P. 29
PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 15 augusT 2017
Pencils, paper, backpacks, oh my! Stars go back to school
By LEANNE ITALIE “Grey’s Anatomy” was all mer film “Detroit,” said it weeks.”
Associated Press about the paper products. was all about first-day fash- Co-star Ryan Reynolds had
NEW YORK (AP) — Fresh “I still love a great new ion. no specific back-to-school
pencils and the perfect notebook. Super nerd,” she “You gotta bring it first day, rituals growing up, but his
lunchbox, new clothes and said. and my mom would al- oldest daughter is heading
the hottest notebooks. In Her fellow cast member, ways get me something so to preschool.
the wind down of summer Jason Winston George, rad and so cool,” she said. “I’m sure I’m the one who
as we head into fall, a va- had other favorite gear. “I would always be coordi- needs help, not her,” he
riety of celebrities time- “Lunchboxes. It was all nated with my sister, who’s said. “She’ll be fine.”
tripped back to childhood, about the new lunchboxes two years younger than Max Greenfield, who ap-
sharing favorite moments and the backpack. Lunch- me.” pears in the film “The Glass
preparing for the first day of box and backpack, that Salma Hayek’s favorite Castle,” said backpacks
school. was my joint,” he said. back-to-school activity stand out for him and his
“I went to a military school. Ian Ziering, who stars in Sy- growing up in Mexico was daughter, one of his two
Oddly enough, every fall fy’s “Sharknado 5: Global wrapping her books and kids.
when it came up, the idea Swarming,” has passed adorning her homemade “She had a good back- Max Greenfield attends
of putting on the uniform down one of his parents’ covers. pack this year. She had the premiere of “The Glass
and going back to school back-to-school traditions to “They don’t do it any- a Vans backpack, which Castle” at the SVA Theatre on
was very exciting,” recalled his two kids. more,” she said. “Finding was pretty cool,” he said. Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2017, in
Joe Morton of ABC’s “Scan- “It’s taking a picture in front the paper to wrap it and “This year we’re growing New York.
dal.” of the house, in front of the the decorations. Now it’s all out of the Hello Kitty back- Associated Press
For Katy Mixon, who stars front door. We do it ev- in the computer. Nobody pack and now you have Fellow cast member Kiersey
in ABC’s “American House- ery year with my kids with wraps their books anymore. a Vans backpack. I think Clemons has three little sis-
wife,” it was all about the a little sign: Kindergarten, I remember how exciting later on it’s going to get ter- ters.
duds. “Going clothes shop- first day of kindergarten, it was, to do it all neatly. It rifying when she’s like, I’m “Taking them school shop-
ping. I grew up in a fam- first day of first grade. It’s was a lovely ritual.” wearing this to school, and ping for the supplies and
ily of seven — six girls and great. I have that from my Her castmate, Samuel L. you’re like, no you’re not.” the backpacks and every-
one boy. My mama used childhood and now my kids Jackson, in the film “The Hit- Kate Beckinsale, who’s in thing, that is my favorite
to always take us to go have that,” he said. “It’s man’s Bodyguard,” said he the new film, “The Only Liv- thing,” she smiled. “I love
get those back-to-school just a great picture to look remembers hunting down ing Boy in New York,” loved the fresh pencils and pens
clothes, and I loved it.” back on.” the “perfect notebook that the idea of marking time as and binders. I love that. I
Kelly McCreary of ABC’s Kaitlyn Dever, in the sum- didn’t fall apart after two the school years passed. love organization.”q