P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 15 augusT 2017

                   Argentina: Macri alliance bolstered by election

            By ALMUDENA CALATRAVA        tico Politico consulting firm.
            Associated Press             “In Buenos Aires the polar-
            BUENOS  AIRES,  Argentina    ization  prevailed,  which  is
            (AP)  —  The  surprising  suc-  favorable  for  the  govern-
            cess  of  President  Mauricio   ment.”
            Macri’s  political  coalition   Fernandez, who governed
            in key Argentine provinces   Argentina  in  2007-2015,
            in  a  primary  election  has   claims  to  have  won  Sun-
            strengthened  its  position   day’s primary election. The
            heading  into  October’s     final  results  are  expected
            midterm  legislative  vote   to be published in 10 days.
            and  given  a  boost  to  its   “They will try to hide, make
            pro-business  economic  re-  up  and  confuse,  but  they
            forms.                       won’t  be  able  to  do  it,”
            Sunday’s  primary  vote  to   Fernandez  said  Monday.
            determine  the  candidates   “Argentina’s democracy is
            in   Argentina’s    legisla-  stronger than their manipu-
            tive  elections  was  closely   lation and arrogance.”
            watched  to  gauge  the      Giusto  said  that  although
            popularity  of  Macri  and   Fernandez  had  her  worst
            the strength of former Presi-  election  in  Buenos  Aires
            dent  Cristina  Fernandez,   province,  where  she  al-
            who is expected to run for   ways won before as a can-
            a Senate seat in October.    didate for the Senate and    Argentina’s President Mauricio Macri casts his vote during the open primary legislative elections
                                                                      in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sunday, Aug. 13, 2017. Argentines are choosing on Sunday their can-
            Argentina’s stocks and cur-  the  presidency,  she  re-   didates to the Senate and Lower House for the midterm October elections.
            rency  markets  were  bol-   mains  popular  and  could                                                             (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)
            stered Monday by the pos-    still  come  in  first  in  Octo-  of the lower house of Con-  won in the Argentine capi-  Mendoza, Entre Ríos, Jujuy,
            itive performance of Mac-    ber’s  midterm  elections.   gress.                       tal and in provinces includ-  La  Pampa,  Neuquen,  San
            ri’s Let’s Change coalition,   Those  votes  will  choose  a   Let’s  Change  candidates  ing  Cordoba,  Corrientes,  Luis and Santa Cruz.q
            especially  in  Buenos  Aires   third of the Senate and half
            province, where more than
            a third of Argentina’s elec-        Americans sentenced in Panama for 5 murders
            torate lives. Investors fear a
            return  of  the  populist  Fer-
            nandez who has vowed to                                                                PANAMA  CITY  (AP)  —  U.S.  rested while trying to enter
            fight  the  reforms  of  Macri,                                                        citizen William Dathan Hol-  Nicaragua from Costa Rica
            her  conservative  succes-                                                             bert  was  sentenced  to  47  in 2010.
            sor.                                                                                   years  in  prison  by  a  court  That  year,  the  bodies  of
            Fernandez had been wide-                                                               in Panama for robbing and  four  adults  and  one  child
            ly expected to beat Mac-                                                               killing five other Americans  were  found  buried  on  the
            ri’s candidate in Buenos Ai-                                                           in a Caribbean tourist des-  property  of  a  hostel  that
            res province, but with near-                                                           tination,  authorities  said  Holbert owned.
            ly  all  the  polling  stations                                                        Monday.                      Holbert  killed  a  U.S.  citizen
            counted  Esteban  Bullrich                                                             Holbert’s ex-wife Laura Re-  named Mike Brown, his wife
            had 34.19 percent of votes                                                             ese  was  sentenced  to  26  and young son in 2007. Au-
            compared  to  Fernandez’s                                                              years for her role.          thorities  have  said  Brown
            34.11 percent.                                                                         Authorities said Holbert ad-  may  have  been  living  un-
            The  virtual  tie  was  seen  a                                                        mitted  killing  five  people  der an alias and they don’t
            major win for Macri.          In  this  July  29,  2010  photo,  American  William  Dathan  Holbert   between 2007 and 2010 in  know  where  he  was  from.
            “It was a good election for   and wife Laura Reese are escorted off a police vehicle during   Bocas del Toro province in  In 2010, Holbert killed Cher-
            the government with some      their  extradition  to  Panama  in  Managua,  Nicaragua.  Holbert   order  to  steal  their  prop-  yl Lynn Hughes, a native of
                                          was sentenced to 47 years in prison by a court in Panama for
            triumphs that were expect-    robbing and killing five other Americans in a Caribbean tour-  erty.                  St. Louis, Missouri, who ran a
            ed  and  other  important     ist destination, authorities said Monday, Aug. 14, 2017. Reese,   Holbert’s  lawyer,  Claudia  small hotel in Panama, and
            surprises,”  said  Patricio  Gi-  Holbert’s now ex-wife, was sentenced to 26 years for her role.   Alvarado,  suggested  an  Bo  Icelar,  former  owner  of
            usto, head of the Diagnos-    (AP Photo/Esteban Felix)                                 appeal was likely.           a gallery in Santa Fe, New
                                                                                                   Holbert and Reese were ar-   Mexico.q
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