P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
                 Tuesday 15 augusT 2017
            Questions about lawyers’ fees put El Chapo defense in limbo

            By TOM HAYS                                                                                                         it  won’t  go  after  money
            Associated Press                                                                                                    spent on a private defense.
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Private                                                                                         Michelle  Gelernt,  a  public
            lawyers  seeking  to  repre-                                                                                        defender  currently  repre-
            sent  Joaquin  “El  Chapo”                                                                                          senting  Guzman,  called
            Guzman  in  his  U.S.  drug-                                                                                        that position “hypocritical.”
            trafficking  case  failed  to                                                                                       Lichtman is known for suc-
            get  assurances  Monday                                                                                             cessfully  defended  John
            that  they’ll  get  paid,  leav-                                                                                    “Junior”  Gotti,  son  of  the
            ing the Mexican drug lord’s                                                                                         notorious  organized  crime
            defense in limbo.                                                                                                   family boss, at a 2005 trial.
            During  a  hearing  in  fed-                                                                                        The  younger  Gotti  walked
            eral  court  in  Brooklyn,  U.S.                                                                                    free after an acquittal on a
            District Judge Brian Cogan                                                                                          securities  fraud  count  and
            told the lawyers that if they                                                                                       a  mistrial  on  more  serious
            took  the  case,  there  was                                                                                        racketeering counts.
            no  guarantee  that  pros-                                                                                          The lawyer said he has met
            ecutors wouldn’t later seize                                                                                        with  Guzman  on  a  weekly
            their fees if they could show                                                                                       basis,  hoping  to  defend
            that the money came from                                                                                            him at a trial in April.
            his  estimated  $14  billion  in                                                                                    “He  is  charming,  funny,
            drug profits.                                                                                                       highly intelligent.
            “I’m  not  going  to  pressure                                                                                      I  enjoyed  getting  to  know
            the  government  to  create                                                                                         him. ... I don’t judge some-
            a  carve-out  for  counsel   In this courtroom sketch, Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, second from right, and Assistant US Attorney   one  by  what  I  read  in  the
            fees,” Cogan said.           Andrea Goldbarg, seated in foreground, listen to Michelle Gelernt, left, a public defender, during   papers,”   Lichtman   told
            Guzman smiled and waved      a hearing in federal court in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Monday, Aug. 14, 2017.   The  Associated  Press  last
            at  family  members  as  he                                                                (Elizabeth Williams via AP)  week.q
            was led into the courtroom,  jail  visit  he’s  had  by  fam-  get,”  said  one  of  the  law-
            but he didn’t speak during  ily  member  since  he  was  yers, Jeffrey Lichtman.
            the brief appearance.        brought  to  the  U.S.  from  Prosecutors  have  argued   Little Rock’s 42nd homicide
            Afterward, the lawyers told  Mexico in January.           that  taxpayers  shouldn’t
            reporters that they still hope  “We  are  looking  forward,  have to pay for his defense.   matches last year’s mark
            to find a way to represent  desperately,  to  come  into  But  they  also  said  in  a  let-
            Guzman.                      this case and fight for Joa-  ter  to  the  court  last  week
            They said they were waiting  quin  Guzman.  ...  The  guy  that  the  government  will   By KELLY P. KISSEL         es  are  located  along  the
            for  him  to  consult  with  his  has  a  constitutional  right  not  “grant  a  blanket  pro-  Associated Press    frontage  road,  and  traffic
            sister on Thursday — the first  to the best counsel he can  spective  assurance”  that   LITTLE  ROCK,  Ark.  (AP)  —  volume  was  higher  than
                                                                                                   Little Rock matched its ho-  usual  Monday  because
                                                                                                   micide total from all of last  most schools reopened.
                                                                                                   year  Monday  when  the  “It  could  be  a  robbery,”
                                                                                                   body of a man was found  McClanahan said. “I don’t
                                                                                                   near an interstate highway  think  it’s  a  homeless  per-
                                                                                                   hours  after  shots  were  re-  son  based  on  how  he’s
                                                                                                   ported nearby.               dressed” — in jeans, a shirt
                                                                                                   According  to  a  police  and  shoes.  He  said  the
                                                                                                   statement,  the  body  of  area  in  which  the  body
                                                                                                   28-year-old  Antwon  Bryant  was  found  isn’t  known  for
                                                                                                   of  Little  Rock  was  found  gang activity.
                                                                                                   face down and shot multi-    The death, plus two others
                                                                                                   ple times in the grass about  since  Saturday  night,  puts
                                                                                                   10 feet off an Interstate 30  Little  Rock  on  a  pace  to
                                                                                                   frontage road. An autopsy  approach  an  annual  total
                                                                                                   has been ordered.            not  seen  since  the  city’s
                                                                                                   Bryant  was  the  city’s  42nd  gang  wars  of  the  early
                                                                                                   homicide  victim  of  2017,  1990s.  Justice  Department
                                                                                                   matching the total for all of  figures  show  68  deaths  in
                                                                                                   2016.                        1993  attributed  to  murder
                                                                                                   Police spokesman Lt. Steve  or  manslaughter.  McCla-
                                                                                                   McClanahan  said  a  pass-   nahan  said  other  killings,
                                                                                                   er-by called to report see-  such  as  justifiable  homi-
                                                                                                   ing  a  body  about  three  cide, pushed the total to 78
                                                                                                   blocks  away  from  where  that year.
                                                                                                   shots  had  been  reported  Mayor  Mark  Stodola,  who
                                                                                                   overnight.                   was  the  local  prosecutor
                                                                                                   “He’s  far  enough  off  the  during  the  height  of  Little
                                                                                                   roadway  that  I  guarantee  Rock’s gang wars, said the
                                                                                                   you  hundreds  of  vehicles  prevalence  of  drugs  plus
                                                                                                   drove past him this morning  people wanting to take the
                                                                                                   before this person saw him.  law  into  their  own  hands
                                                                                                   No  doubt,”  McClanahan  was driving a general crime
                                                                                                   said. A handful of business-  rate increase.q
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