Page 25 - ATA Feb 12
P. 25
departing foreign-born persons stayed less than 5 years
on Aruba. However, figure 3 shows a clear shift in the 10
PAGINA 34 period 2009-2013 towards a shortDerIAsRtaIyOon the island, DIAHUEBS 12 FEBRUARI 2015
ANSA a firma contrato cu AZVwhen a relatively larger group of foreign-born persons Con5t. di pag. 32
stayed less than 2 years. Interesting to note is that there seguro di bida y banconan di hypoteca di respectivamente 9.8
miyon0, 3.2 miyon y 1.7 miyon. Den contraste hypoteca via di
is almost no change in age distribution of those leaving, fondo di0pen5si1o0en15a 2c0ay25cu303.395 m40iyo45n.50 55 60
more than 85 percent being younger than 50 years of 65 70 75 80
age. As with the assumptions in 2012, there is no recent Duration in years
information on the number of dependents and therefore, Na final di e di 3 cuarta19l9d9i-22000114, e ma20rk09e-t20s1h3are di banconan
this number is kept constant at .33 persons per migrant comercial, fondo di pensioen, banconan di hypoteca, compani-
as reported in the Aruba Migration and Integration Study anan di seguro y otro institucionnan financiero a keda mescos
2003. pnearFirigoeudsrpoeep4c.rtioMvmaalmee.elanbtoer 6fo4r%ce,p1ar6t%icip, a1t2io%n ,by7%placye 1of%birctohmanpdaraagecu e
Labor Participation rates 100
As of January 1, 2015 the pension age will be raised to 60.5 80 Forbes
years. The retirement age will continue to rise in 60
subsequent years by six months until January 1, 2024 when 40
ORANJESTAD (AAN): trabao –dtehne eoffciacisaol raektiirePmaiesnt apgreolroenagchaeciso6n5 dyiea1rs.añPaartcicaidpaation 20 Thought Of The Day
Dialuna 9 di februari, AZV Aruba- parasuteesmfoprlebaodtohnamna) anbdiafheam.ales in the age-group 60-64 Iwdietahls0yoaruer like stars: You will not succeed in touching them
y ANSA (Air Navigation E firmamyeeanrtso, asdcialccuolantteradtodurinRgibthae p2o0t1r0etCetansumsi,rwa edrei tphaerrteifore hands, but like the seafaring man on the desert
Services Aruba) a firma un secenugtrAuerZoAVZmVtrreaeedvtybiiircsaAeeoymdNaeaSadndAcitmccaoiitognarnedisn.aintliPrgfaaipcrttaeaoicipthadmdteiiiaroennsAccathrNgoaeerStm,reAsery,efocousrsfeermsññaooaodlrrjehususONmtbm..oarenCnKnotloi.ancrDokkAfi,,ruthbea of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following
contrato di servicio cu otro. e empleaidsoncaalncultaratehdantdooinncareasepafrrtoi mdi 3A9Z.1V(2ta0b1a0taCpernessuesn)teto, an them, you
reach your destinAyg.e groups local 2020
Manera ta conoci, AZV Carl Schurz
ta administra e ley di AZV local 2015 foreign 2015
(seguro medico basico) ANSA. E egsatsimtoantaendd5i9e.5seignu2ro015,steoño8r1.6drins. 2A02n0coandRionngwealirndgs,. For foreign 2020 local 2025 foreign 2025
y tambe e seguro medico rE1aideiacscñgoiaoonntdryaailtAcoitdlnhuouNaer2Seic0nfwAao1gpyro5.eotrhipdsageianenbd2-icfbl0iiu8or1de9mr0ann.d4aCtmaeippnnayaasl2eu0ss2taSdCd0hniipeardaaarenpddlicsldaomt,orezh2tirseuin,0tc,rii2imshpis5seteaatrñftaa(teoiF,ecoirdydingaoiustndreroSaeeñdutpioeniz4arcap)rsar.nttoeaGoFnlamioeeslsmdeeaevn.nataadotltenoa7s678o..n93CoFignurte.5d. Fiemlpoacaalel 2gl0a3b.0o2r f9orce foreign 2030 place of birth and age
adicional di Pais Aruba participation by
(seguro medico adicional cual
ta un benificio di e dunado di theA.oMtheerdhiuanmd sscheonwaraiomore dramatic increase in their 120
participation rates. Women born in Aruba had a 100Figure 6. Projected medium scenario population, 2012 vs 2014
