P. 17

                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 15 augusT 2017


             Justin  Thomas  poses  with  the
             Wanamaker Trophy after win-
             ning  the  PGA  Championship
             golf  tournament  at  the  Quail
             Hollow Club Sunday, Aug. 13,
             2017, in Charlotte, N.C.
                        Associated Press
            Thomas wins

            major at an
            early age,


            By DOUG FERGUSON
            AP Golf Writer
            CHARLOTTE,  N.C.  (AP)  —
            Justin  Thomas  is  a  major
            champion.  When  he  be-
            came  one  is  more  mean-
            ingful than where.
            If  he  had  to  pick  a  ma-
            jor  to  win  first,  the  PGA
            Championship would have
            been  the  most  appropri-
            ate  because  of  his  family
            heritage.  The  first  person
            he hugged was his father.
            The  first  person  he  called
            was  his  grandfather.  Both
            are  longtime  club  profes-
            sionals.  Mike  Thomas,  his
            father, served on the PGA
            of America board.
            “For this to be my first one
            and  have  my  dad  here,
            and  I  know  Grandpa  was
            watching  at  home.  I  was                      Rookies Devers, Benintendi
            able to talk to him, and that
            was  pretty  cool,”  Thomas                         key win over Yanks in 10
            said  after  his  two-shot  vic-
            tory at Quail Hollow.
            The  message  from  Paul
            Thomas:  “This  is  the  first  of                        Boston  Red  Sox’s  Rafael  Devers  hits  a  home  run
            many.”                                                    during the ninth inning of the team’s baseball game
            The  first  one  can  be  the                             against the New York Yankees on Sunday, Aug. 13,
            hardest.   Jordan   Spieth                                2017, in New York.
            brought that up last month                                                                     Associated Press
            before he won his third at                                                                               Page 20
            the British Open.
                Continued on Page 22
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