P. 2

                 Tuesday 15 augusT 2017
                North Korea leader briefed on plans for missile tests near Guam

            By TONG-HYUNG KIM            army’s  Strategic  Forces,  kees  persist  in  their  ex-  missiles  near  Guam,  which  war.
            Associated Press             Kim praised the military for  tremely  dangerous  reck-   is  about  3,200  kilometers  Marine Corps Gen. Joseph
            SEOUL, South Korea (AP) —  drawing a “close and care-     less  actions  on  the  Korean  (2,000  miles)  from  Pyong-  Dunford,  the  chairman  of
            North  Korea  said  Tuesday  ful plan” and said he would  Peninsula  and  its  vicinity”  yang, and send it to Kim for  the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also
            that  leader  Kim  Jong  Un  watch the “foolish and stu-  and that the United States  his approval.                 said during a visit to South
            was briefed on his military’s  pid  conduct  of  the  Yan-  should  “think  reasonably  The  North  Korean  report  Korea  on  Monday  that
            plans  to  launch  missiles  in  kees”  a  little  more  before  and  judge  property”  to  came  after  U.S.  Defense  the  United  States  wants  to
            waters  near  Guam  days  deciding  whether  to  give  avoid  shame,  the  news  Secretary  Jim  Mattis  said  peacefully resolve a deep-
            after  the  Korean  People’s  order  for  the  missile  test,  agency said.            the  United  Sates  would  ening  standoff  with  North
            Army  announced  its  pre-   the  Korean  Central  News  The  Korean  People’s  Ar-    take out any North Korean  Korea.  But is also ready to
            paring to create “envelop-   Agency said.                 my’s  Strategic  Forces  said  missile seen to be heading  use  the  “full  range”  of  its
            ing  fire”  near  the  U.S.  mili-  Kim  said  North  Korea  will  last  week  it  would  finalize  for  American  soil  and  de-  military capabilities in case
            tary hub in the Pacific.     conduct  the  planned  mis-  by mid-August a plan to fire  clared  any  such  North  Ko-  of  provocation,  Dunford
            During an inspection of the  sile  launches  if  the  “Yan-  four  intermediate  ballistic  rean  attack  could  lead  to  said. q

                 Top US military officer warns North Korea that US military ready

                                                                                                   appeared  to  be  an  at-    passe,  which  has  sim-
                                                                                                   tempt to ease anxiety over  mered  since  the  end  of
                                                                                                   tit-for-tat  threats  between  the  Korean  War  in  1953,
                                                                                                   President  Donald  Trump  has  grown  more  tense  in
                                                                                                   and  North  Korea  while  recent  months  over  wor-
                                                                                                   also  showing  a  willingness  ries that the North’s nuclear
                                                                                                   to  back  up  Trump’s  warn-  weapons  program  is  near-
                                                                                                   ings  if  need  be.  Dunford,  ing the ability to target the
                                                                                                   the  chairman  of  the  Joint  U.S.  mainland.  Pyongyang
                                                                                                   Chiefs  of  Staff,  is  visiting  tested two intercontinental
                                                                                                   South  Korea,  Japan  and  ballistic missiles last month.
                                                                                                   China after a week in which  “We are seeking a peace-
                                                                                                   Trump  declared  the  U.S.  ful  resolution  to  the  crisis,”
                                                                                                   military  “locked  and  load-  Dunford, who also met with
                                                                                                   ed” and said he was ready  South     Korean   President
                                                                                                   to unleash “fire and fury” if  Moon Jae-in, said to report-
                                                                                                   North  Korea  continued  to  ers,  according  to  a  local
                                                                                                   threaten the United States.  pool report.
                                                                                                   North  Korea,  meanwhile,  He  earlier  told  his  South
                                                                                                   has threatened to lob four  Korean  counterparts  that
                                                                                                   intermediate-range missiles  America  is  ready  “to  use
                                                                                                   into the waters near Guam,  the  full  range  of  military
            Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford speaks at a news conference at U.S. Army Garrison   a  tiny  U.S.  territory  about  capabilities  to  defend  our
            Yongsan, Seoul, South Korea, Monday, Aug. 14, 2017. The top U.S. military officer is warning during   3,200   kilometers   (2,000  allies  and  the  U.S.  home-
            a trip to Seoul that the United States is ready to use the “full range” of its military capabilities to   miles)  from  Pyongyang,  land,”  according  to  U.S.
            defend itself and its allies from North Korea. A spokesman says Marine Corps Gen. Dunford also
            told his South Korean counterparts Monday that the North’s missiles and nukes threaten the world.   North  Korea’s  capital.  This  military  spokesman  Capt.
                                                                         (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)  would  be  a  deeply  pro-   Darryn James.
                                                                                                   vocative  act  from  the  U.S.  Moon  separately  called
             By FOSTER KLUG              fully  resolve  a  deepening  The  comments  by  Marine   perspective, and there has  Monday for a peaceful so-
             Associated Press            standoff  with  North  Korea  Corps  Gen.  Joseph  Dun-   been  widespread  debate  lution to the nuclear stand-
             SEOUL, South Korea (AP) —  but is also ready to use the  ford in a series of meetings   about whether Washington  off, saying that “there must
             The top U.S. military officer  “full  range”  of  its  military  with  senior  South  Korean   would try to shoot the mis-  not be another war on the
             said Monday that the Unit-  capabilities in case of prov-  military  and  political  offi-  siles down if they’re fired.  Korean Peninsula,” accord-
             ed States wants to peace-   ocation.                     cials  and  the  local  media   The  U.S.-North  Korea  im-  ing to his office.q


