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WORLD NEWSThursday 10 December 2015

A year in:                                                                                                                          CARIBBEAN

Detente with US reshapes Cuba’s psychic landscape  News Briefs

ANDREA RODRIGUEZ                the expectations of greater and that can open a path borders with Mexico this Jamaican bringing

Associated Press                prosperity and new free- to a future of brotherhood year. With thousands more                       legal challenge to
                                                                                                                                    anti-sodomy laws 
HAVANA (AP) — An Ameri- doms. For others — the and mutual aid,” said Fer- sailing across the Florida

can flag whips in the wind poor, the old, the vast ranks nando Funes, a former gov- Straits, 2015 may witness

above the reopened U.S.         of bureaucrats who’ve           ernment agronomist who           the biggest outflow of Cu-         KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP)
Embassy in Cuba. Many of        dedicated their lives to the    runs a 20-acre environmen-       bans since 125,000 fled dur-
the thousands of foreign        communist system, the dra-      tally friendly farm supplying    ing Mariel.                        — A Jamaican gay rights
visitors strolling down the     matic dual presidential an-     vegetables such as aru-          The exodus has prompted
cobblestone streets of Old      nouncements of Dec. 17,         gula and chicory to private      a crackdown by Cuba and            activist has brought a rare
Havana are booking their        2014 and the steps toward       restaurants in Havana.           its regional allies, with Ni-
stays through Airbnb.           normalization have led to       Those in favor of the warm-      caragua closing its border         legal challenge to the Ca-
At the same time, a surge       feelings of fear.               ing in relations are hoping      to Cubans last month, and
in Cubans seeking to leave      Cubans with businesses          that the anniversary of the      Ecuador suddenly requiring         ribbean island’s anti-sod-
the island before their pref-   have been buoyed since          presidential announce-           Cubans to get a visa.
erential status for U.S. resi-  then by the prospect of         ments will add momentum          A panicked crowd of                omy laws that criminalize
dency ends has flooded          better relations. Hotels, pri-  to negotiations to connect       visa applicants outside
Central America with mi-        vate bed-and-breakfasts         the countries with commer-       the Ecuadoran Embassy              sex between men.
                                                                                                 launched a rare street pro-
                                                                                                 test on Nov. 27, their ire di-     Maurice Tomlinson has
                                                                                                 rected at the government.
                                                                                                 “This is all Raul Castro’s fault,  filed a claim in Jamaica’s
                                                                                                 no one else’s!” shouted
                                                                                                 Adriel Acosta, a computer          Supreme Court challeng-
                                                                                                 scientist. “He’s the one who
                                                                                                 caused this problem!”              ing the constitutionality of
                                                                                                 Cuba declared Dec. 1 that
                                                                                                 its medical system was in a        the rarely-used 1864 laws
                                                                                                 critical situation because of
                                                                                                 a U.S. program that offers         that ban anal sex and any-
                                                                                                 special treatment for doc-
                                                                                                 tors who want to emigrate.         thing interpreted as “gross
                                                                                                 Physicians would now
                                                                                                 need exit permits to leave         indecency”          between
                                                                                                 the country for any reason.
                                                                                                 It was a dramatic rever-           men. In a Wednesday
                                                                                                 sal for a government that
                                                                                                 two years ago eliminated           statement Tomlinson said

                                                                                                                                    the longstanding laws are

                                                                                                                                    a “gross violation of my hu-

                                                                                                                                    man rights” and those of all

                                                                                                                                    LGBT people in Jamaica.

                                                                                                                                    Tomlinson is a senior policy

                                                                                                                                    analyst at the Canadian

                                                                                                                                    HIV/AIDS Legal Network.

                                                                                                                                    Aanother Jamaican gay

                                                                                                                                    rights activist made head-

                                                                                                                                    lines in 2013 after initiating

                                                                                                                                    a constitutional court chal-

                                                                                                                                    lenge to the laws.

                                                                                                                                    But that activist withdrew

                                                                                                                                    the case last year because

                                                                                                                                    of safety concerns.

                                                                                                 the permits Cubans once

                                                                                                 needed to leave their own Cuba, US start up
People shop at the El Egido food market in Havana, Cuba. Cubans with businesses have been        After Fidel Castro took pow-       talks on damages,
buoyed by the prospect of better relations with the U.S. Hotels, private bed-and-breakfasts and  er in 1959, every aspect of        confiscated lands
elegant restaurants have been packed, with hundreds more expected to open in the coming

year.                                                                                            Cuban life was infused with

                                                                (AP Photo/Desmond Boylan) a sense of struggle against HAVANA (AP) — Cuba and

                                                                                                                                  the United States, from its the United States have be-
grants in what could be the and elegant restaurants cial flights and direct mail, art to its medical system gun trying to resolve billions

biggest exodus since the have been packed, with perhaps paving the way to its politics. Government in dollars in claims for the

1980 Mariel boatlift.           hundreds more expected for a visit by Obama in the critics were tarred as U.S. confiscation of American

In the year since Presidents to open in the coming year. first half of next year.                agents and dissent was properties by the island’s

Raul Castro and Barack Pope Francis, who played a But for others, the changes considered an attack on socialist                                 government.

Obama announced a critical role in negotiations are happening much too the country.                                                 Cuba in turn is demand-

rapprochement between that led to detente, made fast.                                            Elaine Diaz tried to stay ing more than $100 billion

bitter the Cold War en- a stop in Cuba on his way Many fear normalization loyal to the ideals of the in damages for the half-

emies, Cuba has been to the United States in Sep- will end the guarantee of socialist revolution after century old U.S. trade em-
transformed. A country tember. U.S. Secretary of legal residency that Cu- she graduated from jour- bargo on the island.

that once seemed stuck in State John Kerry reopened bans receive the moment nalism school in 2008 and Resolution of the issues is

time suddenly faces an un- the embassy in person in they touch U.S. soil. Roughly founded a blog that criti- seen as fundamental to

certain future of disruptive August.                            45,000 Cubans are expect- cized government misman- the reestablishment of

change.                         “It’s a breath of fresh air, ed to travel by bus, boat, agement and inefficiency. trade between the coun-

Particularly for those with knowing that they’re fil- taxi and on foot from Ec- Government supporters tries.

money, property or con- ing away the rough edges uador and other South and called her a counterrevo- A U.S. commission has cer-

nections, the frothy opti- between the two peoples Central American countries lutionary. Critics blasted her tified nearly 6,000 claims

mism is palpable, as are and their governments, to the Texas and California as too tame. q                                          against Cuba by American
                                                                                                                                    and U.S. firms whose prop-

Brazil   suspends               impeachment                     commission                       for  1  week                       erty was taken after   Cu-
                                                                                                                                    ba’s 1959 revolution.  The

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — week as it decides whether late Tuesday to suspend the speaker Eduardo Cunha’s claims are worth as much

Brazil’s Supreme Court has Congress acted correctly proceedings that gave the decision to hold the vote as $8 billion. U.S. court rul-

suspended impeachment in how it formed a commis- opposition more influence to decide the commission’s ings against Cuba add an-

proceedings against Presi- sion to deal with the case. on the commission.Pro- members in secret was un- other $2 billion. q
dent Dilma Rousseff for one Justice Edson Fachin ruled Rousseff lawmakers say that constitutional. q
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