Aruba Tourism AutpharPotoircpiptuyalatitocinounracwtaeillmogfrpo2wa7.ñ7atadauursilnnogwicteohrepa2c0e10 Census which
Compar ti bo potret orguyoso diincGreivaesnes tthoe44e.c4oinno2m0i1c5cairncdumtost6a8n.3ceisn 2a0n2d0 wanitdhonowafrudrst.her 80160,000
WhaedrjeustmFeonretsig, nth-beoprnopulwatoiomnewn asaprreojecctoendcteornceodu,nt 1th39ei,r170 60
Aruba via Instagram cu hashtagparpteicrispoantsioinn rtahtee yienacre2a0se3s0.frHoomwe4v9e.2r biny r2a0i1si0ngtoth5e9p.7eninsion 40120,000
201ag5eantdo 7655.5 yinea2r0s20anadndin2c0o2r5po(Friagtuinreg 5t)h. e recent migration 20
trends, it is estimated that the population will grow at a 0 80,000
much slower pace than projected in 2012. The growth rate 15-19
would be an average of 1.32 percent each year over the 40,000
period of 20 years instead of 1.58 percent, reaching 132,225 Age groups
persons in 2030 (Figure 6). flooc0raelig2n02125002100 2015floocraelig2n02220502105 2025 lfoocrealig22n0032200025
The gap between local and foreign-born is closing in local 2030 Projections 20fo12reign 2030 Projections 2014
To keep up with the economic growth, the foreign-byorn2009-F2i0gu1r3e 7c.uPotpauilantdioicnabocrun in Aaruumbaenantad fdoire3ig9n.-1boprna5, un esti-
numbers by 20m3a0s di 5200%10d-2i0e3s0n(amnedciuumta)bata pa 81.6
PpooppuullaattioionnisPerxopjeecctetdiotnosaRlmeovsist eddouble in mado 59.5 na 2015
bdourentopoaphuilaghtioinnflwuixllogfroimwmwigitrhan2t.s8.0Opneracveenrtagaen,ntuhaellyfovreeriargseunkgs-eisdtaram1ye00na,o00sb0dani d5oanñaa Arubs, na 2020. Pa e hende homber
y otro naci pafor di Aruba ta 68.3 pa
77.9 na 2015 y 89.4 na 2020
ORANJESTAD (AAN): bweaatcehrbtootwtlee,l,bi0bnr.oe3ura25gnc0thpa1asec0b,cr.acofleBlulinypnetftt2lecfo0o.dp3rsf0ot,hrtehaebAbyooruuaibtsrEaleoannececbxuaotpmhorenircprgdtapeuñoodyapfout.tollhaoetgiortcoonuwt.maTl ithpnoeosapofouvrelaertimcmngio4uanean5-mns.3oji3ogs nrdpagiec268ric00soua,,on00ñn005aa00a0..kMaePñdaaaasr,tcdimcoiin8pies5atn%catinroattnaes y 2025. Pa e hende muher di
Aruba Tourism Authority ta otro banda ta mira un aumen-
lansa un campaña unico cu to dramatico, e hende muhe
e famoso sticker di glitter
cu e logo oficial di Aruba. E motibpoerpcerinntciopfalthdei etotaldipaosapburlatiodnia. W14ithdithfeebpreunasriion dageen ecupmro4ic0r,ea0sn0o0dolacbuorealedtaadind-i naci na Aruba su participa-
Cu e sticker aki por mustra campaña akaidnjuostmtaenptas ganandamor2e01r5ecepnat 1m2i’gorar tidoin mfigeurdreias, ythe dgaicpa cion tabata 27.7 na 2010 a au-
bo orguyo pa Aruba y su nypmcarosuersunmstacraivaoulae,lbltguoprprieoaaerr.ropbstgoNohyeetuaotroy1mwswmcoo9soebsano5preestsldanoappibmcaeabbtoulrheeieriseedAnxnonnaptnrAiaednuosrrppbnruAboyaaaebrowuarnbinn-agI2Cutbainfonl0(ootsFr1idrrtnmiAd5agieargauoavpulrrnpuebaadedrnamaiy67aact’)f1hoop.odu0emraIrisn0adafmpeof2inavo1ra0dareer6n3ttoeriiad0gyierdgna,deni1-ptbibh-0.ofbohoe0etoarrrbpnreesfronohtuwptrtvcaraeoiieorlgiaplitgmubnple-abat1pt6storiaauoe1e5rndnb9n6ianis0ñid.o5agiec,rnanaedap2ceu0au2d,a010al0emd200d4heid.neJiantCpen2dee0uen1npa0sshraoiyoome22yn00eb211gel005oa1r5 menta na 44.4 na 2015 y 68.3
Carnaval. Idea ta pa pega e na 2020. Pa loke ta e hende
sticker na un caminda visibel, muher naci den exterior nan
e por ta riba bo cara of na pa2r0ti2c0ipaci2o0n25tabat2a03049.2 na
bo brasa of lomba y saca un 2010 a aumenta na 59.7 na
potret cu e sticker visibel
cu un background unico y mustra mundpoeprsaoknicsoinA2r0u1b0a.ta #OHC61. Dialuna dia 23 naci na Aruba ta carcBuorlnainpAaruba 2015 y F7o5re.5ignn-bao2rn020/2025.
