P. 10

                 Tuesday 15 augusT 2017
               With gun salutes, Pakistan marks 70 years of independence

            By ZARAR KHAN                                                                                                       when  facing  the  current
            Associated Press                                                                                                    “hot” environment.
            ISLAMABAD  (AP)  —  Paki-                                                                                           “Solutions  to  all  the  prob-
            stan  kicked  off  a  day  of                                                                                       lems  of  this  time  persist  in
            celebrations  on  Monday                                                                                            our  ideologies,  thoughts
            marking  70  years  of  state-                                                                                      of  leaders  of  our  freedom
            hood and independence,                                                                                              movement  and  our  bright
            the  festivities  beginning                                                                                         history,” he said. “By follow-
            with  gun  salutes  in  the                                                                                         ing them we can improve
            capital, Islamabad, and in                                                                                          our situation today and our
            each of the four provincial                                                                                         future as well.”
            capitals.                                                                                                           He  appealed  on  the  citi-
            In  Islamabad,  President                                                                                           zens  to  “rise  above”  their
            Mamnoon  Hussain  hoisted                                                                                           party  and  group  interests
            the national flag at a cer-                                                                                         and “protect the future of
            emony attended by Prime                                                                                             the  nation.”  Later  in  the
            Minister  Shahid  Khaqan                                                                                            evening,  Hussain  was  to
            Abbasi,  visiting  Chinese                                                                                          hand  out  medals  to  note-
            Vice  Premier  Wang  Yang,                                                                                          worthy citizens.
            and scores of Pakistani mili-                                                                                       Most  recently,  Pakistan’s
            tary  and  government  offi-                                                                                        political  scene  has  been
            cials and other dignitaries.                                                                                        shaken when the Supreme
            Security  was  on  high  alert   People from Pakistani Sikh community celebrate the 70th Independence Day in Peshawar, Paki-  Court dismissed Prime Min-
            across the nation following   stan, Monday, Aug. 14, 2017. Pakistan gained its independence from British colonial rule in 1947.   ister Nawaz Sharif from of-
                                                                                                  (AP Photo/Muhammad Sajjad)
            the  suicide  attack  on  Sat-                                                                                      fice  in  July  for  concealing
            urday when a bomber on                                                                                              his family assets.
            a  motorcycle  targeted  a   dence  when  the  depart-    For  the  Pakistanis,  the  an-  dominated  by  military  rule   Sharif  stepped  down,  al-
            military  truck  in  the  south-  ing British left India and split  niversary   comes   amid  through much of its history.  lowing  for  Abbasi  to  take
            western city of Quetta, kill-  the  subcontinent  in  1947,  political  turmoil  that  has  Addressing  the  ceremo-  over,  but  decried  the
            ing 15 — eight soldiers and   sparking one of the most vi-  characterized  successive  ny  in  the  capital,  Hussain   court’s  ruling  as  an  injus-
            seven civilians.             olent upheavals of the 20th  civilian governments of the  urged the nation to look to   tice and vowed to clear his
            Pakistan  gained  indepen-   century.                     country,  which  has  been  the  wisdom  of  its  founders   name. q

                                                                                                   China to cut off North Korea

                                                                                                   imports under UN sanctions

                                                                                                   By JOE McDONALD              Trump  and  Kim’s  govern-
                                                                                                   AP Business Writer           ment. Trump declared  the
                                                                                                   BEIJING  (AP)  —  China  an-  U.S.  military  “locked  and
                                                                                                   nounced Monday it will cut  loaded”  while  Pyongyang
                                                                                                   off imports of North Korean  threatened to fire four mis-
                                                                                                   coal,  iron  ore  and  other  siles  into  waters  near  the
                                                                                                   goods  in  three  weeks  un-  U.S. territory of Guam.
                                                                                                   der U.N. sanctions imposed  The  latest  U.N.  sanctions
                                                                                                   over  the  North’s  nuclear  are intended to block North
                                                                                                   and missile programs.        Korean exports worth $1 bil-
                                                                                                   China, the isolated North’s  lion — a significant share of
                                                                                                   main  trading  partner,  has  total  exports  valued  at  $3
                                                                                                   been  reluctant  to  push  billion last year.
                                                                                                   leader  Kim  Jong  Un’s  re-  China  stopped  importing
                                                                                                   gime  too  hard  for  fear  it  North  Korean  coal  in  Feb-
                                                                                                   might collapse.              ruary  but  total  trade  has
                                                                                                   But  Beijing  is  increasingly  risen. That prompted Trump
                                                                                                   frustrated  with  Pyongyang  to accuse Beijing in July of
                                                                                                   and  supported  a  U.N.  Se-  failing to use its economic
                                                                                                   curity Council ban on Aug.  leverage  to  stop  Pyong-
                                                                                                   5  on  coal  and  other  key  yang’s  pursuit  of  nuclear
                                                                                                   goods.                       weapons.
                                                                                                   The    Chinese    customs  Other North Korean exports
                                                                                                   agency said it will stop pro-  to China also include cloth-
                                                                                                   cessing  imports  of  North  ing,  knitwear  and  plastic
                                                                                                   Korean coal, iron and lead  rain  ponchos,  which  ap-
                                                                                                   ores and fish at midnight on  pear not to be affected by
                                                                                                   Sept. 5.                     the latest sanctions.
                                                                                                   “After  that,  entry  of  these  Beijing  had  long  been
                                                                                                   goods  will  be  prohibited,”  Pyongyang’s   only   dip-
                                                                                                   said an agency statement.    lomatic   defender     but
                                                                                                   The announcement follows  agreed  in  March  2016  to
                                                                                                   an  escalating  exchange  sanctions against the North
                                                                                                   of  angry  words  between  following its test of a long-
                                                                                                   U.S.   President   Donald  range missile.q
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