P. 8

                 Tuesday 15 augusT 2017
            Burkina Faso:                                                                                                         Driver purposely

                                                                                                                                 steers into French
              18 dead in suspected jihadist attack on busy eatery                                                                pizzeria; girl killed

                                                                      families on a Sunday night  first,”  said  Guebre,  whose
                                                                      at  the  Aziz  Istanbul  restau-  hands  were  still  bleeding   By ANGELA CHARLTON
                                                                      rant  when  horror  struck  from  the  cuts  he  suffered   OLEG CETINIC
                                                                      once  again  in  Burkina  when  he  threw  himself  to    Associated Press
                                                                      Faso’s  capital  of  Ouaga-  the  ground  to  avoid  the   SEPT-SORTS,  France  (AP)
                                                                      dougou. At least 22 people  bullets.  Gunfire  rang  out   —  A  man  who  may  have
                                                                      were wounded.                long  into  the  night  before   been  trying  to  kill  himself
                                                                      Less than two years ago, ji-  the  country’s  special  forc-  rammed his car into a piz-
                                                                      hadists killed 30 people in a  es  ended  the  attack  after   zeria east of Paris on Mon-
                                                                      similar attack at the nearby  nearly  seven  hours.  Initially   day,  killing  a  13-year-old
                                                                      Cappuccino  cafe,  which  authorities  had  said  there   girl and injuring her young-
                                                                      only recently reopened in a  were  three  or  four  assail-  er  brother  and  at  least  11
                                                                      city where fear of another  ants.  However,  govern-      others, authorities said.
                                                                      attack has been high.        ment  spokesman  Remy        The driver was immediately
                                                                      Eight  of  the  dead  in  Sun-  Danguinou  told  reporters   arrested.  Police  said  the
                                                                      day’s  attack  were  citizens  early Monday that two at-  man’s actions in the town
                                                                      of  Burkina  Faso,  authorities  tackers had been killed by   of Sept-Sorts were deliber-
                                                                      said.  Three  Lebanese  and  the  authorities.  There  was   ate, but not thought to be
                                                                      two  Canadians  were  also  no  immediate  claim  of  re-  terrorism-related.
                                                                      killed,  according  to  the  sponsibility  but  the  attack   The  13-year-old  girl  and
                                                                      victims’  respective  foreign  bore  the  hallmarks  of  the   her  brother  were  among
                                                                      ministries.   Other   victims  January 2016 assault on the   the restaurant patrons eat-
                                                                      came  from  Kuwait,  Sen-    Cappuccino  —  gunmen        ing on the outdoor terrace
                                                                      egal,  Nigeria,  Turkey  and  opening fire on diners at a   of  Pizzeria  Cesena  when
                                                                      France,  state  prosecutor  restaurant popular with for-  a  man  in  a  BMW  accel-
                                                                      Maizan Sereme said.          eigners,  prompting  a  mas-  erated  toward  them,  an
                                                                      The attack began around 9  sive  search  for  the  culprits   official  with  the  national
                                                                      p.m. Sunday when the Aziz  as  gunfire  and  explosions   gendarme service told The
                                                                      Istanbul,  an  upscale  Turk-  continued  into  the  night.   Associated Press.
                                                                      ish  restaurant  patronized  President Roch Marc Chris-   The  girl  died  immediately,
                                                                      by  many  foreigners,  was  tian Kabore declared three    while the boy’s injuries are
                                                                      packed  with  diners.  Two  days of national mourning.    considered    life-threaten-
            This  image  taken  from  video,  early  Monday,  Aug.  14,  2017,
            shows an armored vehicle driving down a street after an attack   young  men  wearing  jeans  “The fight against terrorism   ing,  the  official  said.  At
            in  Ouagadougou,  Burkina  Faso.  Suspected  Islamic  extremists   and  jackets  drove  up  on  is  a  long-term  battle,”  he   least  three  others  were