por comparti e potret via un destinacion asina popular di februari 2015 lo anuncia
Instagram usando e hashtag
#OHC61, cu ta nifica ‘One pa pasa vakantie. Por medio e ganado via medionan di Figure 8. Male vs female population by country of birth (medium)
Happy Carnaval 61’. di e stickerFpeomramlesussttriall ocuotnnumcboemrumniaclaecsion.
33,169 15,073 2010 19,385 33,858
Durante e parada grandi di abo ta ArubaThye atadjuresptmreesnetnstamade to the 2012 projections only lead 33,631 19,106 2015 23,602 34,979
San Nicolas diasabra awo y to a small growth for the male population. By the year 34,138 21,108 2020 25,912 36,064
esun di Playa diadomingo, lo 2030 there will be 88 men for every 100 women.
tin un bus special na comienso Despite the rise in pension age, the Aruban born male 34,553 37,067
di e paradanan cu modelonan population will see no significant change in numbers in 34,981 38,048
carnavalesco cu lo parti e the upcoming 20 years. In 2030, the sex ratio remains at
sticker gratis.
about 92 Aruban-born men for every 100 Aruban-born 24,297 2025 29,281
E potret mas original lo women. Foreign-born men, on the other hand, show a 29,314 2030 35,012
gana un basket cu articulonan small advancement in numbers. It is expected that by
di edicion limita di Aruba 2030 there will be 83 foreign-born men for every 100
Tourism Authority, manera
foreign-born women, compared to 80 men for every Male - born in Aruba Female - born in Aruba
100 women as projected in 2012 (Figure 8). Male - Foreign born Female - Foreign born
on Aruba. However, figure 3 shows a clear shift in the 10
PAGINA 34 period 2009-2013 towards a shortDerIAsRtaIyOon the island, DIAHUEBS 12 FEBRUARI 2015
ANSA a firma contrato cu AZVwhen a relatively larger group of foreign-born persons Con5t. di pag. 32
stayed less than 2 years. Interesting to note is that there seguro di bida y banconan di hypoteca di respectivamente 9.8
miyon0, 3.2 miyon y 1.7 miyon. Den contraste hypoteca via di
is almost no change in age distribution of those leaving, fondo di0pen5si1o0en15a 2c0ay25cu303.395 m40iyo45n.50 55 60
more than 85 percent being younger than 50 years of 65 70 75 80
age. As with the assumptions in 2012, there is no recent Duration in years
information on the number of dependents and therefore, Na final di e di 3 cuarta19l9d9i-22000114, e ma20rk09e-t20s1h3are di banconan
this number is kept constant at .33 persons per migrant comercial, fondo di pensioen, banconan di hypoteca, compani-
as reported in the Aruba Migration and Integration Study anan di seguro y otro institucionnan financiero a keda mescos
2003. pnearFirigoeudsrpoeep4c.rtioMvmaalmee.elanbtoer 6fo4r%ce,p1ar6t%icip, a1t2io%n ,by7%placye 1of%birctohmanpdaraagecu e
Labor Participation rates 100
As of January 1, 2015 the pension age will be raised to 60.5 80 Forbes
years. The retirement age will continue to rise in 60
subsequent years by six months until January 1, 2024 when 40
ORANJESTAD (AAN): trabao –dtehne eoffciacisaol raektiirePmaiesnt apgreolroenagchaeciso6n5 dyiea1rs.añPaartcicaidpaation 20 Thought Of The Day
Dialuna 9 di februari, AZV Aruba- parasuteesmfoprlebaodtohnamna) anbdiafheam.ales in the age-group 60-64 Iwdietahls0yoaruer like stars: You will not succeed in touching them
