Page 15 - HOH OCT 22 2020_Neat
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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 22 OcTOber 2020
            UN envoy hails early agreements in Libya talks

            By JAMEY KEATEN                                                                                                     boost production.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    U.N.  organizers  say  the
            GENEVA     (AP)   —    The                                                                                          round  is  expected  to  run
            U.N.  envoy  for  Libya  said                                                                                       through Saturday, and Wil-
            Wednesday  the  two  war-                                                                                           liams'  mission  "hopes  that
            ring  factions  have  agreed                                                                                        the  two  delegations  will
            on  issues  that  "directly  im-                                                                                    reach a solution to all out-
            pact the lives and welfare                                                                                          standing  issues  in  order
            of the Libyan people," not-                                                                                         to  achieve  a  complete
            ing that the thorny work to                                                                                         and  permanent  cease-fire
            cement a cease-fire in the                                                                                          across Libya."
            restive North African coun-                                                                                         The meetings make up the
            try will continue.  Stephanie                                                                                       security  aspect  of  three-
            Turco Williams, the U.N. en-                                                                                        track  talks,  also  involving
            voy,  cited  agreements  to                                                                                         political  and  economic
            open  air  and  land  routes                                                                                        tracks,  that  are  aimed  at
            in  the  country,  to  work  to                                                                                     lifting Libya out of its gruel-
            ease  inflammatory  rheto-                                                                                          ing conflict.
            ric in Libyan media, and to                                                                                         In Tripoli, meanwhile, a local
            help kickstart Libya's vital oil                                                                                    militia stormed the home of
            industry, as talks in Geneva                                                                                        Mohammed Baio, head of
            continued this week under                                                                                           the state-run media office,
            her mediation.                                                                                                      and detained him, security
            "I  am  pleased  to  report   Stephanie  Williams,  Acting  Special  Representative  of  the  Secretary-General  and  Head  of  the   officials said.
            that  the  two  sides  have   United Nations Support Mission in Libya, speaks about the fourth round of the 5+5 Libyan Joint   The militia, known as Tripoli
                                         Military  Commission,  during  a  press  conference  at  the  European  headquarters  of  the  United
            reached  agreement  on       Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, Monday, Oct. 21, 2020.                                 Revolutionaries   Brigade,
            several  important  issues                                                                         Associated Press   confirmed  Baio's  deten-
            which  directly  impact  the                                                                                        tion,  which  came  after  he
            lives  and  welfare  of  the  Pompeo commended "the  new executive authority."         talks involving the so-called  ordered state-run television
            Libyan people," she said. "I  Libyans'  reassertion  of  sov-  Libya  is  split  between  a  Joint  Military  Commission  stations  and  media  outlets
            urge the two parties nego-   ereignty" through the steps  U.N.-supported     govern-   will  now  take  up  arrange-  last  week  to  "stop  airing
            tiating  here  in  Geneva  to  toward a cease-fire.       ment in the capital, Tripoli,  ments for Libya's central re-  and publishing materials re-
            solve all outstanding issues  "We  repeat  our  call,  the  and rival authorities based  gion, "paving the way for a  lated to the civil war."
            and  forge  a  lasting  cease  United  States'  call,  for  for-  in  the  east.  The  two  sides  cease-fire agreement."  The  militias  have  accused
            fire agreement."             eign  forces  to  leave  the  are backed by an array of  She  said  she  was  "quite  the  newly-appointed  Baio
            Williams  hailed  "emerging  country  and  to  let  Libyans  local  militias  as  well  as  re-  optimistic"  about  the  talks  of  being  a  Gadhafi  loyal-
            hope"  and  "positive  devel-  decide  their  own  future,"  gional and foreign powers.  given the "air of seriousness  ist and have pressured the
            opments" for Libya's future,  he  told  reporters  in  Wash-  The  country  was  plunged  and  commitment"  shown  U.N.-supported      govern-
            while warning of socioeco-   ington, alluding to a meet-  into  chaos  after  the  2011  by the two sides.          ment to sack him.
            nomic troubles, rising cases  ing of Libyan leaders in Tu-  NATO-backed uprising that  The  U.N.  mission  said  the  The officials spoke on con-
            of COVID-19 and the con-     nisia next month. "We look  toppled and killed longtime  two  sides  agreed  to  work  dition  of  anonymity  out
            tinued  intervention  and  forward  to  the  upcoming  dictator  Moammar  Gad-         on  restructuring  the  oil  fa-  of  fear  of  reprisal.  There
            meddling of foreign powers  Libyan  political  dialogue  hafi. Williams, an American  cilities guard along with the  was  no  immediate  com-
            in Libya's internal conflict.   forum  and  to  supporting  who heads the U.N. support  National Oil Corporation, a  ment from the Tripoli-based
            U.S. Secretary of State Mike  the  transfer  of  power  to  a  mission  for  Libya,  said  the  move  Williams  said  would  government.q

            Spain 1st in western Europe to hit 1 million virus cases

            By JOSEPH WILSON             because insufficient testing,  varra, which leads Spain in
            Associated Press             asymptomatic  cases  and  infections per 100,000 over
            BARCELONA,  Spain  (AP)  other  issues  impede  au-       14 days, is preparing to be-
            —  Spain  became  the  first  thorities from capturing the  come  the  first  Spanish  re-
            country  in  western  Europe  true scale of the outbreak.  gion to close its borders on
            to accumulate more than 1  As  the  numbers  rise,  au-   Thursday.  La  Rioja  will  also
            million confirmed COVID-19  thorities in charge of health  close  its  regional  borders
            infections  on  Wednesday  policy in Spain's regions are  on  Friday.  Spain's  Health
            as  the  nation  of  47  million  tightening restrictions. They  Minister  Salvador  Illa  and
            struggles to contain a resur-  want to stem the surge that  regional  heads  of  health
            gence of the virus.          has been building in recent  will  meet  on  Thursday  to
            The health ministry said that  months  while  avoiding  a  discuss their virus strategies
            its accumulative case load  second  total  lockdown  of  and  consider  employing      People hold up banners in support of the hotel industry that read:
            since  the  start  of  the  pan-  home  confinements  that  nightly  curfews  to  target   "I search for work", in Pamplona, northern Spain, Wednesday,
            demic  reached  1,005,295  stemmed  the  first  wave  of  late-night  partying  as  a   Oct. 21, 2020, while protesting with others against the new mea-
                                                                                                   sures  against  the  coronavirus  in  the  Navarra  province  where
            after reporting 16,973 more  the virus but left the econ-  source of contagion.        all bar and restaurants will be closed for 15 days from midnight
            cases in the past 24 hours.   omy reeling.                "I want to be very clear," Illa   Wednesday.
            The    ministry   attributes  The  regional  government  said  Tuesday.  "Some  very                                            Associated Press
            34,366 deaths to COVID-19.  of  northern  Aragón  an-     hard weeks are coming."
            Experts say that, as in most  nounced Wednesday they  France is not far behind in  1.4  million  cases.  The  U.S.  Hopkins tally that is consid-
            countries, the real numbers  have  closed  the  city  limits  western  Europe  with  over  leads  the  world  with  over  ered a global standard for
            of  infections  and  deaths  of  Zaragoza,  Huesca  and  930,000  reported  cases.  8  million  reported  cases,  charting the progress of the
            are  probably  much  higher  Teruel.  Neighboring  Na-    Russia  has  reported  over  according  to  the  Johns  pandemic.q
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