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                                                                                                                                       Thursday 10 December 2015

Israel’s Netanyahu rejects Trump comments on Muslims 

IAN DEITCH                       Benjamin Netanyahu is-            same time, Israel is fighting  try, and the meeting does          Islamic militants that killed
Associated Press                 sued his statement late           against militant Islam that    not represent an endorse-          14 people in San Bernardi-
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s        Wednesday, hours after            targets Muslims, Christians    ment of Trump.                     no, California.
prime minister on Wednes-        it was announced that             and Jews alike and threat-     Trump sparked wide-                Members of Israel’s oppo-
day rejected Donald              Trump will be visiting Israel     ens the entire world.”         spread outrage this week           sition condemned the visit.
Trump’s recent statements        at the end of the month.          Netanyahu said the meet-       after he proposed tem-             Israel Radio reported that
about Muslims, saying Is-        “The state of Israel re-          ing with Trump, set for Dec.   porarily banning all Mus-          Arab parliamentarian Is-
rael “respects all religions”    spects all religions and          28, was scheduled two          lims from entering the             sawi Frej of the dovish
as he faced calls to call off    strictly guarantees the           weeks ago. He said he          United States in the wake          Meretz party has asked
an upcoming visit by the         rights of all its citizens,” the  meets all presidential can-    of a mass shooting by a            the interior minister not to
Republican front-runner.         statement said. “At the           didates who visit the coun-    husband-and-wife pair of           let Trump in the country.q

Middle East grows wary of Trump, despite ventures in region 

JON GAMBRELL                     Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump poses for a portrait after an interview with The     wrote, ending his column
ADAM SCHRECK                                                                                                                         by endorsing Democratic
Associated Press                 Associated Press in Sterling, Va. Trump’s call to keep Muslims from traveling to the United States  front-runner Hillary Clinton.
DUBAI, United Arab Emir-                                                                                                             In a way, Trump’s oversized
ates (AP) — Donald               is causing dismay among business leaders in the Middle East.	    (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)           personality, on display for
Trump’s call to keep Mus-                                                                                                            years in syndication on
lims from traveling to the       its 180 Lifestyle stores in the   But some of his rhetoric       The National newspaper             Arab satellite networks,
United States is causing dis-    region as it “values and re-      about Islam on the cam-        of Abu Dhabi, al-Habtoor           matches the aspirations of
may among business lead-         spects the sentiments of its      paign trail — including his    praised Trump for believing        the construction boom in
ers in the Middle East, a        customers.”                       call to monitor mosques        “in bringing back his coun-        the oil-rich Gulf.
region where the billionaire     Trump has for years looked        and his proposal this week     try’s superpower status.”          Star-studded galas in 2008
presidential candidate has       to do business in the Middle      to temporarily bar Muslims     But late last month, al-Hab-       heralded the launch of the
done  business  for years,       East, particularly in the Gulf    from traveling to the U.S.     toor wrote a follow-up col-        planned Trump Internation-
viewed as well-suited for        and the emirate of Dubai.         — has led to increased         umn on Trump that began            al Hotel and Tower Dubai.
his brand of over-the-top        Trump has lent his name to        wariness in the Arab world.    with: “I was wrong and I do        The 62-story skyscraper of
luxury.                          two high-profile Dubai golf       Trump’s campaign did not       not mind admitting it.”            glass and stainless steel
Emirati  business  magnate       course projects and an on-        respond to questions about     “When strength is part-            would have towered over
Khalaf al-Habtoor only           going real estate develop-        his reputation and  busi-      nered with ignorance and           the man-made Palm Ju-
months ago proclaimed            ment, and sought for years        ness dealings in the Middle    deceit, it produces a toxic        meirah island jutting into
his support for the Repub-       to expand his hotel chain         East. In a column published    mix threatening the United         the Persian Gulf.
lican hopeful, but that’s        into the region.                  Aug. 9 in the state-owned      States and our world,” he          A construction company
all changed in the wake                                                                                                              al-Habtoor was involved in,
of Trump’s increasingly in-                                                                                                          Habtoor Leighton Group,
cendiary comments about                                                                                                              was part of a joint ven-
Islam.                                                                                                                               ture awarded a 2.9 billion
“If he comes to my office,                                                                                                           dirham ($790 million) con-
I will not let him in. I reject                                                                                                      struction contract for the
him,” al-Habtoor told The                                                                                                            project in 2008.
Associated Press. “Maybe                                                                                                             Dubai’s property bubble
we can meet somewhere                                                                                                                burst before the project
where I can debate with                                                                                                              could really get off the
him in a very civilized way,                                                                                                         ground, and in 2011 The
not in the way he ap-                                                                                                                National reported that
proaches people.”                                                                                                                    debt-laden developer
Meanwhile, a Mideast                                                                                                                 Nakheel had canceled
company, the Dubai-                                                                                                                  the project altogether.
based Landmark Group,                                                                                                                Nakheel says it no longer
said it would pull all Trump                                                                                                         has any  business  associa-
home decor products at                                                                                                               tion with Trump.q

British official: No plans to ban Trump over Muslim remarks 

JILL LAWLESS                     Islamic extremists, and of-       from the U.K., where he        presidential candidates.”          victions. In the past the
Associated Press                 ficial bodies in Britain dis-     owns a Scottish golf course.   Answering questions in             U.K. has denied entry to
LONDON (AP) — Britain has        tanced themselves from            An online petition has sur-    the House of Commons,              figures as diverse as boxer
no plans to ban Donald           the Republican presiden-          passed the 100,000-signa-      Osborne said “the best             Mike Tyson, rapper Tyler
Trump over his comments          tial nomination hopeful.          ture threshold that means      way to confront the views          the Creator, radical Mus-
about Muslims despite a          A university revoked his          a committee of lawmakers       of someone like Donald             lim preachers and the late
growing number of calls          honorary degree Wednes-           must consider it for debate    Trump is to engage in a ro-        Christian fundamentalist
for his exclusion, the coun-     day, and the Scottish gov-        in Parliament.                 bust democratic argument           Fred Phelps. Sr.
try’s Treasury chief said        ernment dumped Trump              Finance minister George        with him about why he is           Robert Gordon University
Wednesday.                       as an unpaid business am-         Osborne told lawmakers         profoundly wrong.”                 in Aberdeen, in northeast
British politicians have con-    bassador.                         that Trump’s “nonsense”        The government has the             Scotland, said Wednesday
demned Trump’s proposal          Some Britons say the re-          views “fly in the face of the  power to bar people con-           it was withdrawing an hon-
for all Muslims to be barred     marks amount to hate              founding principles of the     sidered a threat to public         orary doctorate in business
from entering the U.S. in        speech and have called            United States.” But he said    safety or national security,       administration it awarded
the wake of violence by          for Trump to be barred            it would be wrong to “ban      or those with criminal con-        Trump in 2010.q
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