                 US would ‘take out’ any North Korean missile aimed at US

            By ROBERT BURNS              soon  fire  four  ballistic  mis-  game  on.”  Mattis  said  U.S.  said  “it  becomes  an  issue  kinds  of  decision  in  ad-
            AP National Security Writer  siles  into  the  waters  off  missile detection and track-  we  take  up  however  the  vance,”  he  said.  “There’s
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  Guam, a U.S. territory in the  ing systems can determine  president chooses.”             a  host  of  things  going  on.
            United  States  would  “take  Pacific,  Mattis  made  clear  swiftly  whether  a  missile  The U.S. has missile defenses  There’s  allies  that  we  con-
            out” any North Korean mis-   he did not want to be seen  launched from North Korea  on Guam, at sea and in the  sult  with.”Mattis  was  re-
            sile  seen  to  be  heading  as escalating the tensions.  is headed for U.S. soil. North  continental  U.S.  that  are  luctant  to  speak  in  detail
            for  American  soil,  Defense  “If  they  fire  at  the  United  Korea  said  last  week  it  is  designed  to  shoot  down  about  how  the  Trump  ad-
            Secretary  Jim  Mattis  said  States,  it  could  escalate  considering  launching  four  ballistic missiles.       ministration  will  handle  fu-
            Monday.                      into  war  very  quickly,”  he  missiles to land just short of  Mattis  was  asked  wheth-  ture  North  Korean  missile
            He declared that any such  said.  “Yes,  that’s  called  Guam. If a missile is judged  er  decisions  had  already  launches.  “I  need  a  cer-
            North Korean attack could  war, if they shoot at us.”     to be headed for the island,  been  made  about  how  tain  amount  of  ambiguity
            lead to war.                 Later he said, “If they shoot  Mattis  said:  “We’ll  take  it  to  respond  in  the  event  a  on  this”  to  prevent  North
            Responding  to  reporters’  at the United States, I’m as-  out.” If the U.S. determines  North  Korean  missile  lands  Korea  from  knowing  too
            questions  about  North  Ko-  suming  they  hit  the  United  the  missile  would  fall  into  in the waters off Guam.  much about U.S. planning,
            rea’s assertion that it might  States.  If  they  do  that,  it’s  the sea short of Guam, he  “You  can’t  make  all  those  he said.q
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