y ANSA (Air Navigation E firmamyeeanrtso, asdcialccuolantteradtodurinRgibthae p2o0t1r0etCetansumsi,rwa edrei tphaerrteifore hands, but like the seafaring man on the desert
Services Aruba) a firma un secenugtrAuerZoAVZmVtrreaeedvtybiiircsaAeeoymdNaeaSadndAcitmccaoiitognarnedisn.aintliPrgfaaipcrttaeaoicipthadmdteiiiaroennsAccathrNgoaeerStm,reAsery,efocousrsfeermsññaooaodlrrjehususONmtbm..oarenCnKnotloi.ancrDokkAfi,,ruthbea of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following
contrato di servicio cu otro. e empleaidsoncaalncultaratehdantdooinncareasepafrrtoi mdi 3A9Z.1V(2ta0b1a0taCpernessuesn)teto, an them, you
reach your destinAyg.e groups local 2020
Manera ta conoci, AZV Carl Schurz
ta administra e ley di AZV local 2015 foreign 2015
(seguro medico basico) ANSA. E egsatsimtoantaendd5i9e.5seignu2ro015,steoño8r1.6drins. 2A02n0coandRionngwealirndgs,. For foreign 2020 local 2025 foreign 2025
y tambe e seguro medico rE1aideiacscñgoiaoonntdryaailtAcoitdlnhuouNaer2Seic0nfwAao1gpyro5.eotrhipdsageianenbd2-icfbl0iiu8or1de9mr0ann.d4aCtmaeippnnayaasl2eu0ss2taSdCd0hniipeardaaarenpddlicsldaomt,orezh2tirseuin,0tc,rii2imshpis5seteaatrñftaa(teoiF,ecoirdydingaoiustndreroSaeeñdutpioeniz4arcap)rsar.nttoeaGoFnlamioeeslsmdeeaevn.nataadotltenoa7s678o..n93CoFignurte.5d. Fiemlpoacaalel 2gl0a3b.0o2r f9orce foreign 2030 place of birth and age
adicional di Pais Aruba participation by
(seguro medico adicional cual
ta un benificio di e dunado di theA.oMtheerdhiuanmd sscheonwaraiomore dramatic increase in their 120
participation rates. Women born in Aruba had a 100Figure 6. Projected medium scenario population, 2012 vs 2014
Aruba Tourism AutpharPotoircpiptuyalatitocinounracwtaeillmogfrpo2wa7.ñ7atadauursilnnogwicteohrepa2c0e10 Census which
Compar ti bo potret orguyoso diincGreivaesnes tthoe44e.c4oinno2m0i1c5cairncdumtost6a8n.3ceisn 2a0n2d0 wanitdhonowafrudrst.her 80160,000
WhaedrjeustmFeonretsig, nth-beoprnopulwatoiomnewn asaprreojecctoendcteornceodu,nt 1th39ei,r170 60
Aruba via Instagram cu hashtagparpteicrispoantsioinn rtahtee yienacre2a0se3s0.frHoomwe4v9e.2r biny r2a0i1si0ngtoth5e9p.7eninsion 40120,000
201ag5eantdo 7655.5 yinea2r0s20anadndin2c0o2r5po(Friagtuinreg 5t)h. e recent migration 20
trends, it is estimated that the population will grow at a 0 80,000
much slower pace than projected in 2012. The growth rate 15-19
would be an average of 1.32 percent each year over the 40,000
period of 20 years instead of 1.58 percent, reaching 132,225 Age groups
persons in 2030 (Figure 6). flooc0raelig2n02125002100 2015floocraelig2n02220502105 2025 lfoocrealig22n0032200025
The gap between local and foreign-born is closing in local 2030 Projections 20fo12reign 2030 Projections 2014
To keep up with the economic growth, the foreign-byorn2009-F2i0gu1r3e 7c.uPotpauilantdioicnabocrun in Aaruumbaenantad fdoire3ig9n.-1boprna5, un esti-
numbers by 20m3a0s di 5200%10d-2i0e3s0n(amnedciuumta)bata pa 81.6
PpooppuullaattioionnisPerxopjeecctetdiotnosaRlmeovsist eddouble in mado 59.5 na 2015
bdourentopoaphuilaghtioinnflwuixllogfroimwmwigitrhan2t.s8.0Opneracveenrtagaen,ntuhaellyfovreeriargseunkgs-eisdtaram1ye00na,o00sb0dani d5oanñaa Arubs, na 2020. Pa e hende homber
y otro naci pafor di Aruba ta 68.3 pa
77.9 na 2015 y 89.4 na 2020
