P. 12

                 Tuesday 15 augusT 2017

                    Maduro seeks probe of opposition over Trump’s military talk

            By JOSHUA GOODMAN                                                                                                   nior officials sought to rally
            Associated Press                                                                                                    opposition  to  Trump,  U.S.
            CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)                                                                                             Vice President Mike Pence
            —  President  Nicolas  Mad-                                                                                         found  himself  doing  dam-
            uro asked the pro-govern-                                                                                           age control for the Repub-
            ment constitutional assem-                                                                                          lican leader in a previously
            bly Monday to investigate                                                                                           scheduled  visit  to  Latin
            the  opposition  for  alleg-                                                                                        America.
            edly  supporting  Donald                                                                                            Seeking  to  highlight  the
            Trump’s  remarks  on  using                                                                                         worsening  plight  in  Ven-
            military  action  to  resolve                                                                                       ezuela,  he  met  Monday
            Venezuela’s political crisis.                                                                                       in  Cartagena,  Colombia,
            Addressing  a  rally  of  gov-                                                                                      with a small group of Vene-
            ernment  supporters,  Mad-                                                                                          zuelans who have fled their
            uro  said  Trump’s  com-                                                                                            homeland.  He  described
            ments  were  prompted  by                                                                                           their stories as “heartbreak-
            the  failure  of  the  opposi-                                                                                      ing” and before leaving he
            tion’s  campaign  to  oust                                                                                          and his wife, Karen Pence,
            him after months of desta-                                                                                          grasped  hands  with  the
            bilizing protests.                                                                                                  group in a prayer circle as
            Calling  for  “justice,”  he                                                                                        she prayed for “comfort to
            said  the  truth  commission                                                                                        the Venezuelan refugees.”
            set up by the constitutional                                                                                        Trump’s  remarks  last  week
            assembly  should  investi-                                                                                          that he wouldn’t rule out a
            gate opposition leaders as                                                                                          “military  option”  for  Vene-
            “traitors”  for  not  speaking   Diosdado Cabello, a member of the Constitutional Assembly and Venezuelan ruling party chief,   zuela shocked even allies in
            out clearly against the U.S.   center front, is surrounded by bodyguard and supporters during an anti-imperialist march to de-  Latin America who thought
            president. Opponents who     nounce Trump’s talk of a “military option” for resolving the country’s political crisis in Caracas,   the U.S. had turned its back
            don’t cooperate in the in-   Venezuela, Monday, Aug. 14, 2017.                                                      on  decades  of  big-stick
            vestigation will face arrest,                                                             (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)  diplomacy  in  the  region.
            he warned.                   ers,  gathered  at  the  presi-  mention  Trump  by  name,  to Cuba and other foreign   Pence’s  last  stop  on  the
            “If they don’t show up on    dential palace.              instead  blaming  Maduro  powers.                         four-nation  tour  will  take
            their own, we’ll go looking   The  main  opposition  alli-  for  converting  Venezuela  Maduro  also  ordered  two   him to Panama, which saw
            for  them  with  handcuffs,”   ance  rejected  the  use  of  into  a  threat  to  regional  days  of  civilian-military  ex-  the last U.S. military invasion
            he  told  a  few  thousand   military  threats  to  resolve  stability  and  accusing  him  ercises  to  dissuade  a  U.S.   in Latin America, the 1989
            government      supporters,   Venezuela’s  crisis.  But  its  of  ceding  the  country’s  attack.                   “Operation Just Cause” to
            many of them state work-     statement  Sunday  didn’t  sovereignty  and  oil  wealth  As  Maduro  and  other  se-  remove  military  dictator
                                                                                                                                Manuel Noriega.
            Tillerson: diplomats in Havana suffered ‘health attacks’                                                            “The  phantom  of  military
                                                                                                                                interventions in Latin Amer-
                                                                                                                                ica  disappeared  a  long
            By M. WEISSENSTEIN           there had been “incidents  diplomats  involved,”  Tiller-  ciated Press that the hear-  time  ago  and  we  don’t
            M. LEE                       which have caused a vari-    son said in Bedminster, New  ing loss appeared to have    want it to return,” Colombi-
            Associated Press             ety of physical symptoms.”  Jersey,  where  President  been  caused  by  the  de-      an President Juan Manuel
            HAVANA (AP) — Secretary  U.S.  officials  later  revealed  Donald  Trump  and  mem-    liberate  use  of  some  sort   Santos, the staunchest U.S.
            of  State  Rex  Tillerson  said  that  American  diplomats  bers  of  his  administration  of  sonic  device  operating   ally in the region, said Sun-
            that  U.S.  diplomats  in  Ha-  had  suffered  unexplained  spoke to reporters.        outside the range of audi-   day at a news conference
            vana had been the victims  losses  of  hearing,  and  on  In the fall of 2016, a series of  ble sound.              alongside Pence.
            of  “health  attacks”  that  Thursday  Canada’s  gov-     U.S.  diplomats  began  suf-  Former  diplomats  and  stu-  Pence  said  Monday  that
            left  them  with  hearing  loss  ernment  said  at  least  one  fering unexplained losses of  dents  of  U.S.-Cuba  rela-  Trump’s  remarks  were  in-
            —  the  most  definitive  U.S.  Canadian   diplomat   in  hearing,  according  to  offi-  tions said they found it inex-  tended to put Maduro on
            statement  yet  on  a  series  Cuba also had been treat-  cials with knowledge of the  plicable  that  Cuba  would   notice  that  “we  will  not
            of mysterious incidents that  ed for hearing loss.        case.                        have tried to harm U.S. and   stand  by  while  Venezuela
            have puzzled longtime ob-    “We  hold  the  Cuban  au-   Some  of  the  diplomats’  Canadian  diplomats,  par-     collapses into dictatorship”
            servers  of  U.S.-Cuban  rela-  thorities responsible for find-  symptoms  were  so  severe  ticularly in the fall of 2016 as   and that “a failed state in
            tions.                       ing out who is carrying out  that  they  were  forced  to  President  Barack  Obama    Venezuela  threatens  the
            His comments Friday came  these  health  attacks  on  cancel their tours early and  was ending a second term        security  and  prosperity  of
            two days after the State De-  not  just  our  diplomats  but,  return to the United States,  marked  partly  by  the  re-  our entire hemispheres and
            partment issued a vaguely  as you’ve seen now, there  the officials said.              opening of diplomatic rela-  the  people  of  the  United
            worded  statement  saying  are  other  cases  with  other  The  officials  told  The  Asso-  tions with the island.q  States.” q
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