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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 15 augusT 2017

              Charlottesville driver previously

              accused of beating his mother

                                         an  admirer  of  Adolf  Hitler
                                         and  Nazi  Germany,  was
                                         charged  with  second-de-
                                         gree murder.
                                         A  judge  denied  him  bail
                                         Monday  after  the  public
                                         defender’s  office  said  it
                                         couldn’t represent him be-
                                         cause  a  relative  of  some-
                                         one  in  the  office  was  in-
                                         jured in Saturday’s protest.
                                         Fields  was  assigned  a  lo-
                                         cal  attorney,  and  another
                                         hearing was set for Aug. 25.
              This photo provided by the   Records  show  that  Fields
              Albemarle-Charlottesville   was  arrested  and  put  in
              Regional  Jail  shows  James
              Alex  Fields  Jr.,  who  was   juvenile detention after his
              charged    with   second-  mother  reported  in  2011   President Donald Trump arrives to speak about the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville,
              degree  murder  and  other   that  he  stood  behind  her   Va., Monday, Aug. 14, 2017, in the Diplomatic Room of the White House in Washington.
              counts after authorities say   wielding a 12-inch knife.                                                                (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
              he  rammed  his  car  into  a   In another incident in 2010,   Bowing to pressure:
              crowd  of  protesters  Sat-  she  said  her  son  smacked
              urday,  Aug.  12,  2017,  in   her in the head and locked   Trump denounces hate groups by name
              Charlottesville,  Va.,  where
              a  white  supremacist  rally   her  in  the  bathroom  after
              took place.                she told him to stop playing
               (Albemarle-Charlottesville   video games.
                     Regional Jail via AP)  There was no indication in    Continued from front     a need for law and order,  released  —  but  attribut-
                                         the records that he was ar-                               which  he  did.  He  later  ex-  ed  only  to  an  unnamed
              By DAKE KANG               rested.                      Trump’s  softer  statement   pressed  anger  to  those  spokesperson.
              SARAH RANKIN               Also  Monday,  a  former     on Saturday had come as      close to him about what he  Tougher     condemnations
              Associated Press           classmate told The Associ-   graphic  images  of  a  car   perceived  as  the  media’s  began  Sunday  night  with
              CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (AP)   ated Press that on a school   plowing  into  a  crowd  in   unfair assessment of his re-  Vice President Mike Pence,
              — The driver charged with   trip  to  Europe  in  2015,  a   Charlottesville  were  play-  marks,  believing  he  had  traveling in South America,
              killing a woman at a white   teenage  Fields  couldn’t   ing  continually  on  televi-  effectively  denounced  all  declaring that “these dan-
              nationalist  rally  in  Char-  stand the French and said   sion. White nationalists had   forms  of  bigotry,  accord-  gerous  fringe  groups  have
              lottesville  was  previously   he only went on the trip so   assembled  in  the  city  to   ing to outside advisers and  no place in American pub-
              accused  of  beating  his   that he could visit “the Fa-  protest plans to take down   White House officials.     lic life.”
              mother  and  threatening   therland” — Germany.         a  statue  of  Confederate   Several  of  Trump’s  senior  On  Monday,  Trump  had
              her with a knife, according   “He just really laid on about   Gen.  Robert  E.  Lee,  and   advisers,  including  new  planned to interrupt his 17-
              to police records released   the  French  being  lower   counter-protesters   gath-  chief  of  staff  John  Kelly,  day  working  vacation  at
              Monday.                    than us and inferior to us,”   ered  in  opposition.  Fights   had  urged  him  to  make  his New Jersey golf club to
              Samantha    Bloom,   who   said Keegan McGrath.         broke out, and then a man    a  more  specific  condem-   travel to Washington for an
              is  disabled  and  uses  a   McGrath, now 18, said he   drove  into  the  opponents   nation,  warning  that  the  announcement  he  hoped
              wheelchair,    repeatedly   challenged  Fields  on  his   of  the  white  supremacists.   negative  story  would  not  would   showcase   some
              called  police  about  her   beliefs,  and  the  animos-  One woman was killed and   go away and that the rising  tough talk on China’s trade
              son, James Alex Fields Jr., in   ity between them grew so   many more badly hurt.    tide of criticism from fellow  practices.
              2010 and 2011, telling offi-  heated  that  it  came  to  a   Twenty-year-old   James   Republicans on Capitol Hill  But by the time he arrived
              cers he was on medication   boil at dinner on their sec-  Alex  Fields  Jr.  of  Ohio  is   could endanger his legisla-  at midmorning, it was clear
              to control his temper, tran-  ond day.                  charged    with   second-    tive agenda, according to  all  other  messages  would
              scripts from 911 calls show.  He said he went home af-  degree  murder  and  other   two White House officials.   be  drowned  out  until  he
              Fields,  20,  is  accused  of   ter  three  or  four  days  be-  counts.             The  outside  advisers  and  said  more  about  Charlot-
              ramming  his  car  into  a   cause he couldn’t handle   Loath to appear to be ad-    officials  demanded  ano-    tesville.
              crowd  of  counter-protest-  being in a room with Fields.  mitting  a  mistake,  Trump   nymity  to  discuss  private  Trump returned to a White
              ers on Saturday in Charlot-  The  incident  shocked  Mc-  was reluctant to adjust his   conversations.            House undergoing a major
              tesville,  killing  32-year-old   Grath  because  he  had   remarks.                 Aides  were  dispatched  renovation.
              Heather Heyer.             been in German class with    The president had indicat-   to  Sunday  talk  shows  but  With  the  Oval  Office  un-
              Fields,  described  by  a  for-  Fields  for  two  unremark-  ed  to  advisers  before  his   struggled  to  explain  the  available, he worked from
              mer high school teacher as   able years. q              initial  statement  Saturday   president’s position.      the  Treaty  Room  as  aides
                                                                      that  he  wanted  to  stress   A  stronger  statement  was  drafted his remarks. q
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