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U.S. NEWSThursday 10 December 2015

FBI: California shooters radicalized at least 2 years ago 

FBI Director James Comey testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2015, before                                 have been part of this, but    sidered.
the Senate Judiciary Committee. Comey said the two San Bernardino shooters were radicalized                                       these two killers were star-   Malik’s father, reached in
at least two years ago and had discussed jihad and martyrdom as early as 2013.                                                    ing to radicalize towards      Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, con-
                                                                                                                                  martyrdom and jihad as         demned his daughter’s ac-
                                                                                                          (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)  early as 2013,” said the FBI   tions and said he is “very,
                                                                                                                                  director, using an acronym     very sad... I am in such pain
ERIC TUCKER                     couple’s path toward ex-      Malik pledged allegiance                                            for the Islamic State. “And    that I cannot even de-
ASIF SHAHZAD                    tremism.                      to the group’s leader in a                                          so that’s really before ISIL   scribe it.”
Associated Press                Investigators now believe     Facebook post around the                                            became the global jihad        The father, Gulzar Ahmed
WASHINGTON (AP) — The           that Syed Rizwan Farook       time of last week’s massa-                                          leader that it is.”            Malik, has been a resident
two San Bernardino shoot-       and his wife, Tashfeen        cre — agents are still look-                                        The latest disclosure also     in the kingdom since the
ers were radicalized at         Malik, embraced radical       ing for other motivations                                           suggests that the govern-      early 1980s, the Saudi Inte-
least two years ago — well      Islamic ideology even be-     and sources of radicaliza-                                          ment’s vetting process         rior Ministry says. His daugh-
before one of them came         fore they had begun their     tion, especially because                                            failed to detect Malik’s       ter was from Pakistan but
to the U.S. on a fiancée visa   online relationship and       the couple’s interest in ex-                                        radicalization when she        traveled to Saudi Arabia. A
— and had discussed jihad       that Malik held extremist     tremism predates the terror                                         applied for the visa, though   former classmate, Afsheen
and martyrdom as early as       views before she arrived in   group’s emergence as a                                              Comey said he didn’t know      Butt, said Malik showed
2013, FBI Director James        the U.S. last year.           household name, Comey                                               enough to say whether          drastic changes after a trip
Comey said Wednesday in         Though the FBI believes the   told the Senate Judiciary                                           weaknesses in the visa pro-    to Saudi Arabia in late 2008
providing the most specific     pair was inspired in part by  Committee.                                                          cess enabled her to enter      or early 2009.
details to date about the       Islamic State ideology —      “ISIL inspiration may well                                          the U.S.                       Comey described the cou-
                                                                                                                                  “After this hearing today,     ple as an example of home-
                                                                                                                                  every American will be ask-    grown violent extremists
                                                                                                                                  ing the question, how did      who appear to have radi-
                                                                                                                                  this woman come in on a        calized “in place,” drawing
                                                                                                                                  fiancée visa?” said Sen.       a distinction between the
                                                                                                                                  Chuck Schumer, a New           San Bernardino attack and
                                                                                                                                  York Democrat and mem-         the one last month in Paris
                                                                                                                                  ber of the committee.          that officials suspect in-
                                                                                                                                  Malik came to the United       volved planning and train-
                                                                                                                                  States in July 2014 from       ing in Syria.
                                                                                                                                  Pakistan after being ap-       The FBI has revealed little
                                                                                                                                  proved for a K-1, or fian-     else of what it’s learned
                                                                                                                                  cée visa, and married Fa-      about Farook and Malik
                                                                                                                                  rook the following month.      and their planning, except
                                                                                                                                  Homeland Security Secre-       for details about the weap-
                                                                                                                                  tary Jeh Johnson has said      onry they had, materials
                                                                                                                                  the Obama administration       they had to make more
                                                                                                                                  is now reviewing the pro-      pipe bombs and that both
                                                                                                                                  gram. He did not say what      had been taking target
                                                                                                                                  changes were being con-        practice.q

Defense secretary: US ready to do more to help retake Ramadi 

DEB RIECHMANN                   ing attack helicopters and    requested by Prime Minis-                                           as the administration fac-     It was the first time that
Associated Press                accompanying advisers”        ter Haider al-Abadi, Carter                                         es criticism from Congress     Carter has testified be-
WASHINGTON (AP) — De-           if circumstances dictate      said.                                                               about its strategy to defeat   fore the committee since
fense Secretary Ash Carter      the extra assistance and if   Carter outlined the steps                                           the IS militants, reflecting   IS claimed responsibility
said Wednesday the  U.S.                                                                                                          a nation’s growing fears       for bombing a Russian air-
is willing to assist the Iraqi  Defense Secretary Ash Carter, center, followed by Joints Chiefs                                   about the threat of terror-    liner and attacks in Beirut
army with more personnel        Vice Chairman Gen. Paul Selva, are greeted on Capitol Hill in                                     ism.                           and Paris and the deadly
and attack helicopters to       Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2015, by Senate Armed Ser-                                         Carter said that during the    attack in San Bernardino,
help it fight Islamic State     vices Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., left, and                                     past several months, the       California, by a self-radical-
militants, especially in the    the committee’s ranking member Jack Reed, D-R.I., right, prior                                    U.S.-led coalition fighting    ized couple.
battle to retake a key city     to testifying before the committee’s hearing.                                                     IS in Iraq and Syria has pro-  Sen. John McCain, the Re-
in Iraq.                                                                                                                          vided specialized training     publican chairman of the
In recent days, Iraqi forces                                          (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)                         and equipment, including       committee, advocated
advanced on Ramadi, the                                                                                                           combat engineering as-         for more  U.S. troops to be
provincial capital of An-                                                                                                         sistance such as bulldoz-      sent to stem IS momentum.
bar province, retaking a                                                                                                          ing, and munitions such as     “There are 20,000 to 30,000
military operations center                                                                                                        AT-4 shoulder-fired missiles   of them. They are not gi-
and a neighborhood on                                                                                                             to stop truck bombs, to the    ants. Somebody is going to
the outskirts of the city. IS                                                                                                     Iraqi army and counter-ter-    have to convince me that
fighters captured Ramadi                                                                                                          rorism service units enter-    air power alone” is going to
in May in a major setback                                                                                                         ing Ramadi neighborhoods       do the job, McCain said.
for Iraqi troops.                                                                                                                 from multiple directions.      Carter defended the
“The United States is pre-                                                                                                        He predicted tough fight-      Obama administration’s
pared to assist the Iraqi                                                                                                         ing ahead, but said Iraqi      decision to not deploy a
army with additional                                                                                                              forces have shown resil-       heavy  U.S. ground force
unique capabilities to help                                                                                                       ience when faced with          to drive IS from Syrian and
them finish the job, includ-                                                                                                      counter-attacks from IS.       Iraqi territory. q
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