the Nation-
rado since 2006. als salvaged the finale of a
Rockies All-Star third base- day-night doubleheader.
man Nolan Arenado, the Daniel Murphy and Ryan
major league RBI leader, Zimmerman also homered
left in the fifth inning after for Washington in the make-
being hit on the left hand up of Friday night’s rainout.
by an 88 mph fastball Max Scherzer struck out 10
thrown by Vance Worley. in seven innings and Matt
German Marquez (9-5) lost Albers (6-2) pitched two Miami Marlins’ Giancarlo Stanton, center, is congratulated by teammates after he hit a home run
for the first time in seven scoreless innings for the win. during the third inning of a baseball game against the Colorado Rockies, Sunday, Aug. 13, 2017,
starts, allowing five runs in It was Washington’s first day in Miami.
4 1/3 innings. Javy Guerra since slugger Bryce Harper Associated Press
(1-0) earned his first victory got hurt Saturday when he PHOENIX (AP) — Jake Arrie- PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Mi- Romano (2-5), who gave
since 2014 with two score- slipped on first base. The All- ta (12-8) won consecutive chael Conforto and Cur- up seven runs, six of them
less innings, and Odrisamer Star has a significant bone starts for the first time since tis Granderson hit two-run earned, in five innings.
Despaigne pitched a per- bruise in his left knee but no early April, Javier Baez and homers and the Phillies ran Acquired from the New
fect ninth for his first big ligament damage, general Ian Happ hit consecutive themselves into trouble af- York Mets on Saturday,
league save. manager Mike Rizzo said. home runs in the eighth ter Chris Flexen (2-1) load- Walker started at third base
DODGERS 6, PADRES 4 The Nationals hope he can inning and Chicago re- ed the bases in the fifth in- in place of the banged-up
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Justin return this season. opened a one-game lead ning with no outs. Travis Shaw and went 2 for
Turner hit two home runs, Chris Stratton (1-2) led San over St. Louis in the NL Cen- Nick Williams hit a shallow 4 with a run scored.
Yasmani Grandal also went Francisco to the win in the tral. Kris Bryant put the Cubs fly to center, and Confor- Matt Garza (6-6) allowed
deep and Los Angeles opener, striking out a ca- ahead when he scored to’s throw home scooted four runs — three earned —
won for the 28th time in 33 reer-high 10 in 6 2/3 shutout from second on a wild away from Travis d’Arnaud. and five hits in 5 1/3 innings,
games, improving the best innings. pitch from Zack Godley (5- Odubel Herrera put his and Corey Knebel worked
record in the majors to 83- Joe Panik had three hits 5) in the first inning on strike head down and sprinted the ninth for his 22nd save.
34. The Dodgers are 16-0-3 and two RBIs, and Sam Dy- three to Victor Caratini. for third, unaware Freddy BRAVES 6, CARDINALS 3
in their last 19 series, and son got three outs for his The reigning NL MVP add- Galvis hadn’t moved off ST. LOUIS (AP) — R.A. Dick-
haven’t lost one since June ninth save. ed his 21st home run of the the base. D’Arnaud hustled ey (8-7) allowed one run
5-7 to Washington. San Francisco’s A.J. Cole season in the ninth inning, to third to complete a short and seven hits in seven in-
Cory Spangenberg hit two (1-3) allowed three runs reaching base for the 13th toss and an 8-2-5 double nings, Brandon Phillips hit a
home runs for the Padres. and six hits in six innings. time in 15 plate appear- play. two-run homer and Atlanta
Kenta Maeda (11-4) went 5 In the nightcap, Murphy ances during the three- Zach Eflin (1-4) allowed stopped the Cardinals’ sea-
1/3 innings, giving up three singled off Albert Suarez (0- game series. Conforto’s 26th homer and son-high, eight-game win-
earned runs and four hits 2) leading off the 11th and Arrieta allowed one run Granderson’s 17th. ning streak and the Braves’
and striking out eight. raced to third on Zimmer- and three hits in six innings. BREWERS 7, REDS 4 five-game losing streak.
Kenley Jansen retired the man’s bloop hit. Godley had three wild MILWAUKEE (AP) — Neil Arodys Vizcaino pitched
Padres in order in the ninth After Suarez intentionally pitches and four walks in Walker had two hits in his a perfect ninth for his sixth
for his 32nd save. Luis Per- walked Anthony Rendon, 5 2/3 innings, allowing two Milwaukee debut, and Do- save. Michael Wacha (9-5)
domo (6-7) was the loser. Kendrick homered to left. runs and four hits. mingo Santana hit a three- gave up four runs and five
GIANTS 4, NATIONALS 2, CUBS 7, DIAMONDBACKS 2 METS 6, PHILLIES 2 run homer in the fifth off Sal hits in eight innings.q
Rockies RHP Bettis returns after cancer treatment
By MICHAEL KELLY diagnosed with testicular derwent surgery. He passed
Associated Press cancer in November. After follow-up screenings and
DENVER (AP) — The Colo- undergoing surgery and was healthy enough to re-
rado Rockies are thrilled to chemotherapy, he was port to spring training. But
see Chad Bettis back on ready to pitch against At- a screening on March 10
the mound after cancer lanta. “It’s cool with all the led to a biopsy being done,
treatment. The prospect stuff he’s been through he’s which revealed the cancer
of the right-hander help- back here and ready to had spread to his lymph
ing them in a playoff push, go,” teammate Jon Gray nodes.
that’s a bonus. Bettis was said. “I can’t wait to see him Bettis underwent nine
set to start Monday night at compete.” The 28-year-old weeks of chemotherapy
Coors Field in his first major Bettis discovered a lump on but kept up his condition-
league game since being his testicle last fall and un- ing throughout. q