            opened fire at a Turkish restaurant in the capital of Burkina Faso   motorcycles  and  began  said  in  a  statement  Mon-  hospitalized in serious con-
            late Sunday, killing at least 18 people in the second such attack   indiscriminately shooting at  day. “That’s why I’m calling   dition, and eight more sus-
            on a restaurant popular with foreigners in the last two years.   the  people  inside  with  Ka-  for vigilance, solidarity and   tained  light  injuries,  said
                                                   (@Yabsi1er via AP)  lashnikovs,  witnesses  told  unity of the whole nation in   the  official,  who  was  not
                                                                      The Associated Press.        order to face the coward-    authorized  to  be  publicly
             By B. OUEDRAOGO             her colleagues.              “I heard a noise when they  ice of our adversaries.”      named.
             Associated Press            “I  just  want  to  go  to  the   smashed  a  car  with  their  In Paris, the office of French   The incident reignited fears
             OUAGADOUGOU,  Burkina  hospital  and  see  who  is       motorbike and before I un-   President  Emmanuel  Ma-     in  France  after  a  string  of
             Faso  (AP)  —  Hours  after  still  alive,”  the  distraught   derstood  what  happened  cron said he discussed the   attacks in which a vehicle
             suspected  Islamic  extrem-  young  woman,  who  was     they started shooting at the  attack  in  a  call  with  his   was the weapon of choice.
             ists  opened  fire  as  pa-  still  dressed  in  her  uniform,   customers on the terrace,”  Burkina  Faso  counterpart.   An Algerian man drove his
             trons  dined  at  the  popu-  said  early  Monday.  “I  am   said  Assane  Guebre,  who  The  leaders  agreed  that   car into a group of French
             lar  restaurant  where  she  calling them in vain, no re-  had been keeping an eye  it  was  urgent  to  acceler-  soldiers  last  week,  and  an
             worked as a waitress, Amy  sponse.” The death toll rose   on customers’ cars parked  ate  the  deployment  of  a   Islamic  extremist  truck  at-
             Sawadogo  was  still  wan-  to  18  and  authorities  said   outside.  “They  were  close  new 5,000-strong anti-terror   tack  in  the  French  city  of
             dering around barefoot at  many  of  the  victims  were   to me, and I still don’t know  force in the Sahel, a state-  Nice left 86 people dead a
             a crisis center asking about  children  dining  with  their   how  they  did  not  hit  me  ment said. q           little more than a year ago.
                                                                                                                                The  man  arrested  in  Mon-
               Russian security agency says it foiled IS attack plot                                                            day’s  attack  is  thought  to
                                                                                                                                have  tried  to  kill  himself
                                                                                                                                last  week,  French  Interior
            MOSCOW  (AP)  —  Rus-        bombers  along  with  an  tacks were planned by two  subway  that  left  16  dead      Ministry  Pierre-Henry  Bran-
            sia’s  top  domestic  security  Islamic  State  envoy  and  senior IS militants who fight  and  wounded  more  than   det said on BFM television.
            agency said Monday it has  an  expert  in  explosives.  with  IS.  The  agency  didn’t  50 in April. President Vladi-  Brandet said the man, born
            thwarted suicide bombings  One  of  them  is  a  Russian  give  their  nationalities,  but  mir  Putin  said  in  April  that   in 1985, was not known to
            in Moscow planned by the  national  and  three  others  their  names  given  by  the  some 9,000 militants, about   intelligence  or  police.  He
            Islamic State group in Syria.  are  from  ex-Soviet  Cen-  FSB  appear  to  indicate  half  of  them  from  Russia   did not identify him.
            Four people have been ar-    tral  Asia,  the  FSB  said.  The  they  hail  from  the  former  and the rest from ex-Soviet   Two  police  officials  said
            rested on suspicion of plot-  agency released a video in  Soviet Union.                Central Asian nations, have   the  incident  is  considered
            ting  attacks  on  Moscow  which  its  agents  inspect  a  In May, the FSB arrested an-  joined  the  Islamic  State  in   over  and  authorities  are
            transit  system  and  shop-  house used by the group to  other group of suspected IS  Syria.  He  emphasized  that   not  searching  for  accom-
            ping malls, the Federal Se-  make explosives while two  members in May who were  a  key  goal  for  the  Russian    plices, but to find out what
            curity Service, or FSB, said in  suspects  lie  down  on  the  also  accused  of  plotting  military  operation  in  Syria   motivated the driver.
            a statement.                 floor  in  handcuffs.  It  didn’t  terror attacks in the capital.  is to crush them there and   A judicial official said Mon-
            Those  arrested  included  say  when  the  arrests  took  The arrests follow a suicide  prevent them from coming    day  night  that  the  Paris
            two    would-be     suicide  place. The FSB said the at-  bombing in St. Petersburg’s  back home.q                  prosecutor’s office..q
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