Page 15 - ATODAY
P. 15

                                                                                                                    Thursday 10 December 2015

ATA Honors Emerald Ambassador at Surfside Marina

ORANJESTAD - Recently         the island for 35-or-more     the Surfside Marina on be-     family’s favorite vacation   weather, the restaurants,
the Aruba Tourism Author-     consecutive years.            half of the Government of      destination and as their     the safety, and most of all,
ity honored Mr. Donald        Ms. Darline de Cuba rep-      Aruba.                         ‘home-away-from-home’        the people.
George Mitchell of Cana-      resenting the Aruba Tour-     Ms. De Cuba and repre-         for 41 amazing years.        Congratulation Mr. Mitchell
da as an Emerald Ambas-       ism Authority, Visitors care  sentatives from the Surfside   The honored guest stated     you hold a special place in
sador of Aruba, as a token    Liaison, bestowed the cer-    Marina thanked Mr. Mitch-      that the main reasons for    the hearts of Arubans!q
of appreciation for visiting  tificate to the honoree at    ell for choosing Aruba as his  returning to Aruba were the
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