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world NEWSThursday 10 December 2015

Iraqis  eye      next           steps  in  Ramadi                         as  IS  claims                                        bombing                         Turkey defends
                                                                                                                                                               additional troops
QASSIM ZAHRA                    tacked a Shiite mosque, Press on Wednesday the reporters Wednesday from
                                deployed in Iraq killing at least 11 people neighborhood is the back- the U.S. Embassy in Bagh-

Associated Press                and wounding 20 Wednes-       bone of the IS group’s                                            dad.                           AYSE WIETING
BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraqi            day, an assault that was      structure in Ramadi.                                              The fall of Ramadi was         SUZAN FRASER
forces were preparing to        promptly claimed by IS.       The troops’ advances on                                           the biggest blow to Iraqi      ISTANBUL (AP) — Turkey’s
push further into the center    Interior Ministry spokesman   Tuesday were the most                                             forces since IS captured       prime minister on Wednes-
of the Islamic State-held       Brig. Gen. Saad Maan said     significant incursion into                                        Iraq’s second largest city     day defended the coun-
                                                                                                                                of Mosul in the summer of      try’s deployment of ad-
Iraqi security forces take combat positions at the front-line with Islamic State group militants as                             2014. The government an-       ditional forces to Iraq last
Iraqi Army and allied Sunni volunteer tribal fighters supported by U.S.-led coalition airstrikes on                             nounced a counteroffen-        week, saying it was an “act
Ramadi, the capital of Iraq’s Anbar province, 70 miles west of Baghdad, Iraq.                                                   sive shortly after Ramadi’s    of solidarity” with Iraq’s
                                                                                                                                fall, but progress has been    fight against the Islamic
                                                                                                         (AP Photo/Osama Sami)  sluggish.                      State group.
                                                                                                                                McGurk cautioned that          Turkey has stationed troops
city of Ramadi as the Sunni     the attacker detonated        Ramadi since the city fell                                        further advances may           at a base outside Mosul
militant group claimed re-      his bomb in the mosque        to IS in May. There largest                                       also be slow going. “These     since last year as part of
sponsibility for a suicide      doorway as worshippers        obstacle going forward is                                         things take time, Ramadi       a training mission coordi-
bombing in Baghdad              were leaving after midday     crossing the Euphrates Riv-                                       is a very difficult environ-   nated with the Iraqi gov-
that killed 11 people on        prayers.                      er north of the city and its                                      ment,” he said, adding         ernment in Baghdad. The
Wednesday.                      The IS’ claim came in a       Warar tributary to the west.                                      that it took U.S. forces six   arrival of additional Turkish
Backed by U.S.-led air-         statement circulated on-      Since overrunning Ramadi,                                         months to “take and sta-       forces last week, however,
strikes, the Iraqi troops have  line by its supporters. It    the Islamic State group has                                       bilize Ramadi” from al-        sparked uproar in the Iraqi
struggled to roll back Islam-   bore the group’s logo and     destroyed all the bridges                                         Qaida, the Islamic State’s     capital.
ic State gains since the mili-  resembled previous claims     around the city. It also de-                                      precursor.                     Iraqi officials gave Turkey a
tants seized large swaths       issued by the extremists. IS  molished the Anbar op-                                            “Daesh is now resorting to     48-hour deadline to with-
of the country’s north and      has repeatedly targeted       erations command and                                              holding the center of the      draw additional troops
west, along with territories    Iraq’s Shiite majority, who   fanned out into the city’s                                        city while taking human        and Turkey declared it had
in neighboring Syria, in the    the Sunni extremists view as  residential areas to set up                                       shields as hostages,” Mc-      halted the new deploy-
summer of 2014.                 apostates.                    less conspicuous centers of                                       Gurk added, referring to IS    ment. Iraq’s U.N. Ambas-
Progress in Iraq’s vast An-     In Anbar, Maj. Gen. Ismail    command.                                                          by its Arabic language ac-     sador Mohamed Alhakim
bar province, west of Bagh-     al-Mahlawi, the head of       “When Ramadi fell in May,                                         ronym.                         told reporters in New York
dad, has been particularly      Iraqi military operations     it was the last time we saw                                       Ramadi residents have re-      on Tuesday that Baghdad
slow, but on Tuesday, Iraqi     in the province, said his     Daesh take offensive ac-                                          ported that IS controlled      and Ankara were working
forces seized an IS opera-      troops were readying to       tion here in Iraq in any sort                                     checkpoints in the city        to solve the dispute bilat-
tions center and the strate-    push “toward the govern-      of concerted way,” said                                           have prevented many            erally and “I think it’s go-
gical Tamim neighborhood        ment complex and the          Brett McGurk, the official in                                     from fleeing. Estimates of     ing very well.” Turkish Prime
on the outskirts of the city.   Houz area” in central Ra-     charge of the U.S.-led co-                                        civilians remaining in the     Minister Ahmet Davuto-
In Baghdad, meanwhile,          madi.                         alition against the Islamic                                       city range anywhere from       glu told a group of foreign
a suicide bomber at-            He told The Associated        State group, speaking to                                          4,000 to 10,000.               reporters in Istanbul on
                                                                                                                                Al-Mahlawi, the Iraqi com-     Wednesday that the ad-
                                                                                                                                mander in Anbar, said co-      ditional troops were sent to
                                                                                                                                alition and Iraqi aircraft     protect the trainers amid
                                                                                                                                contributed significantly      an increased threat from
                                                                                                                                to the operation, open-        the Islamic State group.
                                                                                                                                ing “the way before we         “This is not an act of aggres-
                                                                                                                                sent combat units in.” The     sion but an act of solidar-
                                                                                                                                warplanes “inflicted heavy     ity,” Davutoglu said. “Our
                                                                                                                                losses on” IS militants, de-   intention is to protect these
                                                                                                                                stroying both “equipment       trainers. “ Asked about
                                                                                                                                and their spirits.”            Baghdad’s request to with-
                                                                                                                                Muhannad Haimour, the          draw the troops, Davuto-
                                                                                                                                spokesman for the Anbar        glu said: “When we saw
                                                                                                                                governor’s office, said he’s   the reaction we stopped
                                                                                                                                receiving reports that the IS  the transfer . but we can-
                                                                                                                                organization inside Ramadi     not leave these trainers
                                                                                                                                is collapsing.q                without protection.” On