ORANJESTAD (AAN): bweaatcehrbtootwtlee,l,bi0bnr.oe3ura25gnc0thpa1asec0b,cr.acofleBlulinypnetftt2lecfo0o.dp3rsf0ot,hrtehaebAbyooruuaibtsrEaleoannececbxuaotpmhorenircprgdtapeuñoodyapfout.tollhaoetgiortcoonuwt.maTl ithpnoeosapofouvrelaertimcmngio4uanean5-mns.3oji3ogs nrdpagiec268ric00soua,,on00ñn005aa00a0..kMaePñdaaaasr,tcdimcoiin8pies5atn%catinroattnaes y 2025. Pa e hende muher di
Aruba Tourism Authority ta otro banda ta mira un aumen-
lansa un campaña unico cu to dramatico, e hende muhe
e famoso sticker di glitter
cu e logo oficial di Aruba. E motibpoerpcerinntciopfalthdei etotaldipaosapburlatiodnia. W14ithdithfeebpreunasriion dageen ecupmro4ic0r,ea0sn0o0dolacbuorealedtaadind-i naci na Aruba su participa-
Cu e sticker aki por mustra campaña akaidnjuostmtaenptas ganandamor2e01r5ecepnat 1m2i’gorar tidoin mfigeurdreias, ythe dgaicpa cion tabata 27.7 na 2010 a au-
bo orguyo pa Aruba y su nypmcarosuersunmstacraivaoulae,lbltguoprprieoaaerr.ropbstgoNohyeetuaotroy1mwswmcoo9soebsano5preestsldanoappibmcaeabbtoulrheeieriseedAnxnonnaptnrAiaednuosrrppbnruAboyaaaebrowuarnbinn-agI2Cutbainfonl0(ootsFr1idrrtnmiAd5agieargauoavpulrrnpuebaadedrnamaiy67aact’)f1hoop.odu0emraIrisn0adafmpeof2inavo1ra0dareer6n3ttoeriiad0gyierdgna,deni1-ptbibh-0.ofbohoe0etoarrrbpnreesfronohtuwptrtvcaraeoiieorlgiaplitgmubnple-abat1pt6storiaauoe1e5rndnb9n6ianis0ñid.o5agiec,rnanaedap2ceu0au2d,a010al0emd200d4heid.neJiantCpen2dee0uen1npa0sshraoiyoome22yn00eb211gel005oa1r5 menta na 44.4 na 2015 y 68.3
Carnaval. Idea ta pa pega e na 2020. Pa loke ta e hende
sticker na un caminda visibel, muher naci den exterior nan
e por ta riba bo cara of na pa2r0ti2c0ipaci2o0n25tabat2a03049.2 na
bo brasa of lomba y saca un 2010 a aumenta na 59.7 na
potret cu e sticker visibel
cu un background unico y mustra mundpoeprsaoknicsoinA2r0u1b0a.ta #OHC61. Dialuna dia 23 naci na Aruba ta carcBuorlnainpAaruba 2015 y F7o5re.5ignn-bao2rn020/2025.
por comparti e potret via un destinacion asina popular di februari 2015 lo anuncia
Instagram usando e hashtag
#OHC61, cu ta nifica ‘One pa pasa vakantie. Por medio e ganado via medionan di Figure 8. Male vs female population by country of birth (medium)
Happy Carnaval 61’. di e stickerFpeomramlesussttriall ocuotnnumcboemrumniaclaecsion.
33,169 15,073 2010 19,385 33,858
Durante e parada grandi di abo ta ArubaThye atadjuresptmreesnetnstamade to the 2012 projections only lead 33,631 19,106 2015 23,602 34,979
San Nicolas diasabra awo y to a small growth for the male population. By the year 34,138 21,108 2020 25,912 36,064
esun di Playa diadomingo, lo 2030 there will be 88 men for every 100 women.
tin un bus special na comienso Despite the rise in pension age, the Aruban born male 34,553 37,067
di e paradanan cu modelonan population will see no significant change in numbers in 34,981 38,048
carnavalesco cu lo parti e the upcoming 20 years. In 2030, the sex ratio remains at
sticker gratis.
about 92 Aruban-born men for every 100 Aruban-born 24,297 2025 29,281
E potret mas original lo women. Foreign-born men, on the other hand, show a 29,314 2030 35,012
gana un basket cu articulonan small advancement in numbers. It is expected that by
di edicion limita di Aruba 2030 there will be 83 foreign-born men for every 100
Tourism Authority, manera
foreign-born women, compared to 80 men for every Male - born in Aruba Female - born in Aruba
100 women as projected in 2012 (Figure 8). Male - Foreign born Female - Foreign born