Page 13 - Aruba-today-15 Sept 2020
P. 13
FeAture Tuesday 15 sepTember 2020
Anti-inflammatory drug may shorten COVID-19 recovery time HEALTH
pay $105 per patient per been shown in other re-
day, and for people with search to lower the risk of Oranjestad
private insurance, hospitals death for severely ill, hospi- Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
would pay about $150 per talized COVID-19 patients, Tel. 527 4000
day, Lilly said. said Dr. Jesse Goodman,
What a patient ends up former U.S. Food and Drug San Nicolas
paying out of pocket de- Administration chief scien- Imsan 24 hours
pends on many factors. tist now at Georgetown Tel.524 8833
It would be important to University who had no role Women in Difficulties
The Eli Lilly corporate headquarters is pictured April 26, 2017, in know how many study in the study. PHARMACY ON DUTY
Indianapolis. Oranjestad:
Associated Press participants also received Figuring out how to best use
steroid drugs, which have the various drugs shown to Trupiaal Tel. 583 8560
By MARILYNN MARCHIONE Sudoku help “is something we’re San Nicolas:
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AP Chief Medical Writer going to have to work at,” Women in Difficulties
A drug company says that he said.q OTHER
adding an anti-inflamma- Dental Clinic 587 9850
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hospitalized COVID-19 pa- Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
tients shortens their time to +297 588 0539
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recovery by an additional EMERGENCY
Eli Lilly announced the Police 100
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results Monday from a Noord 527 3200
1,000-person study spon- Sta. Cruz 527 2900
sored by the U.S. National San Nicolas 584 5000
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Infectious Diseases. The Ambulancia 911
result have not yet been Fire Dept. 115
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Red Cross
published or reviewed by
independent scientists, but TAXI SERVICES
the government confirmed Taxi Tas 587 5900
that Lilly’s statement was Prof. Taxi 588 0035
accurate. Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
The study tested baricitinib, Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
a pill that Indianapolis- A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
based Lilly already sells as Solution on Page 14 Women in Difficulties
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All study participants re- Alcoholics Anonymous
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ceived remdesivir, a Gil- Narcotics Anonymous
ead Sciences drug previ- Tel. 583 8989
ously shown to reduce the Women in Difficulties
time to recovery, defined Tel. 583 5400
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days on average. Child Abuse Prevention
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Those who also were given
baricitinib recovered one Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
day sooner than those General Info
given remdesivir alone, Lilly
said. Phone Directory Tel. 118
Lilly said it planned to dis-
cuss with regulators the
possible emergency use of
baricitinib for hospitalized
COVID-19 patients.
If that’s approved, Lilly will
propose that the drug be
sold through usual com-
mercial means.
Based on current pricing,
the government would