Police: Palestinian killed after stabbing 2 Israelis                                                                                                           Wednesday, Turkey issued
                                                                                                                                                               a warning advising its citi-

                                                                                                                                                               zens to avoid unnecessary

JERUSALEM (AP) — A Pales- stabbings have come from car opened fire on them in 109 Palestinians have died travel to or within Iraq and

tinian stabbed and serious- there. Tensions are high in the West Bank. The military in the latest violence, in- urging vigilance. It cited in-

ly wounded two Israelis in the city where about 850 said forces were searching cluding 74 said by Israel to creased threats to Turkish

the West Bank on Wednes- Israeli settlers live in heav- the area for the assailant. be attackers. The remain- interests in the country. The

day before he was shot ily-guarded enclaves sur- Wednesday’s incidents der died in clashes with warning, however, didn’t

and killed by Israeli security rounded by tens of thou- were the latest in a three security forces. Israel says comprise regions within the

forces at the scene, police sands of Palestinians. Much month-long outburst of the violence is fanned by Kurdish Regional Govern-

said.                           of the animosity is over a Israeli-Palestinian violence a Palestinian campaign ment. Earlier, the Turkish

The incident occurred key holy site, sacred to that has shown no signs of of lies and incitement. The military said it has carried

near the city of Hebron, a both Jews and Muslims.             relenting.                                                        Palestinians say it is the re- out aerial raids on suspect-

frequent flashpoint for vio- Later Wednesday, the mili- Since mid-September, 19 sult of frustrations stemming ed Kurdish rebel sites in a

lence. Many of the Pales- tary said two Israelis were Israelis have been killed in from Israel’s nearly 50-year new cross-border offensive

tinians involved in recent wounded when a passing Palestinian attacks. At least occupation.q                                                                   in northern Iraq.q
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