P. 15

                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 15 augusT 2017

             Honeymooners Nicholl and Michael Have the Best Time at The Sopronos!

                                                                      PALM  BEACH  -  Nicholl  (31)  and  Michael  Playing  songs  on  request,  singing  at  the
                                                                      (39)  from  Birmingham,  Alabama,  are  on  top of his or her voice, these people are
                                                                      the island for the first time and they found  entertainers ‘pur sang.’
                                                                      Sopranos online. They had their preferred
                                                                      drink  with  a  cigar  -  their  evening  was  We hope that everyone who visits Sopra-
                                                                      “awesome,  it  could  not  have  been  any  nos will have the same experience as Nich-
                                                                      better.”                                   oll and Michael and we would like to wish
                                                                      The  Sopranos  Piano  Bar  is  an  amazing  them a wonderful, love-filled life together.
                                                                      place, where the piano lady -or man - al-  Congratulations  and  come  back  for  all
                                                                      ways gets the joint in a party mood.       your anniversaries, please!q
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