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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 15 augusT 2017

                Police: 16 immigrants locked inside rig at Texas truck stop

            EDINBURG,  Texas  (AP)  —    cal  officials  and  talking  to
            Police  in  Texas  acting  on   witnesses.
            a  tip  found  16  immigrants   The discovery comes three
            locked inside a tractor-trail-  weeks after 10 people died
            er parked at a gas station   in  a  sweltering  rig  parked
            about 20 miles (30 kilome-   at a Walmart in San Anto-
            ters)  from  the  border  with   nio.
            Mexico, less than a month      Immigration  officials  say
            after 10 people died in the   survivors   estimated   100
            back of a hot truck in San   people had been packed
            Antonio.                     into  the  back  of  the
            Edinburg  Assistant  Police   18-wheeler  at  one  point.
            Chief  Oscar  Trevino  says   Officials  said  39  people
            the  immigrants  may  have   were  inside  when  rescu-
            been  locked  inside  the    ers  arrived,  and  the  rest
            18-wheeler  in  Edinburg  for   either escaped or hitched
            at least eight hours before   rides  to  their  next  destina-
            being freed by officers late   tion.  Nearly  20  of  those
            Sunday morning.              rescued from the rig were
            He  had  earlier  said  there   hospitalized  in  dire  condi-
            were 17 immigrants locked    tion,  many  suffering  from   In this Sunday, Aug. 13, 2017 photo, Border Patrol officers question a group of immigrants in Ed-
            in the tractor-trailer before   extreme  dehydration  and   inburg, Texas. Police in Texas acting on a tip found the immigrants locked inside a tractor-trailer
            correcting  the  number  on   heatstroke.  The  driver  of   parked at a gas station about 20 miles from the border with Mexico, less than a month after 10
                                                                      people died in the back of a hot truck with little ventilation in San Antonio.
            Monday to 16.                that  rig  remains  in  federal                                                     (Delcia Lopez/The Monitor via AP)
            Trevino  said  none  of  the   custody,  charged  with  il-
            people  inside  the  tractor-  legally  transporting  immi-
            trailer required medical at-  grants  for  financial  gain,   ers  traveling  through  the  gan knocking on the sides  The  San  Antonio  incident
            tention. He said they were   resulting in death.          region,   after   receiving  of  trailers  parked  at  the  demonstrated  how  smug-
            hungry  and  thirsty  and    On  Sunday,  Edinburg  po-   an  anonymous  call  from  station  and  eventually  re-  glers  regularly  use  big  rigs
            were  given  food  and  wa-  lice  went  to  the  gas  sta-  someone  saying  a  rela-  ceived  return  knocks  from  in an elaborate network of
            ter at the scene.            tion,  a  popular  stopover   tive was trapped inside the  the  one  holding  the  immi-  foot guides, safe house op-
            Those found locked in the    for  commercial  truck  driv-  tractor-trailer.  Officers  be-  grants, police said.   erators and drivers. q
            tractor-trailer   included
            eight  people  from  El  Sal-  Officials:
            vador, six from Mexico and
            two  from  Romania,  said        3 killed at race track were known gang members
            Manuel  Padilla,  U.S.  Cus-
            toms  and  Border  Protec-
            tion’s  Border  Patrol  sector   By IVAN MORENO            Lakes  Dragaway  in  the  go  back  up  and  actually  “At least the family mem-
            chief  for  the  Rio  Grande   GRETCHEN EHLKE              town  of  Paris  at  about  7  make sure that they were  bers that I’m aware of are
            Valley  at  Texas’  southern-  PARIS,  Wis.  (AP)  —  Three  p.m.  Sunday,  according  dead,”                     not cooperating at all with
            most point.                    Illinois men whom authori-  to  Kenosha  County  sher-   Beth said at an afternoon  the investigation.
            A  man  and  woman  who        ties  believe  were  gang  iff’s officials.             news   conference.    The   It has not helped us,” Beth
            Trevino  said  are  Cuban      members may have been  Sheriff David Beth said au-      shooting  happened  as  said.
            nationals  were  in  charge    targeted  by  a  rival  when  thorities are still looking for  some  15,000  people  at-  The   Kenosha   County
            of  the  rig  and  have  been   they were shot to death at  the  male  gunman  who  tended  “Larry’s  Fun  Fest”  Sheriff’s  Office  said  Mon-
            detained.                      close range during a drag  first  shot  two  of  the  three  at the raceway on a mild  day  the  victims  of  Sun-
            U.S.  Immigration  and  Cus-   racing event in southeast-  men,  shot  the  third  as  he  Sunday  evening.  No  one  day night’s shooting were
            toms  Enforcement  spokes-     ern Wisconsin, sheriff’s offi-  tried to get away around  else was hit by gunfire, au-  30-year-old  David  L.  Wat-
            woman Nina Pruneda said        cials said Monday.          a  tent  and  then  returned  thorities said.          son  of  Oswego,  30-year-
            no one has been charged        The three men were fatally  and shot the two others a  A  lack  of  cooperation  by  old  Khalid  R.  Howard  or
            yet in connection with the     shot  as  they  stood  near  second time.               the  victims’  relatives  has  Aurora,  and  26-year-old
            case but that the agency       a  concession  area  in  the  “He  had  enough  time  made his detectives’ work  Derek K. Edwards of North
            is working with state and lo-  parking  lot  of  the  Great  and enough arrogance to  harder, the sheriff said.   Aurora. q
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